¿Prefieres que llame al servicio a domicilio o que comamos en el restaurante?

Mejor vamos al restaurante. Me apetece salir un rato.

¿Qué verbos están en subjuntivo con expresiones de influencia en la conversación?







Answer 1
La respuesta es “ir”

Related Questions

Necesito traducir la carta.
to translate
to read
to see
to give


The correct answer is to translate.
The answer is to translate. :)

qué aspecto impiden que los hombres puedan embarazarse y desarrollar un bebé dentro de sí​



Los hombres no tienen matriz y placenta.


Señala si es comunicación verbal o no verbal:

-El prospecto de los medicamentos.
-Conversación entre padre e hijo.
-Un email.
-Señal de prohibido fumar en la que aparece un
cigarrillo tachado.
-Persona poniendo cara de asombro.
-Crónica de un suceso en un periódico.
-Sirena de una ambulancia.
-Persona poniendo cara de enfado.
-Sirena de un coche de bomberos.
-Exclamación ¡Ayl Para indicar dolor.
-Luz verde de un semáforo.
-"Stop" escrito en el suelo para que los coches
-Una canción.
-Saludar con la mano.
-Mirada de tristeza.
-Un árbitro enseñando tarjeta amarilla a un
-Realizar aspavientos con las manos para
mostrar desacuerdo.
-Mensaje de texto en un teléfono móvil.
-Cara de aburrimiento de un alumno o alumna en
-Danza guerrera.

ayuda es para hoy! ;-;



no verbal


no verbal

no verbal

no verbal

no verbal

no verbal

no verbal

no verbal


no verbal

no verbal


no verbal

no verbal

Could you write this to me in English? pliss, I give crown and points

A mi me encanta ir de compras es una de mis actividades favoritas siempre que tengo tiempo libre es lo que suelo hacer. Me gusta ir a centros comerciales donde siempre hay muchas tiendas, siempre miro todas la tiendas del centro comercial para pasar el tiempo y al final solo compro en una o dos tiendas y normalmente siempre es ropa aunque hay a veces que también compro algo de comida para comérmela mientras veo ropa, para mi es una actividad relajante.Siempre suelo comprar en tiendas bastante conocidas en España como Bershka que es de donde es la mayoría de mi ropa,pero también compro en Snipes, Stradivarius, leftis, Pull and Bear...La ropa de deporte la suelo comprar en Nike O en Adidas y cuando hago compras online siempre las hago en la web de estas tiendas o en SHEIN
Yo compro tanto Online como en tiendas en las dos suelo comprar bastante y no tengo ninguna preferencia respecto a comprar Online o en tiendas físicas.
Normalmente yo sigo un estilo en específico que se llama streetwear es como un estilo bastante de chándal o de cosas anchas pero también sigo otras modas ,según la ocasión, me visto de un estilo o otro; si es para ir a una boda me pongo algún vestido que se ajusta mas a mi figura no una cosa tan ancha si es para salir de paseo me pongo algunos vaqueros y un top siguiendo el estilo streetwear. Mi marca favorita es Nike o Adidas tanto los zapatos como para ropa pero también me gustan otras que son marcas de diseñadores de moda.
Para año nuevo me pondría algo más arreglado con un vestido con alguna chaqueta y algunos zapatos más elegantes,para verano me pondría una falda con volantes y un top.



I love to go shopping, it is one of my favorite activities whenever I have free time, it is what I usually do. I like to go to shopping centers where there are always many stores, I always look at all the stores in the mall to pass the time and in the end I only buy in one or two stores and usually it is always clothes although there are sometimes that I also buy some food for Eating it while I look at clothes, for me it is a relaxing activity, I always buy in well-known stores in Spain such as Bershka, which is where most of my clothes come from, but I also buy in Snipes, Stradivarius, leftis, Pull and Bear ... I usually buy sports clothing at Nike OR Adidas and when I shop online I always do them on the website of these stores or at SHEIN

I buy both Online and in stores in both, I usually buy a lot and I have no preference regarding buying Online or in physical stores.

