

Answer 1
Plot diagram showing a typical story

Related Questions

Type your response in the box.
Does the Giant represent a dynamic or static character in The Selfish Giant? Include examples from the story to support your response.


Mark Brainliest please


The Giant in Oscar Wilde's short story for children "The Selfish Giant" is a dynamic character.


Dynamic character is one whose personality changes over the course of the story as a result of his/her experiences in the story.

Which sentence option is punctuated correctly?
A. If Jenn, goes to summer camp like I want her to I hope she is in
my cabin.
B. If Jenn goes to summer camp, like I want her to, I hope she is in
my cabin.
O C. If Jenn goes to summer camp like I want her to I hope, she is in
my cabin.
O D. If Jenn goes to summer camp, like I want her to I hope she is in my



Answer is B.


If Jenn goes to summer camp, like I want her to, I hope she is in my cabin.

Answer. b:


Explanation apex. :

Queen of 10
Why does formal proge need to be carefully organized?



Option A (To give.........meaning) is the appropriate response.


The kind of formal prose represents some significant decisions or communication methods. It does have to be meticulously structured since you are transmitting knowledge in a rational, financial business kind of approach.The stronger one's communications seem to be structured, much smarter users were true.

The provided circumstance also isn't linked to other alternatives. This is the right reply.

Amanda Rose loved baseball. Even though she was only six years old, she
had been a passionate baseball fan for several years. She watched as many
games as she could on television, consistently rooting for her favorite
teams. When she was not watching baseball, she was running around her
neighborhood trying to convince kids on her block to play her FAVORITE
game with her. She also loved talking about her FAVORITE sport with her
father, who was also a baseball fan. One Saturday, her father surprised her
with two tickets to see her FAVORITE team take on their rivals. She was ecstatic!
The student has used FAVORITE too many times. Choose TWO words to replace the word.*
A. Winning
B. Beloved
C. Enjoyable
D. Hometown
E. Preferred


Beloved and preferred

escribir una conversación similar sobre música. Usa las estrategias de conversación que escuchaste en la grabación.
please help me
ayudame por favor es de ingles ustedes pongamelo en español y despues lo tradusco





uno dos tres kwatro singko sais syete otso nwebe

"she is ebony beauty "what figure of speech is it​



metaphor because it says "is"

Which of these is punctuated correctly?
O "Oh, hang Smiley and his afflicted cow!" I muttered good-naturedly, and bidding the old gentleman good-day, I departed.
Oh, hang Smiley and his afflicted cow! I muttered good-naturedly, and bidding the old gentleman good-day, I departed.
"Oh, hang Smiley and his afflicted cow! I muttered good-naturedly," and bidding the old gentleman good-day. I departed.
"Oh, hang Smiley and his afflicted cow! I muttered good-naturedly, and bidding the old gentleman good-day, I departed."



Option A


"Oh, hang Smiley and his afflicted cow!" I muttered good-naturedly, and bidding the old gentleman good-day, I departed.

Please mark me as brainliest.

Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, and that





im sure, im sorry if im wrong but have a good day!


whom, i think so


What is a "filter bubble?"
a) the way in which we tend to encounter only information and opinions that we agree with,
online and in person
b) the way in which the internet filters information so that we see and interact only with good
c) the way in which information filters down to us through the news media but not social
d) the way in which we collect information from a wide variety of sources on the internet



The answer to your question is b/a


Hello There!!


I believe the answer is↬a) the way in which we tend to encounter only information and opinions that we agree with, online and in person.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


David was sitting in his hotel room reading a book, when he heard a knock at the door, and the sound of someone trying the door handle. He opened the door,
where he saw a man whom he had never seen before. The man said, "I'm terribly sorry... I thought this was my room. Wrong floor, I guess. He then walked
off down the hall toward the elevator. David went back into his room, thought about what had just happened, and then phoned the front desk, suggesting they
call the police, since the man at the door had obviously been a thief.
Why was David so sure the man had been a thief?




Why would a random man cone to david

[tex]why \: people \: do \: not \: trust \: on \: me \: {?} \\ \\ change \: this \: sentence \: in \: positive[/tex]



people do trust on me

hope it is helpful to you


****I trust in you, ****

I need a drawing of the secret garden entrance from, The Secret Garden. I need it done quickly though as I don't have much time. I need the drawing to not look professional and don't need the drawing to be drawn from an average drawer. That's all I need thanks.



sorry im not good with this


i hope you understand

Please help if you know the answer plz and thank you



the answer for the synonym for the word ancient is early

What two ideas are being compared?
A. A shriek and a surprise
B. Change and home
C. Change and a shriek
D. A shriek and home



The answer is a Change and a shriek(C).

