In your own words, what is Greenhouse gases


Answer 1
A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range, causing the greenhouse effect. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone

Related Questions

Which of the following is one of The Joint Commission's patient safety goals
for ambulatory care programs?

A. Identify patient safety risk.
B. Use alarms safely.
C. Identify patients correctly.
D. Improve staff communication.



Improve the accuracy of patient identification.

Improve staff communication.

Improve the safety of medication administration.

Reduce patient harm associated with clinical alarm systems.

Reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections.


thank me later

Answer:Identify patients correctly


Select the correct answer.
Which of the following types of insurance covers negligent claims that occur under the scope of one's professional practice?
General liability insurance
Disability insurance
Professional liability insurance
Medical insurance



Its C



Professional Liability insurance (also called Malpractice or Errors and Omissions insurance) is coverage that protects a qualified professional against claims alleging negligent acts, errors, or omissions in the performance of providing professional services.

The strategy in which you periodically look away from the text and ask yourself about the material is called the

a. Review technique
c. Questioning strategy
b. Look-away method
d. Responding Exercise Please select
the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



Its look away method .

I hope its right, if not an advance sorry for that !




Just helping out:)

Insulin is made in specific cells in the Pancreas known as
Blood cells
Islets of Langerhans


the answer is blood cells

1. What Greek letter symbolizes gay and lesbian activism:



Lambda as a symbol of gay/lesbian rights

The Encyclopedia of Homosexuality has the following entry on Lambda:

In the early 1970s, in the wake of the Stonewall Rebellion, New York City's Gay Activists Alliance selected the Greek letter lambda, which member Tom Doerr suggested from its scientific use to designate kinetic potential, as its emblem. (Curiously, in some ancient Greek graffiti the capital lambda appears with the meaning fellate, representing the first letter of either lambazein or laikazein.) Because of its militant associations, the lambda symbol has spread throughout the world. It sometimes appears in the form of an amulet hung round the neck as a subtle sign of recognition which can pass among unknowing heterosexuals as a mere ornament. Such emblems may reflect a tendency among homosexuals toward tribalization as a distinct segment of society, one conceived as a quasi-ethnic group.

In More Man Than You'll Ever Be by Joseph P. Goodwin (Indiana University Press:Bloomington, 1989) on page 26, Goodwin writes:

The lowercase Greek letter lambda carries several meanings. First of all, it represents scales, and thus balance. The Greeks considered balance to be the constant adjustment necessary to keep opposing forces from overcoming each other. The hook at the bottom of the right leg of the lambda represents the action required to reach and maintain a balance. To the Spartans, the lambda meant unity. They felt that society should never infringe on anyone's individuality and freedom. The Romans adopted the letter to represent "the light of knowledge shed into the darkness of ignorance." Finally, in physics the symbol designates and energy change. Thus the lambda, with all its meanings, is an especially apt symbol for the gay liberation movement, which energetically seeks a balance in society and which strives through enlightenment to secure equal rights for homosexual people.


Lambda as a symbol of gay and lesbian activism.

3. How does heavy consumption of alcohol affect the reproductive system of humans?
A. It increases testosterone production in women,
B. It shrinks the size of the testides,
C. It increases the frequency of menstruation in women,
D. It increases testosterone production and sex drive in men





You enter a patient room and find the patient huddling on the floor and mumbling incoherently. What should you do?


Check vitals and call for an MRI (in case of concussion.) Add an IV in case of severe dehydration. If they have a high fever, cool them of and use medicine like advil to lower the fever. (I'm not a doctor, or studying medicine, but this is a little bit of what I know)

Always respond with compassion and never dismiss cultural-based anxiety because the patient certainly appears nervous or terrified.

What should be your treatment approach ?

Checking the patient's vital signs and requesting an MRI are both necessary next steps (in case of concussion.) Add an IV in the event if the patient is extremely dehydrated. If they have a fever, you should bring them down to room temperature and give them medication like Advil to bring down their temperature.

Temperature, pulse, respiration rate, blood pressure, and the presence or absence of pain are the five most important vital signs. The presence of illness, disease, or other health problems can often be determined by vital signs.

It is necessary to contact the nurse and request her assistance with the condition of the patient.

1. Remind the nurse who is in charge.

2. Prevent the patient from moving around.

3. Determine whether or not the individual is still breathing.

4. If there are no breaths, you should begin chest compressions.

Learn more about patient care, here:


Based on your research, explain the significance of genetics to fetal development. (2 points)



In simple words, Beyond characteristics like the mother's nutrition, alcohol usage, and anxiety level, a foetus has minimal opportunity to be influenced by its surroundings before birth. As a result, genetics plays an especially crucial role in prenatal development.