Normally I follow a specific style called streetwear, it is like a style of tracksuit or wide things but I also follow other fashions, depending on the occasion, I dress in one style or another; If it is to go to a wedding I wear a dress that fits my figure more not something so wide if it is to go for a walk I wear some jeans and a top following the streetwear style. My favorite brand is Nike or Adidas for both shoes and clothes but I also like others that are brands of fashion designers.

For the new year I would wear something more arranged with a dress with a jacket and some more elegant shoes, for summer I would wear a ruffled skirt and a top.


I love to go shopping, it is one of my favorite activities whenever I have free time, it is what I usually do. I like to go to shopping centers where there are always many stores, I always look at all the stores in the mall to pass the time and in the end I only buy in one or two stores and usually it is always clothes although there are sometimes that I also buy some food for Eating it while I look at clothes, for me it is a relaxing activity, I always buy in well-known stores in Spain such as Bershka, which is where most of my clothes come from, but I also buy in Snipes, Stradivarius, leftis, Pull and Bear ... I usually buy sports clothing at Nike OR Adidas and when I shop online I always do them on the website of these stores or at SHEIN

I buy both Online and in stores in both, I usually buy a lot and I have no preference regarding buying Online or in physical stores.

Normally I follow a specific style called streetwear, it is like a style of tracksuit or wide things but I also follow other fashions, depending on the occasion, I dress in one style or another; If it is to go to a wedding I wear a dress that fits my figure better, not something so wide if it is to go out for a walk I wear some jeans and a top following the streetwear style. My favorite brand is Nike or Adidas for both shoes and clothes but I also like others that are brands of fashion designers.

For the New Year I would wear something more arranged with a dress with a jacket and some more elegant shoes, for summer I would wear a ruffled skirt and a top.


Which of the following words means “pain”?




Explanation:El dolor es una experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable, que pueden experimentar todos aquellos seres vivos que disponen de un sistema nervioso central

Fill in the blank with the Spanish equivalent of the word in parantheses

Mi direccion es delascardenas(at)






Mi direccion es delascardenas

Mi direccion es delascardenas (arroba)

Fui al consultorio para comprar patines.
O True
O False


Answer:  true


Answer: true


La fiesta Cómo van a celebrar en el restaurante? Describe la comida de la fiesta segun las fotos.​


Correct answer Un cumpleaños
La comida se muy rica y el pastel delicioso y se ve que es bastante colorido

Help me do all of them



Please post the Instructuons and ill help u asap

Write about what you and your family did last night by completing the sentences
with the correct preterite form of the verb in parentheses


WORTH 100 Pts

NO need to write the full sentence. Just fill in the blanks



1. dormir

2. fueron

3. baile

4. esta

5. soy

6. soy

7. dormir

8. dormir

9. corre

10. Dijeron


Your welcome, also can you please check out the last question I asked on brainly i spent a lot of points on it :(

Tienes sed
No porque___beber agua.





Depends on the context or question


No, porque ya bebí agua


Listen to each word and match it to the consonant used in it. Drag the items on the left to the correct location on the
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
Word 50
Word 6


We can’t hear the words your gonna have to listen to it and search it up

A.  Word 3

E. Word 5

I. Word 2

O. Word 4

U. Word 1

reflexión del libro carretera el hombre ilustrado?


We Need more info so we can help you

What is the answers?


you’ve gotta work w ur ears, man. :o
We can’t help gotta do it with your ears

Translate: Ken anda con cuidado.
O Ken walks carefully
O Ken walks careful.


the answer is Ken walks carefully
it’s ken walks carefully :)!

¿Cierto o falso?

Ser profesor universitario requiere por lo menos un diploma de maestría.






Solo necesitas un bachillerato o grado superior


True (verdadero)


Describe a happy experience from your life. What happened? When did it happen? Be sure to use at least 5 complete Spanish
sentences for your response.
You will be graded on (a) pronunciation, (b) thoughtfulness of the response, and (c) overall quality and correctness of each


Mi día de felicidad es lo que yo lo llamo, era ase mucho así que no me acuerdo de todo pero era un día en el parque. Estuvimos jugando yo y mis amigos, todos estaban en el parque porque era el cumpleaños de un amigo. Recuerdo un pastel de nieve y una piñata extraño que no conocía, explotó la piñata con los golpes del palo y dulces callo. Yo y mi hermana agarramos unos dulces y los comimos, aunque ya se iba a terminar la fiesta todos nos disfrutemos con el tranquilidad. Yo pienso que era el mejor experiencia porque me di cuenta que mis amigos son los mejores.

