You are testing the biceps strength in a young man following a spinal trauma from a motor vehicle accident. He cannot lift his hand upward, but if the arm is abducted to 90 degrees, he can then move his forearm side to side. This would represent which muscle strength grading?


Answer 1


This would represent a 2/5 grade muscle strength grading.


Muscle strength grading can be described as a system which by physical therapists (PTs) employ to determine how a muscle or set of muscles is working.

Manual muscle testing (MMT) is employed to gauge muscle strength on a five-point scale which 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, and 5/5.

The relevant muscle strength grading to this question is a 2/5 muscle strength grading.

A 2/5 muscle strength grading is the grade that is assigned to a muscle that can contract but not fully move a body part against gravity. When gravity is lowered or eliminated by a change in body posture, the body component will be able to move through its full range of motion.

Therefore, this would represent a 2/5 grade muscle strength grading.

Related Questions

During your shift at the clinic, a young man arrives with a red, scaly rash formed into rings. What is this patient’s diagnosis likely to be? What causes this condition? How can he avoid this rash in the future?


Ringworm. It is cause by a fungus that is spread easily with skin to skin contact. Frequent washing of hands, keeping skin clear and dry, and wearing shower shoes in the shower can be beneficial.


The young man characterized with red scaly rash formed to rings is likely to be diagnosed with severe skin irritation which is caused when the skin contacts irritants such jewellery, necklaces and other materials made from gold, silver and bronze. The young man can only ovoid skin rash in future by stopping wearing necklace, jewellery and all materials made from gold and other valuable minerals.


Identify which of the following are high risk lines? A discussion with the provider must occur about line replacement or removal daily. Select all that apply 1. Femoral lines 2. Central line in right internal jugular 3. A line that is 8 days old. 4 a line that was placed emergent. 5 pic lines


yeah i’m is how i you can relate to that how you do with your hair 55- days and you have a

tóc rụng nhiều do nguyên nhân gì


Rụng tóc nhiều là thiếu chất gì ... Nguyên nhân rụng tóc ở nữ chủ yếu là do thiếu chất, dẫn đến rối loạn quá trình chuyển hóa trong cơ thể.

The compliance department may re-direct communication that are not related to compliance? True or False





4. Which of the following supplements assists in muscle contraction, immunity, and regulation of blood sugar?


Answer:Epinefrina, cortisol y hormona de crecimiento:

Ellas, junto con el glucagón (ver arriba) se llaman hormonas del “estrés” o “contrarreguladoras de la glucosa”, lo que significa que hacen que se eleve el azúcar en sangre.

Explanation:dame corona

Which of the following is most likely to cause Foodborne illness



didn't put any options. but cross contamination is one

You are transcribing a report you notice it is a report about The report states that the test run for multiple is You had spoken to your neighbor yesterday and she was concerned she from her provider and was wondering the results of her tests. What shoukd you do?




As far as I know, If you are transcribing the report and you see some personal health information about a person you know, the right thing to do is DO NOT TELL OR SPEAK about the details of the report to anyone (even to the person the report belongs to).

Let their primary care providers report the results to the person the report belongs to. If you do choose to report it, then it will be a HIPAA violation which could result in horrible things such as jailtime, fines, and on top of that the neighbor can file Breach of Privacy Lawsuits based on your state's law.

Answer: Do NOT tell them, no matter how curious.

Disclosure of medical information without authorization is a violation of HIPPA code.

Do you think the city you live in would fall on a list for fittest or fattest cities? Why? What are some ways that you see your city promoting healthy habits or room for improvement in terms of fitness and overall health?



This is up to you. If you think the majority of people in your city are very fit/athletic, say so. If you think otherwise, explain as well. Then show some ways you can get people to be healthier. For example: Eating less junk food, by promoting healthy foods!

A teenager has a 28-day menstrual cycle. If her menstruation begins on the 5th of March, on which date would ovulation take place?​


18 of March and fertile window starts 14 of March

A liquid waste product eliminated from the blood


The answer is urine because it is a liquid waste that filters blood.




a liquid waste product eliminated from the blood is urine lol

An average person may lose what maximum quantity of blood
without suffering adverse affects?