The manner of transfer of distinct traits to the foetus is determined by inherited weak, predominant, and gender related genes. A single fertilised cell's development and metamorphosis into a kid is complicated and extensive.

Match each daily recommended portion size with the correct food group


The correct recommended portion size for given food groups are:

Fruits- 1.5-2 cups

Grains- 6-8 ounces

Dairy- 3 cups

What are food groups? There are various types of nutrients present in our food. Some are rich in carbohydrates, some are in proteins, some in vitamins, some in fats etc. Based on the rich source of nutrients present in our food, the food is classified into some groups that are called food groups. It is essential to take the recommended portion of food daily to remain healthy. The food group that contains grains is rich in carbohydrates. The food group that is rich in proteins is called the daily group. Similarly, the food group that is rich in vitamins is called fruits. Fats and roughage also form a food group.

Thus, the recommended portion for grains is 6-8 ounces, for dairy products is 3 cups and 1.5-2 cups for fruits.

Learn more about food groups here:







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Thank you your a goat

[ blank ] means maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having spiritual direction and purpose.



spiritual health


Which of the following is the definition of health information management?
O A. The analysis of various systems to cut program costs.
O B. The collection of information from all providers who have cared
for a patient.
O C. The transferring of patient records from paper versions to digital
OD. The collection and analysis of health care data, or information.


The correct answer is D. The collection and analysis of health care data or information.


Health information management (HIM) is a set of information from the health area that is collected, analyzed, and protected to provide a quality service to each of the patients. These information systems include very varied information that includes demographic, clinical, epidemiological data, among others. According to the previous definition, it can be inferred that the definition of health information management is D. The collection and analysis of health care data or information.

Most whole grains have the same number of calories.
O True





Many individuals believe that whole grain meals have less calories than refined grains, but this is simply not true. A slice of 100 percent whole wheat bread, for example, contains about the same number of calories as a slice of white bread. There aren't many differences between whole grain and white pasta.

Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlinieast.

Part of resolving conflict includes picking a meeting place and figuring out a
way to discuss the conflict. Which conflict resolution step





setting ground rules

the target heart rate zone is a numerical range you want to excercise
A. Above
B. Below
C. within
D. Near​


C is the correct answer

Explain in what ways sleep influences the body's response to stress.



Sleep deprivation can cause the body to react as if it is in distress, releasing more cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol is the hormone that triggers your fight or flight response in the face of danger, raising your heart rate in preparation for a fight. Sleep disruptions can further disrupt your HPA axis, causing cortisol production to be distorted. Insomnia and other forms of sleep loss have been shown to cause your body to generate extra cortisol during the day, maybe to boost alertness.


The body's natural stress reaction kicks in during times of tension, starting with a cascade of hormones that make us feel more alert and cause subsequent physiological changes.


A lack of sleep can cause the body to react as if it's in distress, releasing more of the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is responsible for your fight or flight reaction to danger, increasing your heart rate in anticipation of a fight


An athletic trainer uses 50 inches of athletic tape on an ankle how many angels can be taken with a 2000 cm roll of tape


Answer: 15


Firstly, it should be noted that:

1 inch = 2.54 centimetres

Therefore, 50 inches will be:

= 50 × 2.54

= 127 centimeters

Therefore, the number of ankles that can be taken with a 2000 cm roll of tape will be:

= 2000/127

= 15.74

Therefore, 15 ankles can be taken.

Eating a meal three hours prior to a sporting event can harm performance.
A. True
B. False


i’m pretty sure it’s false!!

7. Hyperventilating will decrease respiration rate. Why?


During hyperventilation the rate of removal of carbon dioxide from the blood is increased. As the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood decreases, respiratory alkalosis, characterized by decreased acidity or increased alkalinity of the blood, ensues.

What would you need to consider when planning an induction to prepare a mew client to take part in gym-based exercise?



Be polite, keep calm, be patient, keep motivating


Start with basic exercise

Be considerate of their needs. Think about what exercises will fit their body type and how much they should exercise- some exercises won’t be good for specific individuals because it will cause blood pressure to drop (collapsing)

16) What kind of exercise should you do when you're cooling down after an
intense workout?


The answer should be flexibility workout.

You are invited to talk on how to prevent diseases and live a healthy and quality life. What would be the focus of your talk?


Answer: The focus of your talk should be about ways people can improve their lifestyle.

This can include diet, exercise, and anti-drug use!

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses.

My main focus will be healthy diet, proper check ups, proper sleep and quit smoking and alcohol.


I will focus on the following points:

1. Heathy food: For good health and disease prevention, avoid junk foods and eat homemade meals prepared with nice ingredients.

2. Get your cholesterol and blood pressure checked: Because doctor will   advise on how to maintain healthy levels, which in turn lowers chances of getting heart disease and stroke.

