how were the contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei to the scientific revolution similar


Answer 1


The contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei to the scientific revolution were similar in that Both scientists challenged ideas supported by the Roman Catholic Church. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) was a Poland astronomer had a major discovery that challenged the beliefs of the Catholic Church.


Related Questions

Which of the following colonies offered the least amount of social equality among its settlers ?



My gut instinct says the southern colonies had the least amount of social equality, you were either a wealthy land  owner who had privilage and rights or you wroked the land. There was no inbetween


Which statement best summarizes the process of the abolition of slavery in the United States?
A. The U.S. government decided to abolish slavery to follow the example of European powers.
B. Slave owners agreed to abolish slavery in order to prevent a slave rebellion like the Haitian Revolution.
C. The abolition movement gradually outlawed slavery using a series of legal challenges.
D. The abolition movement struggled for decades, but it took a war to achieve its goals.





since a series of legal challenges were used to outlaw slavery

The abolition movement gradually outlawed slavery using a series of legal challenges: which best summarizes the process of the abolition of slavery in the United States. Thus, option C is the correct option.

What was the abolition movement a movement to outlaw?

The 1800s saw a number of actions taken to abolish slavery, which is referred to as the Abolition Movement. Antislavery efforts in the US got their start during the colonial era. There was no national movement in America until William Lloyd Garrison launched his campaign in the early 1830s, despite the Quakers of Pennsylvania opposing slavery from its origin and emphasizing the necessity of stopping evil actions and maintaining the activities God desired in society.

The America Anti-Slavery Society was founded in December 1833 as a result of a meeting of the three most active antislavery groups—the Philadelphia Quakers, the New England Garrisonians, and the New York Reformers—and emancipated black people.

Learn more about the abolition movement here:


how long the world war 2 end?​



World War II ended six years and one day after Germany's invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, sparked the 20th century's second global conflict.

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to expose the Tammany hall corruption


hope that helps

Why does the Gettysburg address still resonate with Americans today?


Yes hope this helps you


Bidens America

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Because old people like baskets because it makes them think of they're childhood


because and because

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Why did the United States government incarcerate Japanese Americans during World War II? (claim,evidence,reasoning)


Answer: The government wanted to keep Japanese-Americans far from military installations and manufacturing plants. The United States viewed interned Issei and Nisei as prisoners of war. At four main internment camps, these individuals awaited hearings.




Many Americans worried that citizens of Japanese ancestry would act as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government. Fear — not evidence — drove the U.S. to place over 127,000 Japanese-Americans in concentration camps for the duration of WWII. Over 127,000 United States citizens were imprisoned during World War II.

How did the women in the military contribute to the war effort?
A. By serving in combat missions
B. By transporting equipment to combat zones
C. By conducting bombing runs in combat zones
D. By devising military strategies


Answer:I would say b


because they were kept out of the direct line of fire since the men didnt think that they could do as much work such as the women being nurses

i hope this helps i dont know what the cotent you are reading this for

¿En qué consistió el levantamiento de los comuneros?



Espero te sirva


Suerte ok

Which country launched a surprise attack against the U.S. Navy stationed at
Pearl Harbor, leading the United States to enter World War II?


Answer: Japan

Explanation: On December 7, 1941, Japan staged a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, decimating the US Pacific Fleet. When Germany and Italy declared war on the United States days later, America found itself in a global war.


It was a Japanese force


B . Country D

What similarities were there between the Trail of Tears and the Seminole Wars?



                  How did the Byzantine empire differ from the Roman Empire?

Called themselves Romans

people spoke Latin

the people and culture were different


Its most common religion was Christianity

people spoke Greek

people didn't speak Latin.                                                                                                                                                                          


how has gay liberation change discrimination in the last 50 years? how has it stayed the same?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

How has gay liberation change discrimination in the last 50 years?

It has been a very difficult road for gay people but in recent years they have earned the respect they deserved. However, as some historians say, it is still a work in progress.

Today, in general terms, people show respect for gay people. Like them or not, they at least respect them. Gay people have gained many spaces in the workplace and in the corporate world. This is part of the policies of diversity established by corporations.

How has it stayed the same?

There is still too much criticism and hate against gay people. Since those days in the summer of 1969, when gay people gathered and protested in teh streets, clashed with the New York police outside the gay bar Stonewall Inn., hate against these people has been the constant in most states of the Union.

There are many people that really cannot tolerate gays and prefer to turn their backs when they see one.

How does Rhodes quote relate to imperialism?



The quote is: "It is our duty to seize every opportuinty of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race. More of the best, the most human, most honorable race the world possesses."




i dont understand


 European empires became less concerned with spreading Christianity and western beliefs. European empires began to implement more tolerant policies towards other racial groups


please help no links or i’ll report it’s multiple choice! question 40



It's b) because it states 'must have a nation of their own', therefore, it is the creation of Israel.

Hope this helped!

¿En qué medida la expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue la principal causa de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para contestar la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿En qué medida la expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue la principal causa de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956?

La expansión de la Unión Soviética en Europa del Este fue una de las principales causas de la intensificación de la Guerra Fría en los años 1945-1956 porque el gobierno de los Estados Unidos estaba decido a detener la expansión del Comunismo en diferentes países del mundo.

Durante la Guerra Fría, la Unión Soviética tenía el objetivo de incrementar su presencia en el mundo para expandir el sistema Comunista.

Ya lo había conseguido en Europa del este, al controlar países como Checoslovaquia, Alemania del Este, Bulgaria; Romania, Polonia y Hungría.

La Unión Soviética tenía en la mira a Corea y por esa razón apoyó a Corea del Norte, y ahí es cuando las cosas se complicaron más porque los Estados Unidos decidieron apoyar a Corea del Sur.

