Please help with this


Answer 1
Answer: it’s b, Japan is a mountainous archipelago

Related Questions

Which of the following did President Theodore Roosevelt win the Nobel prize in 1906


The Nobel peace prize was awarded to President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906


Describe in as much detail as possible the U.S. policy of CONTAINMENT during the Cold War and give four examples of how the U.S. supported/practiced this policy.


The U.S. policy of containment, was a policy that used many techniques to stop the spread of communism. This was an effect of the cold war, and it was used against the Soviet Union.    


Wanting to stop the spread of communism, and having the Soviet Union gain more power.


-Containing communism, so that it's influence would not affect other countries. This lead to the creation of NATO which was to include itself in the border states of the world and prevent them from turning communist.

-The policy was adopted by President Harry Truman. This was also part of the "free the people movement." From any outside pressure, or influence.

-The United States agreed to help both countries to avoid the possibility that the Soviet Union would lead them to communism. ( Greece and Turkey) and they paired with them.

In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to liberate the slaves Answer A: liberate the slaves A prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs Answer B: prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs B preserve the Union Answer C: preserve the Union C average political defeats and insults inflicted by the South Answer D: average political defeats and insults inflicted by the South D forestall a Southern invasion of the North



C: preserve the Union


In 1861, the North went to war to preserve the Union and abolish slavery in the South. The aggression between the North and the South began during the election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln examined and denied the expansion of slavery in the territories. His election disrupted the two sides. Lincoln wanted to unite all the states, but the Southern states chose to form a separate government by creating the Confederate States of America. The Civil War became necessary to preserve the nation with the ideas of the founding fathers.  

How are the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) different?



Christianity believes in the Trinity where there are 3 parts to God, where Islam and Judaism believe that there is only one god. Judaism puts more emphasis on laws and following them completely than Christianity which is talks more of love and acceptance.

¿En qué consistió el levantamiento de Túpac Amaru?


La Rebelión de Túpac Amaru II (1780 - c. 1782) fue un levantamiento de campesinos nativos y mestizos con apoyo criollo y mestizo, liderado por caciques indígenas contra los beneficiarios de las reformas borbónicas en el Virreinato español del Perú.

Answer: La Rebelión de Túpac Amaru II (1780 - c. 1782) fue un levantamiento de campesinos nativos y mestizos con apoyo criollo y mestizo, liderados por caciques indígenas contra los beneficiarios de las reformas borbónicas en el Virreinato español del Perú. Espero que esto haya ayudado, necesito un traductor. No soy bueno en español.

all are reasons that led to nazi popularity except


Hello, I Am DevyTheAI. I Can Answer This Question For You.

The Nazi Party, Ultimately Founded By Adolf Hitler, Was A Desperate Attempt To Regain Status In The World Stage. After World War 1, Germany Was In Extreme Financial Debt And Being Forced To Pay For Damage They Caused All Over The Globe. The Nazi Party Was Seen By German Citizens As A Way To Be Freed From The Constant Hard Labor And Poverty. Naturally, They Fully Supported It.

what steps have nations taken to control the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction?



Multilateral treaties targeting the proliferation, testing and achieving progress on the disarmament of nuclear weapons include the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests In The Atmosphere, In Outer Space

I would appreciate it a lot if you can help me out!

Write a descriptive short paragraph on the following question. This must include a topic sentence, supporting details and historical evidence to support your answer.

"How did invasions, conquests and migrations lead to the decline of ancient civilizations?"

Remember to keep it original, and lastly thank you so much! <333



it lead to the decline of ancient Civilization because the main idea of "Civil" is to reform and build something that isn't corrupt. In doing the following, by invading went against the correct term (Civilization).

Which events contributed to people questioning their faith?
the decline of the feudal system
the Great Famine of 1315–1316
the Black Death of 1347–1351
being bled to remove
substances from the body
having more than one pope,
which divided people's loyalties
the rise of the House of Medici



the Great Famine of 1315–1316

the Black Death of 1347–1351

having more than one pope,

which divided people's loyalties


Probably the right answers from platoooooo

The events contributed to people questioning their faith, the Great Famine of 1315–1316, the Black Death of 1347–1351, and having more than one pope, which divided people's loyalties.

What are the events?

The event, incident, episode, and scenario all refer to an occurrence or occurrence. A happening that occurs without intention, choice, or plan is referred to as an occurrence. a fortuitous meeting that happened to occur. the event often denotes a significant occurrence, often with a reason before it.

