The amounts of money Brittany earned each week from babysitting for 5 weeks are $12, $62, $70, $54, and $62. The mean amount earned is $52 and the median amount earned is $62. Identify the outlier and describe how the mean and median are affected by it.​


Answer 1


The outlier is $12, results in a decrease in the mean. Outliers have little influence on the median.

If you actually calculate and try and find an outlier, this dataset doesn't have one. But I'm going to assume they're just looking for an extreme number in the set since it clearly says to identify it

Answer 2

The requried outlier is $12 and it significantly affects the mean by lowering it, but it does not affect the median.

What is the median?

When a dataset is ordered, the median is the value that is exactly in the middle. It is a measure of central tendency that distinguishes between the lowest and top 50% of data.


The outlier in this data set is the first observation of $12, which is significantly lower than the rest of the values.

The mean is calculated by adding all the values and dividing by the number of values. In this case, the mean is:

$12 + $62 + $70 + $54 + $62 = $260

$260 ÷ 5 = $52

When the outlier of $12 is included in the calculation, it significantly lowers the mean.

The median is the middle value when the data set is arranged in order from least to greatest. In this case, the median is $62, which is not affected by the outlier of $12.

Therefore, the outlier is $12 and it significantly affects the mean by lowering it, but it does not affect the median.

Learn more about medians here:

Related Questions

What is the square root of -1?


Does not exist cause even on the calculator it will say math error


Population in a Small Town, USA was 587 in 1970. The populations increased by 3% annually. Show and explain all work.
a. Write the exponential growth function to represent this function.
b. What will the population be in 2022? Round your answer to the nearest person



A: the function is 537(0.3x)

B: so we just plug in the numbers where x is that amount of years so

52 years from 1970 so 2022



so the answer is 838

Hope This Helps!!!

Answer+step by step



4-2 = 2

2x5+9 = 19

2^19 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 524288



Step-by-step explanation:


P- Parenthesis

E- Exponents

M- Multiply

D- Divide

A- Add

S- Subtract

(4-2)^2×5+9 first you do parenthesis which is (4-2)=2

(2)^2×5+9 next the exponents (2)^2=4

4×5+9 now the multiplication, 4×5=20

20+9 And now finish it off with the addition

So the answer ends up being 29.

Express 1.2 km as a percentage of 300 m



1.2km is 400% of 300m

Step-by-step explanation:

1 km=1000m

So,1.2 km=1000*1.2=1200m

Let 1.2km(or 1200m) be x% of 300 m

By the problem,

300*x/100 = 1200

Or, 3x=1200


1.2km is 400% of 300m

HCF Of 14608 And 720




Step-by-step explanation:

The highest common factor between the two is 16.


GCF(14608,720) = 2⁴

Step-by-step explanation:

Factor both numbers:

14608 = 2⁴ * 11 * 83

720 = 2⁴ * 3² * 5

Therefore the greatest common factor is 2⁴

please help me with this question




Step-by-step explanation:

p stands for cans of pop. if each can of pop is 35, then you need to multiply 8 by 35

how many years (to two decimal places) will it take an investment of $17,000 to grow to $41,000 if it is invested at 2.95% compounded continuously



30 years

Step-by-step explanation:

Given data


A= $41,000


the expressio for the time is

t= ln(A/P)/r

t= ln(41,000 /17000)/0.0295

t= ln(2.41176)/0.0295

t= 0.8803/0.0295

t= 29.8

about 30 years

What is in the shape of a triangular pyramid and has a height of 10 inches the area of the base of the container is 12 in.² what is the volume of the figure actually inches



60 cubic inches

Step-by-step explanation:

if its a triangle you have to divide it by 2 because its half of a square so its half of an answer so in this case you multiply 10 and 12 which gets you 120 divide that by 2 you get 60 and that's your answer.

What is the name of the shape depicted in the graph below?
A. Limaçon
B. Lemniscate
C. Rose
D. Cardioid


Answer: Lemniscate

Step-by-step explanation:

The name of the shape depicted in the graph is Lemniscate option (B) is correct.