Lo mismo sucedió en Vietnam, la URSS apoyó a Vietnam del Norte, y los Estados Unidos respaldaron a Vietnam del Sur. Y en Cuba, la URSS apoyó totalmente el movimiento revolucionaría de Fidel Castro, incrementando la tensión entre la Unión Soviética y los Estados Unidos.  

What was the network of people who helped thousands of slaves escape to the North
by providing transportation and hiding places?
A. The Antislavery Movement
B. The Civil Rights Movement
C. The Abolitionist Movement
D. The Underground Railroad



D The Underground Railroad


D. The Underground Railroad

Why did Roosevelt and Truman push for other countries to adopt democratic governments ? Answer fast!!!


To prevent communism

What was the practice of impressment designed to do?



The practice of impressment was to force sailors from either a foreign country or a private ship to instantly join the warship's navy. It was heavily used by Great Britain, leading to outrage in the US and the War of 1812.

Which is most true of Jim Crow laws?A. They were enacted mostly in the South.B. They were designed to end racial discrimination.C. They were enacted mostly in the North.D. They were designed to counter the Black Code laws.E. The were enacted as only a stop-gap procedure.



A is ur answer


Your answer would definitely be “A” since all other options contradict what the crow laws.

Which of the following was not a way that people first migrated to the islands of Oceania?

A: Small Raft
B: Airplane
C: Canoe
D: Land Bridge


A small raft I think so

Hy does Mr. Frank ask the Van Daans to hide with them? * 5 points Mrs. Van Daan begged for help Mr. Van Daan helped Mr. Frank when he first moved They had been family friends for years Mr. Van Daan was willing to pay



Mr. Van Daan helped Mr. Frank when he first moved.


In "The Diary of a Young Girl," Annie Frank records her family's life during their time hiding away from the Germans. The diary would become one of the most famous books to be read and studied by students all over the world.

The Van Daans were family friends with the Franks, although the family had never met each other except for the two head-of families, Mr. Frank and Mr. van Daan. It so happened that Mr. Van Daan had helped Mr. Frank when he first arrived in Amsterdam.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

What rights does California’s constitution protect in addition to those listed in the Bill of Rights found in the US Constitution?



enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.

Match the religions with the statements.

Though a minority in India, only Pakistan and Indonesia have more of these followers.

This religion combines elements of Hinduism and Buddhism.

This is the largest religion in India.

William Carey, the Father of Modern Missions,translated this religion's scriptures into different East Asian languages.

Followers of this religion believe peace can only be experienced by giving up all earthly desires.



Mantras existed in the historical Vedic religion, Zoroastrianism and the Shramanic traditions, and thus they remain important in Buddhism and Jainism as well as other faiths of Indian origin such as Sikhism.Hinduism is an ancient religion with the largest religious grouping in India, with around 966 million adherents as of 2011, composing 79.8% of the population.Appointed in 1801 to teach Bengali, Sanskrit, and Marathi at Fort William College, Carey translated the Bible into Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Hindi, Assamese, and Sanskrit.Jun 5, 2021

Founder of: English Baptist Missionary Society

Subjects of study: Bengali language; Indian languages

Died: June 9, 1834 (aged 72); India

Born: August 17, 1761; Paulerspury, England

Jainism teaches that the path to enlightenment is through nonviolence and reducing harm to living things (including plants and animals) as much as possible.

Match the statements about the following religions.

Only Pakistan and Indonesia have more of these adherents, albeit they are a minority in India.This faith blends aspects of Buddhism and Hinduism.Hinduism is the most prevalent religion in India.The scriptures of this faith were translated into various East Asian languages by William Carey, the Founder of Modern Missions: ChristianityBuddhism adherents say that the only way to find tranquility is to renounce all earthly aspirations.

What do Hindus believe?

Hindus adhere to the tenets of samsara (the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect).

As a result, the religions that are described above correspond to the statements.

Learn more about Hinduism here:



Also don't mind the answer I chose, it was on accident.



its probably D, things that Edison and Einstein had in common..


Things that Edison and Einstein had in common

Is North Korea a capitalist country



yea I think so



North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, continues to be a Juche socialist state under the rule of the Workers' Party of Korea.


So no

Why did British Prime Minister Winston Churchill insist on fighting the Nazis instead of negotiating with them?


"Churchill was at pains to say in his memoirs that he was never going to negotiate with Germany, but it is clear that in 1940 he had not ruled out talking to a non-Hitler German government," said Professor Reynolds. ... This too was played down when Churchill came to writing The Second World War.
He felt like if countries were tolerating & enabling Hitler, Hitler would think he could get away with anything. It’s like a baby crying in a market for candy & the parent constantly giving their way. If the parents says no, the kid won’t ask for it.

All of the following are true statements about the Homestead Act except a thousands of people didn't last the five years required by the Homestead Act. b ten times more of the public land ended up in the hands of land speculators than farmers. c about a half million families carved out new homes in the 40 years after its passage. d the standard 160 acres provided to farmers proved to be inadequate on the rain-scarce Great Plains. e it was consistent with previous government public land policy designed primarily to raise revenue for government



e. It was consistent with previous government public land policy designed primarily to raise revenue for government.


The Homestead Act was a Civil War-era Act enacted by President Abraham Lincoln May on 20, 1862. This law enabled and provided Americans almost free access to acquire lands covering 160 acres.

All of the given statements are true except that it was consistent with the previous government’s public land policy. This previous policy was designed to help increase the revenue for the government whereas the Homestead Act was done to expand Westward settlement. The legislation was also open to people from all walks of life, including women, former slaves, and immigrants.

Thus, the correct answer is option e.

what is french reveletouion


The French Revolution was a period in France when the people overthrew the monarchy and took control of the government. The Revolution began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s

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