With unfavorable weather in the spring of 1315, the Great Famine began. Crop failures continued through 1316 and continued into the summer harvest of 1317. Europe did not fully recover until 1322. Crop failures were not the only issue; cattle illness led to an 80% decrease in the number of sheep and cattle.

Political unrest and class conflict caused by famine destabilized entire areas. Even when they were available, many individuals were unable to buy basic necessities like salt, bread, wheat, barley, oats, and grain due to the skyrocketing prices of these commodities.

Therefore, People began to events their faith as a result of the Great Famine in 1315–1316.

Learn more about events here:


What did the railway strike of 1877 do for workers?

A. Gave owners a reason to raise wages

B. Helped unskilled workers get training

C. Forced the government to control wages

D. Showed workers that organized labor was powerful


Thanks me later,pa brainliest po ako.

The railway strike of 1877 showed workers that organized labor was powerful. The correct answer to this question is option D.

The railway strike of 1877 was the largest strike in U.S. history at the time. Workers from various railroad companies went on strike to protest wage cuts and poor working conditions. The strike began in West Virginia and quickly spread to other states, including Maryland, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Missouri.

The railway strike of 1877 showed workers that they had the power to organize and fight for better working conditions. The strike also led to the formation of the first national labor organization in the United States, the Knights of Labor. The Knights of Labor advocated for better working conditions and higher wages for workers and was instrumental in organizing other strikes and labor movements in the late 19th century.

To learn more on railway strike of 1877, here:


How does this image support the claim that slavery violates basic human rights and should be abolished? Check all that apply.

It shows an enslaved person in chains and minimal clothing.
It shows that political involvement could help to abolish slavery.
It shows that very few people were interested in abolishing slavery.
It shows how enslaved people were used to produce goods cheaply.
It shows that enslaved people faced harsh treatment and poor conditions.


Options A, B and E support the claim that slavery violates basic human rights and should be abolished

What is slavery?

Slavery and enslavement are both the state and the condition of being a slave, who is someone forbidden to quit their service for an enslaver, and who is treated by the enslaver as their property.

Slavery involves the enslaved person being made to perform some form of work while also having their location or residence dictated by the enslaver.

Many historical cases of enslavement occurred when the enslaved broke the law, became indebted, or suffered a military defeat; other forms of slavery were instituted along demographic lines such as race.

Although most forms of slavery are explicitly involuntary and involve the coercion of the enslaved, there also exists voluntary slavery, entered into by the enslaved to pay a debt or obtain money.

What are human rights?

Human rights are moral principles or norms for certain standards of human behavior and are regularly protected in municipal and international law.

They are commonly understood as inalienable, fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being" and which are "inherent in all human beings", regardless of their age, ethnic origin, location, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status.

The doctrine of human rights has been highly influential within international law and global and regional institutions.

Article 4 states that there should be Freedom from slavery and forced labor.

Hence, option A, B and E are the correct options

To learn more about human rights here,


Las primeras civilizaciones lograron desarrollar sistemas de contabilidad y escritura. ¿Qué permitieron estos avances? a. Mejorar los niveles de educación. b. Incentivar el desarrollo artístico. c. Facilitar la administración y organización del Estado.


La respuesta correcta es C) Facilitar la administración y organización del Estado.

Las primeras civilizaciones lograron desarrollar sistemas de contabilidad y escritura. ¿Qué permitieron estos avances?

Respuesta: Facilitar la administración y organización del Estado.

Cuando hablamos de las primeras civilizaciones, nos estanos refiriendo a los primeros asentamientos humanos como lo fue el caso de Sumeria. Estos pobladores se asentaron en medio de los Ríos Tigris y Éufrates, en la zona del Medio Oriente. Ahí, esta civilización desarrolló avanzados conocimientos en agricultura y pudieron establecer importantes y poderosas ciudades-estado como lo fueron Eridu, Ur, Lagash, Nippur, Kish y Uruk.

Para administrar la riqueza de estas ciudades, se desarrollaron conceptos de escritura y contabilidad, que facilitaron el registro y la administración de esos sitios.

Algo similar sucedió con otras civilizaciones antiguas, como fue el caso de el Antiguo Egipto  que se estableció junto al Río Nilo, o la civilización del Valle del Indo o Harappa, que se asentó junto al Río Indo.

Who was Emperor Justinian's most trusted advisor?