To write a happy experience of your life, remember to use a descriptive structure and use elements of sensory language that allow the reader the opportunity for greater imagination.

Can you describe your childhood, in the Spanish language, which could look like this:

"Mi infancia fue el período más feliz de mi vida, viví en una gran granja con mis padres y abuelos, donde criamos animales y cultivamos nuestra propia comida. En cuanto cantó el gallo ya podía oler el café que entraba en mi        habitación, y entonces supe que el día estaba por comenzar" (...)

So, remember to captivate your audience through an objective and cohesive reading, with lots of details that will help the reader to imagine the text effectively.

Learn more here:

Take notes while you listen to the audio. Then answer the following question.

¿Cuál es la idea principal de este pasaje?

“La patata” es otro nombre por “la papa.”
La vainilla se originó en México.
El mundo sería muy diferente sin los productos de España.
Hay varios ingredientes populares en el mundo que vinieron de las Américas.


“La patata” es otro nombre por “la papa.”

Nombres derivados

La vainilla se originó en México.


El mundo sería muy diferente sin los productos de España.


Hay varios ingredientes populares en el mundo que vinieron de las Américas



Hay varios ingredientes populares en el mundo que vinieron de las Américas.


i got 100 on edg

I need help on this question ​


son las una y cinco


Hi, there your answer is son las una y cinco

It's the proper way to say time in spanish


Can anybody help me Please hurry



1. A&B

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. B

Explanation: <3

1. Identifica en este pequeño guion o libreto las partes. Acto 10 Escena 3 (Romeo y Julieta se escapan del jardín y se dirigen a la casa del Fray Lorenzo pasa que los case). – Romeo: (Ansioso) Fray Lorenzo, le pido que nos case en este momento. – Fray Lorenzo (Angustiado) ¡Pero como hacer eso Romeo, sus familias son enemigas desde el principio de todos los tiempos! – Julieta: Fray Lorenzo, se lo pedimos. – Fray Lorenzo: (triste) Esto es imposible, pero algo me dice que su amor si es lo posible, ¡no encuentro que hacer! Eres muy valiente al hacer todo esto Romeo, sabes la historia de las dos familias, y aun así le quieres entregar tu vida a tu amada Julieta, no tengo más que hacer, si su amor es verdadero, entonces lo haré.





A football player kicks a ball of mass 450 g with a force of 1500 N. The contact time of his shoe with the ball is 0.008 s. If the contact time is increased to 0.013 s , what is the velocity of the ball ?​


sorry I don’t have the answer but u should put this question in the math category

It is sometimes difficult to ___ when a flight is delayed.
A. hacer la maleta
B. facturar
C. tener paciencia
D. sugerir


c. tener paciencia (have patience)
C. Tener paciencia ( being patient )

I have to Change the following from the present to the past tense (el preterito). Include the subjects of the verbs in your answers please help me



Yo creía

ellos traían

El daba

Ellas iban

Ella era

Nosotros éramos

Tu traías (I'm not really sure about this one)

Yo iba

El oía

Yo me caía

Tu leias

El creía

Usted traía

Yo era

Usted iba

Ellos daban

Nosotros veíamos

Ellos oían

Tu te caias

Ellos creían

Ella traía

Ustedes eran

Tu ibas

Ustedes daban

Juan veía

Tu oias

José se caía

El niño leía

Usted creía

Nosotros traíamos

Tu eras


Los niños daban

Todo el mundo

Nadie oía

Todos se caían

Quien leía?

