If poison expires does it become more poison or less poison?


Answer 1


Although it depends on the poison! Some denature (if

they're proteins) or decompose, which would change

them into other chemicals. ... So the answer is, it can

become less poisonous, it can become more poisonous,

but poison is always poison

Answer 2
Although it depends on the poison! Some denature (if they're proteins) or decompose, which would change them into other chemicals. ... So the answer is, it can become less poisonous, it can become more poisonous, but poison is always poison.

Related Questions

Which drug can treat dry mouth by detoxifying chemotherapy drugs in healthy cells but not in cancer cells?

a. hyetellose
b. amifostine
c. dexrazoxane
d. fluocinonide


B. Amifostine

Amifostine is broken down by the body into other chemicals which can deactivate harmful components of chemotherapy drugs. It also can behave as a scavenger, binding with harmful elements known as free radicals that can be produced by cosplatin or radiation therapy in tissues.

What is a the gram stain test?



its a method of stainging used to distinguish and classify bacterial species into two large groups

medical myths in Pakistan's history​



People should drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

We use only 10% of our brains.

Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.

Shaving hair causes it to grow back faster, darker, or coarser.

Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight.


People should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, we use only 10% of our brains, hair and fingernails continue to grow after death, shaving hair causes it to grow back faster, darker, or coarser and reading in dim light ruins your eyesight are the medical myths exists in the people of Pakistan. These are the false belief about regarding issues of health among group of people which has no scientific validation.

Tell me 9 foods from the grain group!!! If all of them are accurate and there are 9 of them u get brainliest



Here :)


corn, barley, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, oats, rye, quinoa, wholewheat!!!

***********PLEASE HELP ASAP 25POINTS***********
As you are completing your assigned tasks, you realize you will not be able to finish them all before the end of your shift. What should you do?



do what you can do, bcuz you already know u can't finish them all

Why is teamwork important in a pharmacy?

a. to allow introverts a chance to work in a public place
b. to allow extroverts a chance to run a pharmacy
c. to ensure daily tasks are performed efficiently
d. to ensure someone's weaknesses are known to all coworkers



C. to ensure daily tasks are performed efficiently

c. to ensure daily tasks are performed efficiently

A community’s emergency medical system will include _________.





An EMS system comprises all of the following components: Agencies and organizations (both private and public) Communications and transportation networks. Trauma systems, hospitals, trauma centers, and specialty care centers.

Patients whose symptoms include enlarged facial features and growing to an abnormal height would MOST LIKELY be treated with a dug that

a. decreases the production of the HGH hormone.
b. decreases the production of T3 and T4 hormones.
c. replaces the HGH hormone in the body.
d. replaces the T3 and T4 hormones in the body.



A. Decreases the production of the HGH hormone.


I calculated it logically


a. decreases the production of the HGH hormone

Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.



Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.



#Carry on learning❤️

[tex]\sf\purple{Photosynthesis}[/tex] is a process by which phototrophs convert [tex]\sf\pink{light\:energy}[/tex] into [tex]\sf\orange{chemical\:energy}[/tex] .

The word “photosynthesis” is derived from the [tex]\sf\red{Greek}[/tex] words "phos" (which means “light”) and "σύνθ-εóîς" (which means “combining together.”) And so it means “combining together with the help of light.”

The process of photosynthesis occurs in [tex]\sf\green{green\:plants}[/tex] (the primary producers in a food chain) and a few other autotrophic organisms such as cyanobacteria, purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria.

Following is the photosynthesis [tex]\sf\purple{formula}[/tex] :

︎︎︎ 6 [tex]CO_{2}[/tex]+ 6 [tex] H_{2}O[/tex] —> [tex] C _{6} H_{12} O_{6}[/tex] ([tex]\sf\blue{glucose}[/tex]) + [tex] 6 O_{2}[/tex] ([tex]\sf\pink{oxygen}[/tex]).

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Happy\:learning }}{\orange{!}}}}}[/tex]

Salbutamol interacts with drugs that inhibit ...
A. catechol-o-methyl transferase
C. alcohol dehydrogenase
D. Uptake 1



BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB im not sureeee hehe

definition of atitude scale



Attitude scales provide a quantitative measurement of attitudes, opinions or values by summarising numerical scores given by researchers to people's responses to sets of statements exploring dimensions of an underlying theme

Hope i helped , have a nice day :)






What does that mean? Am not sure what your saying. And why don't you put the actual words, your making it difficult to understand what your asking for

Which choices are common obstetric drugs? Select all that apply.

a. sertraline
b. clomiphene
c. pitocin
d. misoprostol
e. paroxetine
f. norethindrone
g. alprazolam



A. Sertraline

B. Clomiphene

C. Pitocin

D. Misoprostol


I calculated it logically

a) Controls one-directional transmission of impulses​





What’s the question?