Answer: gallon


I'm o so sorry if u get this wrong I'm not really smart


1 pint.


A gallon would be too much, leading you to die.

Same with the quart option answers.

Which strategy is used by public health to reduce the incidence of f?
O A. Disease diagnosis
B. Hospitalization
O c Drug therapy
O D. Hygiene education


Answer: Hygiene education


The strategy is used by public health to reduce the incidence of flu is referred to as hygiene education.

Hygiene education refers to the teaching practices that's used for the keeping of our homes, bodies, and our natural surroundings clean.

Hygiene education is important as it's used in stopping the spread of diseases especially those that are carried through water.


Answer: Hygiene education


Test appoved

Una fórmula para jarabe contiene 1/8 gr de fosfato de codeina por cucharadita.
¿Cuántos g de fosfato de codeina son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe?



11.83 gramos de fosfato de codeína son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe.


Dado que una fórmula para jarabe contiene 1/8 gr de fosfato de codeína por cucharadita, para determinar cuántos gramos de fosfato de codeína son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe se debe realizar el siguiente cálculo:

1 cucharada = 5 mililitros

1 pinta = 473.176 mililitros

5 = 1/8

473.176 = X

473.176 x 1/8 / 5 = X

59.147 / 5 = X

11.8294 = X

Por lo tanto, 11.83 gramos de fosfato de codeína son necesarios para preparar una pinta de jarabe.

porque es importante para vacunarse por cov id 19



Entonces estas protegido


So you are protected

1. How does a green school conserve energy?

A) Reduce hazardous waste.

B) Turn off computers when unused.

C) Fix leaking water pipes.

D) Start a club to educate the public about recycling.

2. Which items are commonly recycled?

Choose exactly 3 answers that are correct.

A) soda cans

B) newspapers

C) empty milk jugs

D) clothes contaminated with blood

3. How can water pollution be reduced?

A) Pick up nonhazardous litter.

B) Use nonbiodegradable dish soap.

C) Throw batteries away.

D) Pour paint down the drain.

4. Which example shows conservation?

A) using paper towels instead of a sponge to clean up a mess

B) leaving lights on after leaving a room

C) setting the thermostat to a lower temperature in the hot summer

D) turning the water off when brushing one's teeth

5. Which statement about natural resources is true?

A) Nonrenewable resources are easily replaced.

B) Renewable resources are difficult to replenish.

C) Conservation uses more natural resources than needed.

D) Renewable resources need to be protected.



1. B) Turn off computers when unused.


A) soda cans

B) newspapers

C) empty milk jugs

3. A) Pick up nonhazardous litter.

4. D) turning the water off when brushing one's teeth

5. D) Renewable resources need to be protected.

A green school conserves energy by turning off computers when unused (B); items that are commonly recycled are soda cans, newspapers, and empty milk jugs; Water pollution can be reduced by picking up nonhazardous litter (A); an example of conservation is turning the water off when brushing one's teeth (D); and the statement about natural resources is true. Renewable resources need to be protected (D).

What is recycling?

A green school can conserve energy in many ways, such as by turning off lights and computers when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, and using natural lighting whenever possible. By reducing energy consumption, a green school can reduce its carbon footprint and help protect the environment. Commonly recycled items include soda cans, newspapers, empty milk jugs, and Water pollution can be reduced by picking up nonhazardous litter, using non-toxic cleaning products, and properly disposing of hazardous waste. Renewable resources need to be protected. Renewable resources, such as solar, wind, and water power, are natural resources that can be replenished over time.

Hence, a green school conserves energy by turning off computers when unused (B); items that are commonly recycled are soda cans, newspapers, and empty milk jugs (A); water pollution can be reduced by picking up nonhazardous litter (C); an example of conservation is turning the water off when brushing one's teeth (D); and the statement about natural resources is true. Renewable resources need to be protected (D).