A. Theodora
B. Belisarius
C. Augustine
D. Basil II


I would also say A :)

Which side, North or South, had the economic advantage at the beginning of the Civil War?
O The North because they had more people available to fight
O The North because they could manufacture materials to support troops
O The South because they had greater cotton production
O The South because they relied on trade to provide materials to support troops


The south because they relied on trade


The north always had a better advantage during the Civil War. The south had more moral motives and home field advantage. The North had more people to fight but I believe they didn't volunteer till the war became about the moral issue of slavery. So the best answer would be: The North because they could manufacture materials to support troops... also because that is best connected to economic reasons.


An immediate negative effect of industrialization was

A. Poor working conditions

B. Increased unemployment

C. All answers are correct

D. Increase in worker accidents and deaths



maybe the answer is

B.increased unemployment

C all answers are correct

describe to your friend how you saved a child who was in danger​



i saved a child from a burning house. i ran into the house that was already set aflame and i grabbed the child from their bedroom and took them underneath the smoke to the exit


that's not real, i never did that. but there's your answer

new round of warfare between the Sioux and U.S. Army began in 1874 when a Colonel George Custer led an expedition to Little Big Horn, Montana. b Sioux Chief Crazy Horse began an effort to drive all whites from Montana and the Dakotas. c Colonel George Custer discovered gold on Sioux land in the Black Hills. d the federal government announced that it was opening all Sioux lands to settlement. e the U.S. Army decided to retaliate for the Fetterman massacre.



c. Colonel George Custer discovered gold on Sioux land in the Black Hills.


In 1876 Colonel George Custer discovered the existence of gold on the Back Hills property, which belonged to the Sioux, an allied North American Indian tribe. The discovery of this gold attracted the attention of many settlers who began to invade these lands and strongly displeased both the Sioux and the Chayennne who were their allies. Both tribes refused to accept settler entry into their properties, but the greed of the settlers and the government was not discouraged and sparked a new round of war between the Sioux and the US Army.

Please help with this


Though the two main sects within Islam, Sunni and Shia, agree on most of the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam, a bitter split between the two goes back some 14 centuries. The divide originated with a dispute over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the Islamic faith he introduced.Jul 31, 2019


The succession of caliphs

Which of the following occurred before the Second Continental Congress met in May of 1775?
The colonies began fighting against Britain.
The colonies declared their independence.
George Washington forced the British to leave Boston.
George Washington was put in charge of the Continental army.



A. The colonies began fighting against Britain.

When a group of people is treated unfairly by those in power, it is known as


Privilege because they are abusing their power




1. How has the world changed since the end of the Cold War, especially in the Middle
East, Africa, and Asia?
2. How is it remained the same?




Most of the African states were liberated from the European countries. Soviet Union dissloved. New countries were liberated from the Soviet Union. Berlin Wall dissolved, and Germany became a country.

¿Cuál fué uno de los procesos internos de la unión soviética relacionados con las reformas políticas de apertura y transparencia que influyó en la disolución de la cortina de hierro?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Uno de los procesos internos de la Unión Soviética relacionados con las reformas políticas de apertura y transparencia que influyó en la disolución de la cortina de hierro fue la política llamada Glasnost.

Mijaíl Gorbachov fue el líder de la Unión Soviética, fue quien ordenó la creación e implementación de esta estrategia política que permitió algunas reformas importantes en ese país, además que concedió libertades importantes a los ciudadanos, que habían sido suprimidas desde el régimen autoritarita de Joseph Stalin,

La otra reforma que autorizó Mijaíl Gorbachov fue la llamada "Perestroika." Esta medida permitió cierto grado de inversión extranjera en la Unión Soviética, en un momento en el que el país necesitaba desarrollar mayores industrias y crear empleos para mejorar la situación económica de la URSS.  

tagpuan nila florante at laura



they meet florante and laura

que opinas del rescate bancario



El rescate bancario es un asunto complejo que tiene algunos aspectos positivos, pero otros negativos.


El aspecto positivo es que rescatar los bancos de acuerdo a muchos economistas, evita que las crisis financieras sean aun peores, y que la economía demore más en su recuperación. Esto debido a lo importante, omnipresente, e interconectado que se encuentra el sector financiero con el resto de la economía. En otras palabras, si el sector financiero colapsa, es muy probable que el resto de la economía también lo haga. En conclusión, el rescate bancario puede ser visto como una forma de evitar el mal mayor.