What elements should be included in a paragraph that evaluates a writer’s argument? Select three options.

a brief biography of the writer
a summary of the writer's claim
an analysis of the writer's concluding statements
an analysis of the writer's reasons and evidence
a response to the writer's position saying if it is right or wrong


Answer: A,B,D

Explanation: edge 2022


B: a summary of the writer's claim

C: an analysis of the writer's concluding statements

D: an analysis of the writer's reasons and evidence

my dog ------ carrots

a. love eating
b. likes eat
c. enjoys eating
d. lives eat​



C makes the most since in the sentence.


Read this paragraph.
What is the conflict in the excerpt?
O character versus self
O character versus character
O character versus society
O character versus nature
Claire marveled at her little brother's flawless dive. It
looked effortless now, but she knew he had spent weeks
perfecting the arch of his body and the point of his toes.
She wanted to have a dive like that-the type people
stop and watch. Still, she could not bring herself to
attempt it. After all, her brother's first twenty or so dives
had been awful, with knees and elbows flailing. Claire
shuddered to imagine looking like that in clear view of the
entire pool population. And the whole head-first concept
seemed intimidating. She wondered if her hands would
reach the bottom of the pool. Maybe some day. But for
now, she decided she would just watch.


character versus self

How are the speakers’ senses of self-esteem similar in "A Thought on the Inestimable Blessing of Reason" and "Deliverance From Another Sore Fit"?



In both poems, the speakers consider themselves insignificant. ... In both poems, the speakers express great doubt as to their abilities.


Writea essay of .My favourite mythological character​





Daedalus is a character from Greek mythology, a famous artist and craftsman known for his numerous inventions, as well as for building the Labyrinth on Crete. He is also known as the father of Icarus; he made wings for Icarus and himself to escape from Crete by air together. The story of Icarus and Daedalus is told in a Roman source, Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”; the Isle of Crete was blocked by the order of King Minos, but Daedalus wanted to return to his home, Athens. Thus, he devised the wings for himself and his young son; but the son disobeyed his instructions and sank in the sea.1 It is stated that Daedalus is a symbol of the ability of Athenians to invent and solve extremely complicated problems. Making The Labyrinth is one of the embodiments of this ability; creating the wings enabling people to fly is another.


Artemis is the Ancient Greek goddess of wild animals and hunting, of fertility and virginity; she is also the embodiment of femininity. This daughter of Zeus and Leto is usually portrayed as a huntress with a bow and arrows, sometimes accompanied by a deer. According to one of the myths, Agamemnon angered Artemis during the Troyan War by slaying one of her animals. Agamemnon was advised to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to appease the goddess.2 Apparently, the Ancient Greeks, who very much disliked human sacrifice, believed Artemis to be rather cruel and ruthless if they thought she would wish Iphigenia to be sacrificed. That the goddess of femininity and virginity possessed such traits is not surprising; it was common in that (rather a sexist) culture to think of women as of ruthless and cunning beings.


Medusa, a mythical being of the Ancient Greece, was one of the three of the Gorgon sisters, the only one mortal among them. She had the appearance of a hideous human female with snakes instead of hair; her gaze was able to turn anyone into stone permanently. Ovid tells the story of how Perseus beheaded Medusa in order to protect her mother from Polydectes, who fell in love with her and whom Perseus believed to be dishonorable.3

Numerous gods helped Perseus and equipped him for battle so that he could slay Medusa. Thus, Perseus killed one woman in order to protect another. Interestingly, late classical myths state that Medusa was at first a beautiful woman who offended Athena and was transformed into a beast of malevolence, an embodiment of female rage. Thus, Medusa was first abused by one woman, and then slain to save another, which, perhaps, also shows the attitude of the Ancient Greek (male-dominated) culture towards women.


Heracleidae, or Heraclids, were the numerous descendants of the Ancient Greek hero Heracles and his multiple consorts. The words are most often used to denote the descendants of the oldest son of Heracles, Hyllus, one of the generations of whom were able to capture the Peloponnesus, a land once owned by Heracles. According to Euripides, the children of Heracles were pursued by the Herald Copreus working for King Eurystheus, who was responsible for many of Heracles’ problems and thought the hero’s sons would take revenge on him.4 The play finishes with the death of Eurystheus; other myths state that Heraclids would recapture the Peloponnesus later. According to some historical hypotheses, the recapture is associated with the Dorian invasion, which might have taken place in the latter half of the 2nd millennium B.C. These hypotheses reflect the fact that some historical events often might stand beyond the stories told in myths and beliefs.

Seven against Thebes

Seven against Thebes is the third (and the only one extant) part of Aeschylus’ trilogy about Oedipus; it was first staged in 467 B.C. The story starts when Polynices leads an army to Thebes in order to take power from Eteocles; both are sons of Oedipus, who married his own mother and, having learned of it, left their children to divide the kingdom via bloodshed. According to the story, Polynices leads six other heroes to attack and capture Thebes; there are seven bloody battles, in which most of the heroes die.