3.Quit smoke: If someone smoked than they need to quit smoking because smoking is injurious to health and caused death of a person.

4.Get restful sleep: A good sleep routine includes going to bed and waking up at the same time every day and avoiding alcohol. Proper sleep is important for healthy lifestyle.

5. Don't miss your health screening and vaccination: Health screenings may be save your life. They are designed to detect cancers and serious problems early for more successful treatment.

You can learn more about healthy lifestyle here:


For cardiovascular exercise, it is important to exercise in your:

Resting Heart Rate

Target Heart Rate

Maximum Heart Rate

All of the Above



Target heart rate because you want to get your heart rate up but make sure your doing it in a safe measure as well.


For cardiovascular exercise, it is important to exercise within your target heart rate zone. The correct answer is "Target Heart Rate."

Your target heart rate zone is usually calculated based on a percentage of your maximum heart rate, which is the highest heart rate you can achieve during exercise. While resting heart rate (the number of heartbeats per minute while at rest) and maximum heart rate (estimated using the "220 - age" formula) are both factors in determining your target heart rate zone, it is the target heart rate that is specifically focused on during cardiovascular exercise.

By exercising within your target heart rate zone, you can ensure that you are challenging your cardiovascular system enough to derive the benefits of aerobic exercise, such as improved endurance and cardiovascular fitness, without overexerting yourself. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or exercise specialist to determine your target heart rate zone based on your age, fitness level, and overall health.

Your target heart rate zone is a specific range of heartbeats per minute that you aim to achieve during aerobic activities to ensure that you are working at an appropriate intensity level. Therefore, the correct answer is "Target Heart Rate."

For more details regarding cardiovascular exercise, visit:


what type ofpathogen causes herpes



herpes simples, herpes labialis, or herpes gingivitis.

Herpes is a type of virus which cause disease in humans like encephalitis by herps zoster virus, genital herpes by Herpesviridae

The condition commonly known as "herpes," referring to sores on the mouth or genitals, is caused by the Herpes simplex virus, or HSV. The are other forms of the virus, such as Herpes zoster, that cause lesions on other parts of the body.

Virus is herpes simplex virus type 2 for genital herpes and type 1 for oral herpes.

Shingles, which is a form of herpes is caused by chicken pox virus.



Hope this helped!

Give two examples of two std's that can be treated and cured.



syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis.


Alcohol is a (1)____________, which means it (2)_________ the body.


Is there a word bank?

The best I can guess would be:

1) depressant (or sedative)

2) relaxes

With these words, the statement is correct. But I am not sure if you are looking for very specific words or not.


anti depressant, numbs


how many times (maximum) can a team make contact with the ball before they have to hit the ball over the net?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4​


3 times, however, the same team member cannot touch the ball twice consecutively. {if the sport you're talking about is volleyball}

I believe the answer is c

Select the correct answer. Typically, how are large animals such as cows and horses poisoned?
A. They eat too much hay or grains.
B. They eat food mixed with dust and waste water.
C. They eat leftover medicines used by humans.
D. They eat toxic plants or weeds present in their pastures. E. They drink too much water.



D. Comen plantas tóxicas o malas hierbas presentes en sus pastos.


They eat toxic plants or weeds present in their pastures.


Which of the following can lead to a distracted teen driver who engages in reckless driving?
O driving with parents and siblings in the car
driving during the daytime to and from school
O one or more friends in the car with the teen driver
O driving on the freeways to and from work



the third one


with friends the driver will feel more distracted

one or more friends in the car with the teen driver

Sylvia and Maurice are playing a racquet sport and are matched against each other. Maurice hits the shuttlecock over the five foot high net and awaits Sylvia's return. Select the sport they are playing: Badminton Beach Paddleball Ping-Pong Tennis



It is either badminton or tennis, but it is most likely badminton.



tennis nets are 3 feet for championships and whatnot, while badminton nets are 5 feet and 1 inch.

It is not paddleball because that is a single person game where you don't need to return a ball.

Ping-pong is clearly not the answer because the net is barely 2-6 inches tall.

Because of the 5 foot net reference, it is badminton.

It is badminton because of the connection to the 5-foot net, the sport they are playing is badminton.

What is Badminton?

For competitions and other purposes, tennis nets are 3 feet long, whereas badminton nets are 5 feet, 1 inch long.

It isn't paddleball because that game can only be played by one person and requires no ball returns. The net is just 2 to 6 inches tall, so playing ping pong is obviously not the solution.

A rectangular court that is separated by a net is used to play the racket game of badminton between two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles).

Therefore, the sport t they are playing is badminton because of the connection to the 5-foot net.

Learn more about badminton, here:


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