No obstante, el aspecto negativo es que el rescate bancario es hecho con dinero de impuestos, es decir, que todos los ciudadanos del país pagan el rescate, hayan tenido que ver o no con lo que desencadenó la crisis, y este sentido, el rescate bancario no deja de ser una política injusta en cuanto castiga a toda la población por culpa de los excesos de unos pocos.

True or False: When businesses change their atmosphere
special attention needs to be paid to friendliness,
comradery, and an environment that fosters loyalty and
happiness in order to retain and grow human capital.


Answer true


All of these factors helped in the



please could you write the question fully so  i could help



is that you question nothing else?


i can't help u what theme r u talking about?

Why did Columbus plan to colonize Hispaniola? A to profit from shipping gold, sugar, and Indian slaves to Spain B to launch attacks on other colonial nations' holdings C to cooperate with the native peoples for protection D to help finance additional explorations by other navigators


A IS THE ANSWErrreeeeee

why does it important for history student to learn about shooting guns



Student learn about shooting guns and the

Why was it an important moment
in the Cold War struggle?



Sputnik Crisis”


The Sputnik crisis was the American reaction to the success of the Sputnik program. It was a key Cold War event that began on October 4, 1957 when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial Earth satellite. ... Eisenhower referred to it as the “Sputnik Crisis”.

Which of the following was not an ally or friend of Hitler?


Answer: Who are the options? and then I'll edit my answer

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what is the dilation/scale factor? HELP PLS 10PTSTwo similar triangles below are shown on the coordinate grid: A coordinate grid is shown from positive 6 to negative 6 on the x axis and from positive 6 to negative 6 on the y axis. A triangle ABC is shown with vertex A on ordered pair negative 2, negative 1, vertex B on ordered pair 0, 0, and vertex C on ordered pair 1, negative 3. A triangle A prime B prime C prime is also shown with vertex A prime on ordered pair negative 4, 2 , vertex B prime on ordered pair 0, 0 and vertex C prime on ordered pair 2, 6. Which set of transformations has been performed on triangle ABC to form triangle ABC? Dilation by a scale factor of 4 followed by reflection across the x-axis Dilation by a scale factor of 2 followed by reflection across the x-axis Dilation by a scale factor of 4 followed by reflection across the y-axis Dilation by a scale factor of 2 followed by reflection across the y-axis Find the slope of the line that passes through (1, -2) and (0,-4). 16. Which of the following areas did Stephen Kearny claim for the United States?A. OregonB. New MexicoC. ArizonaD. Baja California__________________________________________17. Helen Hunt Jackson was hated by several Native American groups because of how she represented them in Ramona. TrueFalse Yoko needs to buy some pencils. Brand A has a pack of 48 pencils for $7.97. Brand B has a pack of 72 pencils for $9.88.Find the unit price for each brand. Then state which brand is the better buy based on the unit price.Round your answers to the nearest cent. The city of ______________________ was considered to be on of Rome's greatest enemies. Can you guys please help meeeeee????? And possibly explain it to me? When a rod is heated and prevented from expanding then the stress developed is independentofa. Material of rodb. Rise in temperaturec. A Length of rodd. All of aboveOOd Help , what is the measure of p How do you think the location of the Union slave states affected their decision not to secede? Find the value of x in these Complementary Angles What are the roots of the quadratic equation below?3x2 + 9x - 2 = 0-9 + 105O A. x =6O B.X=-3+1052C.-91 576OD.x==34,57 What mass of sodium hydroxide is needed to make 12.5 L of a 0.150M solution? a) 1.88gb) 40.0gc) 75.0gd) 83.0g Starkville is located in which region?Black PrairieFlatwoodsPontotoc RidgeTombigbee Hills Lithosphere and asthenosphere are in close contact with each other and always move together as awhole body.false orTrue A circle is centered at the point (-7, -1) and passes through the point (8, 7).The radius of the circle is____ units. The point (-15,___ ) lies on this circle..I will give Brainliest 6x - 2y = -22+4y = -8 How do you determine the specific heat of a substance?A. Divide the enthalpy change by the change in temperature.B.Divide the enthalpy change by the product of the mass and change in temperature.C.Divide the change in temperature by the product of the mass and enthalpy change.D.Divide the change in temperature by the change in enthalpy. hi, if anyone knows this could you please help me out! What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (26, 7) and (-39, 12)?