Learn more about recycling here


If a person is diagnosed with a mental disorder and substance abuse, that person has risk factors for _____.
a social disorder
a mood disorder




If a person is diagnosed with a mental disorder and substance abuse, that person has risk factors for a mood disorder

Which of the following statements about developing a personal fitness program is NOT true?
When developing a personal fitness program, it is important to implement strategies that will help maintain the program as well as give it a successful start.
Personal factors such as age, health concerns, and likes are important to consider when developing a personal fitness program.
The starting skill level of the physical activities included in a personal fitness program should be determined from other individuals' fitness programs.
The FITT principle should be used when developing a personal fitness program


Answer: I would say C


The statement on C makes more sense

As the school health nurse, one of your students is an 11-year-old boy with a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Recently, he has been experiencing behavioral difficulties in class and an increase in his anxiety. His family structure consists of a same-sex couple, whom he refers to as Ma and Mamasan, and minimal extended family. There is a known history of substance abuse in Mamasan. When you meet with the student today, he appears disheveled, is dressed in visibly soiled clothes, has lost a significant amount of weight and appears extremely thin, and smells of marijuana. You know from speaking to his teachers that he has been caught smoking outside before school starts for the day with several other boys known to use marijuana. You recall that children of substance abusers may inherit a predisposition to alcoholism and substance abuse. a. Given the student’s presentation, how will you proceed from here? What is your planned intervention?


Answer:        Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder that affects how you pay attention, sit still, and control your behavior. It happens in children and teens and can continue into adulthood. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder in children. Boys are more likely to have it than girls.


my mom is a Doctor and she told me this hope it helps!!

Select the example that best demonstrates Universal Design for Learning:

a) Every student getting the same assignment in a class

b) Classes being recorded for all students to review

c) A school gets a swimming pool so everyone can swim

d) School lunches are served for free



a: every student getting the same assignment in a class

I think the answer is a

Which statement is true?
Which statement is true

A.Hypokinetic conditions from sedentary living is one of the leading causes of death in
the United States.

B.Hypokinetic conditions from sedentary living is not a factor in most deaths in the
United States.

C.Hyperkinetic conditions from sedentary living is not a factor in most deaths in the
United States.





PLEASE HELP!! In which Pilates position does the person roll backward until the shoulders touch the floor?

Rolling Like a Ball


Chest Lift



My guess would be roll up or rolling like a ball
Rolling like a ball

1. a communicable disease
bacteria and viruses
2. caused by bacteria, viruses or other pathogens
infectious disease
3. caused by many different factors such as heredity, lifestyle and environment
chicken pox
4. organisms that cause disease, germs
5. most common causes of infectious disease in the United States
6. animals that carry pathogens
7. method of protection against certain diseases
non-infectious disease



1. chicken pox

2. infectious disease

3. non-infectious disease

4. pathogens

5. bacteria and viruses

6. vectors

7. immunization


An infectious disease, also known as transmissible disease or communicable disease, is a type of disease caused by microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc) that can be passed from person to person, while a non-infectious disease cannot be spread from person to person but can be genetically inherited across generations (e.g., certain types of cancer). A pathogen is any type of organism that causes diseases to its host, which can be an infectious agent (e.g., a virus). Chickenpox is a contagious (transmissible) disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which is a class of herpes viruses. Chickenpox is spread by the saliva of infected individuals released into the air when breathing, coughing, sneezing, or speaking. Vectors are organisms that do not cause diseases but help in transmitting them (e.g., Aedes aegypti is a mosquito vector that transmits different diseases such as yellow fever and dengue). Finally, immunization refers to the medical procedure that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity against a specific disease (e.g., vaccination is a type of immunization).

In your family practice, you perform an ankle brachial index (ABI) on your 66-year-old diabetic who smokes with the results being 0.71 on the left and 0.68 on the right. What is the most appropriate next step?


Answer: Begin the patient on aspirin 81 mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily.


With regards to the information given, the appropriate next step is to begin the patient on aspirin 81 mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily.