Jared sneezes and gets runny noses when there pollen and other plant materials are in the air. His doctor describes to him how his immune system is reacting strongly to allergens, causing inflammation in mucous membranes that leads to these symptoms. Which treatment would the doctor MOST LIKELY prescribe to Jared to help reduce sneezing and runny nose?

a. fluticasone
b. antitussives
c. rhinovirus
d. bromfenac



A. Fluticasone


I calculated it logically

Fenton has Parkinson's disease. What would doctors MOST LIKELY prescribe for him, and why?

a. They would prescribe dopamine agonists to stimulate motivation in areas of the brain that control movement.
b. They would prescribe MAO inhibitors to calm muscles spasms and allow for muscle control.
c. They would prescribe anticholinergic drugs to block monoamine oxidase from destroying dopamine.
d. They would prescribe analgesic drugs to stimulate acetylcholine receptors and stimulate motor control.



A. They would prescribe dopamine agonists to stimulate motivation in areas of the brain that control movement.


I calculated it logically


a. They would prescribe dopamine agonists to stimulate motivation in areas of the brain that control movement

Which of the following people came up with the term “hypnosis”?

James Braid
Franz Mesmer
Milton Erickson



franz mesmer?


im not sure i forgot it

the person that came up with the term “hypnosis” was James braid

Which types of drugs can be considered over-the-counter drugs? Select all that apply.

a. legend drugs
b. mouthwash
c. prescription drugs
d. cold medicine
e. antibiotic ointments



B. Mouthwash

D. Cold medicine

E. Antibiotic ointments


I calculated logically

Which BEST describes the possible customers of a pharmacy technician who works in a hospital setting?

a. a nurse and an orderly
b. a doctor and a patient
c. a patient and an orderly
d. a doctor and a nurse


The answer is c bc it’s the right one
C. a patient and an orderly

Sources of stress include: technology, additions, productivity demands, multitasking, and



Not regularly getting enough sleep


It is suggested to get more sleep to decrease the symptoms of stress.  This is my own viewpoint

1. Compare the medical approach with the public health approach to saving lives from cardiovascular disease. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach



Both provides help in diagnosing and solving the health problems.


The main advantages of public health approach is that it can help us in measuring the problem, determining the cause for the problem, determining how to prevent or ameliorate the problem, and implementing effective strategies on a larger scale and evaluating the impact while on the other hand, medical approach provides explanations of mental ill-health that many people who experience mental health problems as well as  diagnosing and naming conditions can help to reassure people that what they experience is 'real' or not.

Which of these best describes the purpose for “hands-only” CPR?
Hands-only CPR is better and more effective than full CPR and is now the best way to provide CPR for any patient by any responder
Hands-only CPR reduces risk of liability and increases oxygenation better than CPR with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
Hands-only CPR is now the only method for providing CPR regardless your level of education and expertise
Hands-only CPR was designed for those who are not trained or feel uncomfortable delivering mouth-to-mouth breaths. It doesn't replace traditional CPR





The point of hands only CPR is to make it easier on those with a lack of training a give them a way to give care to someone who needs it even if they do not know how to, the point is that if you are not in sports med or EMT training then you will at least be able to help if no one else is around, otherwise use an AED

After the onset of an autoimmune disease, Jesse's doctor determines that he has suffered damage to his adrenal glands no longer produce. This will help protect Jesse's body from inflammation.

Which kind of drugs will the doctor MOST LIKELY prescribe for Jesse?

a. corticosteroid
b. hormone replacement drugs
c. antidiabetic drugs
d. antithyroid drugs



A. Corticosteroid drugs


I calculated it logically




The correct answer is A


Which treatments would MOST LIKELY help a patient diagnosed with a chronic disorder that affects balance and causes periods of hearing loss and ringing in the ears?

a. orally and nasally administered corticosteroids that decrease inflammation in mucous membranes
b. a low-salt diet along with diuretic drugs that reduce fluid retention in the body
c. exercise along with antibiotic drugs that kill the bacteria causing the disorder
d. antitussive and expectorant drugs, both which help to inhibit coughing reflexes



B. A low-salt diet along with diuretic drugs that reduce fluid retention in the body


I calculated it logically


b. a low-salt diet along with diuretic drugs that reduce fluid retention in the body


To get fluids out of the body and relieve pressure on the ear

What are guidelines issued by an organization outlining how it's staff or members behave to conform to it's values and most standards?

a. ethical principles
b. ethical dilemmas
c. codes of justice
d. code of ethics


D. Code of ethics
code of ethics sets out an organization's ethical guidelines and best practices to follow for honesty, integrity, and professionalism. For members of an organization, violating the code of ethics can result in sanctions including termination.