Tydeus, a fallen hero, even eats the brains of Melanippus.5 Noteworthy, the story was written circa 467 B.C., approximately 10-12 years after the unsuccessful invasion of Xerxes supported by Thebes; thus, Thebes was rather disliked by the other polises. It is, therefore, not surprising that the cruelty, greed, and other adversities of human nature are depicted as attributes of Thebans.

Can u answer these questions for me please



6. C. plants and other organisms that live together in a space

7. 1. water vapor condenses into droplets

2. droplets fall

3. moisture releases from leaves

4. water vapor rises

write a diary entry expressing your feelings on how you felt after you left your home to the new place​


Answer:   hello diary im back its been a stressful day we moved today but to be honest i dont know how to feel about it im happy because i get to meet new people but im sad i left my friends back at my old house.I dont know what to expect here but you never know if it could be fun. thats all for today talk to you next time.


Which of the following sentences uses sequential organization?
O A. While I enjoy watching movies, I prefer to read books because I'd
rather visualize the story in my mind than watch it on the screen.
O B. When you arrive at the hotel you must check-in, unpack, and come
down to the dining room by 6:00 pm.
O C. If you cannot find any paper on the table, please look in the drawer
in the office.
O D. If you look to the north, you will see a large boulder on the right
and a pine tree on the left.



D: and somehow B as well. Both are in sequences but B verbs are somehow incorrect so I would like to chose DD)

the answer is d!i hope it helps lol

Identify the incorrect word in the sentence: Nina said that nobody's shoes are as muddy as
hers's or mine.
O nobody's
O hers's
O mine
O no error


Nobody’s . I’m pretty sure that’s the answer


I’d say b is the correct answer


“Never use her's, as it is never correct. Only hers is the correct form of the possessive pronoun. Hers is a pronoun that replaces the word in a sentence for an object that a woman possesses. Her's is a common incorrect way to write hers.”

You are helping your friend by peer-editing his research paper on the Japanese Americans during World War II. He is worried that he might have misused some words or made other bad choices. Rewrite the paragraphs below.

Prisoners lived in prison cells but were allowed to engage in hobbies and do their cooking. The reason for letting them have hobbies and cook was because it made them easier to control. In June 1943, the internees were moved to INS facilities, but German POWs were kept in the Stringtown facility for the remainder of the war. They were later moved to army sights. The facility was closed by the army in 1943. Near the end of the war, the facility may have been used as a state hospital, but it was returned to its original prison in 1945. The Stringtown facility is now called the Mack Alford Correctional Center, a medium-security prison.
The three alien internment camps have not left any evidence of their existence, but three of the four aliens who died imprisoned in Oklahoma still lie in cemeteries in the state.



Prisoners that once lived on prison were allowed to engage in hobbies and do their cooking. The reason for letting them have hobbies and cook was because it made them easier to control. In June 1943, the internees were moved to INS facilities, but German POWs were kept in the Springtown facility for the remainder of the war. So then they were moved to army sights. Near the end of the war, the facility may have been used as a state hospital, but it was returned to its original prison in 1945. The Springtown facility is now called the Mack Alford Correctional Center, a medium-security prison.

what is the type of poem I wandered lonely as a cloud​


This poem is a short lyric, a relatively brief poem that describes the speaker’s emotions. Lyrics don’t so much tell a story as describe a subjective experience. Wordsworth chose this form not only to express his strong feelings about nature, but also because the lyric has a simplicity and directness that itself seems natural

why do people do bad things knowing it bad​



sometimes people havw been doing it for awhile and they are used to it. poeple get satisfaction doing bad things because it benefits them in some way but doesnt benefit other people. usually people only care ablut them selfes and not other people

Xylem carries water and nutrients from the soil to the leaves.

True ?






The basic functions of Xylem is to carry water and nutrients to all parts of the plant including the leaves

What are your thoughts on türkey ?



i dont know i dont know much about ut


they are really good food


I rate them 10/10

What type of figurative language is this? "Late afternoons, practicing my baton in the firebreak, angrily i would throw him into the air and watch him twirl, and catch him, and throw him high, again and again and again". :)





#hopeithelpsmark me as brain liest pls

Write a letter to your best friend describing about your school.​



Hi! This is a pretty personal question so it'll be hard to answer but I understand sometimes it can be pretty hard to write things if you're not very passionate about the topic, so I'm going to give you a list and you can use it for direction!

What are the fun parts about your school?

Where is your favorite place in the school?

Do you get to socialize a lot or is it more focused on academics?

Who are your favorite teachers?

Where, when you were struggling was a good place to get help?

Is the cafeteria food good?

What is your favorite subject?

What are some clubs you know about/are in?

What are the halls like (loud, crowded, quiet, etc)?

What is your school mascot or your school colors?

Do you have spirit days or other events?

Did you get to go on any field trips?

Hope this gives you some ideas!

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