The patient has a disease that's called the peripheral arterial disease. This is a disease that's caused by atherosclerosis which is when fatty deposits are built on the artery walls which then lead to the reduction in the blood flow. This can be treated by the use of antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin or clopidogrel.

Therefore, the most appropriate next step is to "Begin the patient on aspirin 81 mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily".

Select the method that is a well-organized system that indicates the relationship between information through indenting material, starting with general and moving to specific points.



Charting Method

Mind Mapping


i just did some googling on what each of these methods look like and i’m pretty sure outlining images fits the description of indenting and specific “points” because bullet points are used under headlines which would be what they’re referring to as the “general” information
I think the answer is outlining


sorry to startle you with that scary intro, but now that i have your attention, i really do think that there is something wrong with my cat. I think that my cat might have diabetes. she has been peeing in a certain part of my bedroom, and it has been bloody and very liquidy. she also has been drinking alot more than she normally has been. she never was a fat cat, but she has been losing weight, and i am very scared. she definwtly has more of an appetite, but sometimes her little brother steals her food. she got fixed last July, and will be two in September. i need help because i want the best for my cat. a picture of her is above: (dont worry, its just her sleeping) please help me!​



I have read on the internet that female cats can have periods. However,  it did say that they could bleed because of a vaginal infection before you get her spayed. Im not exactly sure whats going on with her but I hope she gets well soon. I would advise to take her to the vet to see whats going on. I just lost my cat recently so I can understand your worry. I hope this helped.


PLEASE TAKE HER TO THE VET. Asking people on the internet what to do can be dangerous. If she is peeing blood then there is definitely a problem and it could be very serious. There isn’t anything you can do on your own that would help her. her best chance at survival is a professional vet.

Suppose, one of your friend is regularly taking alcohol. What will you do to protect your friend from alcoholism?​



help him


i would take them to an AA meeting & always be there for them to make sure they’re always sober.

Do you believe that movement/exercise is a political statement?

Why or why not?

Thank you.





Just because politions are lazy lol

The belief that movement/exercise is a political statement is subjective and can vary depending on individual perspectives and contexts. Therefore, no.

Exercise is mostly about physical health, well-being, and personal decisions. Movement/exercise can also be used to protest or advocate. For instance, exercising during a protest or march might be political. Body positivity, diversity, and beauty standard challenges can also be political.

Not all movement or exercise is political. People exercise for health, fun, and stress alleviation, not political motives. The environment, motive, and interpretation of individuals determine whether movement/exercise is political.

Learn more about Movement/exercise, here:


A business owner would like to offer safety training for pesticide application. Which topic should be addressed in this training?

what equipment to wear when spraying
what the costs are of purchasing pesticide spray
how personnel will monitor all workplace behavior
where to report safe behaviors and conditions



what equipment to wear when spraying


The best way to stay safe is to wear equipment correctly.

Hope I helped!

The topic that should be addressed in this safety training for pesticide application is what equipment to wear when spraying. Thus, the correct option is A.

What are Pesticides' applications?

Pesticides' application may be defined as the practical way through which pesticides are successfully delivered to their biological target sites, crop fields, etc.

The safety training always deals with the safety of your physical as well as mental health not with costs, workplace behavior, etc.

It is required to wear proper equipment at the time of pesticide delivery on the fields. This is because such types of chemical substances are harmful for your health.

Therefore, the topic that should be addressed in this safety training for pesticide application is what equipment to wear when spraying. Thus, the correct option is A.

To learn more about Pesticides' applications, refer to the link:


Which of the following is NOT an effect of cryotherapy?
Pain relief
Increased blood flow
Decreased muscle spasms
Fever reduction



decreased muscle spasms


decrease muscle spasm.

What is abortion and how does the process work. How much money does abortion usually cost.



Abortion is killing an unborn baby while still in the mother's womb.


The most common effects of abortion grief may include depression, anxiety, substance abuse, low self-esteem, emotional numbing and re-living the abortion through dreams or flashbacks.

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