Nadie creía

Todos iban

Nadie iba

xfa es para un examen lo necesito ahora mismo



y onta la pregunta jajaja


Fill in the blank with the correct adjetivo posesivo: Ellos caminan a __________ escritorios.

a. nuestros
b. su
c. sus
Selected:d. mis



c. sus


The correct answer should be sus because that is the possessive adjective for ellos/ellas/ustedes. Mis is the possessive adjective for yo, but the sentence is not talking about themselves. The speaker is talking about other boys, or ellos. Additionally, it is sus and not su because the object (escritorios) is plural.

The correct answer is:

Ellis caminan a sus escritorios.

Hope this helps!

Hi :3
Pkfpufpjfjpcpkv0jvoj 9jv9jc9jfoueñtwitspitsñ




I need help with these questions



1. Limonada 2. Lechuga 3. Queso 4. Papitas 5. Manzana 6. Perro Caliente 7. Sopa de Legumbres 8. Sandwich de Jamon 9. Uvas 10. Te Frio


1 limonada, pechuga lol i need points :(

Choose the best translation:

choose the best translation


a. seda
b. bolso
c. suave
d. manga



Manga would be your best answer

Answer: d. manga

Explanation:  edge 2020



Mira, busca and olvides
Other Questions
Using the area model below, write the standard form of the product.- 3x2.x2-14x5 Create an adverbial modifier and an adjectival modifier for each of the sentences below (You will have ten sentences in total): The tulips are finally blooming The children annoyed the neighbors The carpet matches the furniture The water glistened in the light Thunderstorms frightened the residents Which of the following actions occurs during DNA replication? the Satya Vansh become an important dynasty in the world of A company produces two products, A and B, which have profits of $9 and $7, respectively. Each unit of product must be processed on two assembly lines, where the required production times are as follows. Product Hours/Unit Line 1 Line 2 A 12 4 B 4 8 Total hours 60 40 a) Formulate a linear programming model to determine the optimal product mix that will maximize profit. b) Transform this model into standard form. 1. Which of the following is a nonlinear function?A. The items at a clothing store are sold at a discount of 20% off the original price.B. The number of dogs in a town increases by 20 per neighborhood per year.C. A soccer manufacturing company spends $5 on each soccer ball.OD. The number of students enrolling at a high school increases each year by a factor of 1.25. Find the reciprocal of 4i 1/4ii/-4i/416i 3 cm8 cmFind surface area of cylinder Number the events in chronological order.The French Revolution begins.Napoleon Bonaparte invades Spain.Mexico becomes an independent nation.Simn Bolvar wins the Battle of Ayacucho in Peru.Toussaint Louverture leads a successful revolt against French rule.Miguel Hidalgo's el grito de Dolores marks the beginning of the Mexican rebellion. Umm can someone help me lol Where do Venezuelans live in nyc? Pls can someone help me plz I could use some help on this WILL MARK YOU IF YOU HELP ME PLEASE!! HCl(aq) and KOH(aq) Express your answer as a balanced chemical equation. Identify all of the phases in your answer. 2) Find the measure of angle b 1. Mars states that of the M&M's they produce for their regular bags of M&M's that 20% areyellow, 20% are red, 10% are orange, 10% are blue, 10% are green, and the rest are browna. If you were to pick an M&M at random, what is the probability that:i. It is brown?It is yellow or orange?It is NOT green? An elderly customer has gifted stock from her brokerage account to her four children every year for the last 20 years, with the gift amount set at the annual IRS gift tax exclusion amount. You receive a phone call from the customer's oldest daughter stating that her mother is suffering from advanced dementia and has been moved to a long-term care facility. She instructs you to make the annual stock gift distributions to herself and her siblings. You should: A follow the daughter's instructions because the eldest adult child has automatic power of attorney over a parent's account under common law if the parent becomes mentally incompetent B follow the daughter's instructions only if she can produce a durable power of attorney that was signed by her mother C follow the daughter's instructions because there is an established 20-year pattern of giving stock gifts from the mother's account to her children D not follow the daughter's instructions under any circumstances and only take direction from the mother because the mother is still living What is the value of y?A.25 B.35 C.100 D.50 Please help me its important for me i will give brainlest You can be hydrated and have hyponatremia?True or false