What is lemniscate?

It is defined as a two-dimensional shape that has a two-closed curve that meets at the center. The shape exactly looks like a mathematical symbol infinity ∞

The lemniscate is a Greek word that means a ribbon because the shape looks like a ribbon.

The algebraic equation for the lemniscate is given by:

[tex]\rm \left(x^{2}+y^{2}\right)^{2}=a \left(x^{2}-y^{2}\right)[/tex]

Where a is the constant.

If we put x = 0 and a = 1 we get y = 0

If we put x = 1 and a = 1 we get y = 0

If we put x = -1 and a = 1 we get y = 0

And so on we will get a curved shape shown in the picture.

Thus, the name of the shape depicted in the graph is Lemniscate option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the lemniscate here:

who is popularly known as the father of economics​



Adam smith

he is known as father of economics.

hope it helps


Adam Smith

Step-by-step explanation:

Round to the nearest hundredth hellpppp



[tex]v=1/3\pi r^2h[/tex]


[tex]v=359.01 ~units^3[/tex]


hope it helps...

have a great day!!

How do I find the length


Your answer is going to be b

A car wash detailed 264 cars in 8 hours. At what rate did the car wash detail cars in cars per hour? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

264/8= 33

$50 to 125
$75 to 150

Find all angles, o<Θ<360, that satisfy the equation below, to the nearest 10th of a degree.




30° and 150°

Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find the angles in the range:

0° < θ < 360°

Such that:

4*cos^2(θ) - 2 = 1

The first part is to isolate the variable θ in one side of the equation, let's do that:

4*cos^2(θ) = 1 + 2 = 3

cos^2(θ) = 3/4

cos(θ) = ± √(3/4) = ± (√3)/2

Then we have two possible values of θ, one for:

cos(θ) =  (√3)/2

And another for

cos(θ) = - (√3)/2

For both cases, we can use the inverse cosine function, Acos(x)

that has the property Acos( cos(x) ) = x


cos(θ) =  (√3)/2

Acos( cos(θ) ) = Acos(  (√3)/2)

θ = Acos(  (√3)/2) = 30°

And for the other case we have:

θ = Acos( - (√3)/2) = 150°

Then the two values of theta are: 30° and 150°

(We can see that both of these values are in the range 0° < θ < 360°)

After a shopping trip to the mall. Ashley saw $6.10 in her purse she spent 525 80 on a pair of shoes, 59.25 on a necklace, and $18.85 on a belt. How much money did Ashley bring to the mall​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The total she started with is the sum of the amount she spent and the amount remaining:

  $25.80 +$9.25 +$18.85 +$6.10 = $60.00

Ashley brought $60.00 to the mall.


The Total money she bring to mall is $ 60.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :-

After a shopping trip to the mall. Ashley saw $6.10 in her purse she spent $ 25.80 on a pair of shoes, 59.25 on a necklace, and $18.85 on a belt.

To find :-

How much money did Ashley bring to the mall ?

Solution :-

Total money she bring to the mall = sum of amount she spend and amount remaining.

Total money = $ 25.80 + $ 59.25 + $ 18.85 + $6.10

Hence, The total money she bring to mall is $ 60.00.

What is the difference between a factor and a solution?



Step-by-step explanation:

A genuine number x will be called a arrangement in case it fulfills the condition meaning It is simple to see that the roots are precisely the x-intercepts of the quadratic work, that's the crossing point between the chart of the quadratic work with the x-axis

In the diagram below, JK is similar to MNO. If segment Mn is 8 cm, segment Bo is 18 cm, segment OM is 20 cm, and segment JK is 22 cm, how long is segment LJ?



55 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{22}{8} =\frac{x}{20} \\8x=440\\x=55cm[/tex]

HELP!! Pauline Wong spends 3hours selling a used car and 5hours selling a new car. She works no more than 31hours per week. In order to receive a bonus, she must sell at least twoused car and twonew cars each week. In that case, she receives a bonus of $200for each used car and $300for each new car. How many new cars and how many used car should she try to sell to maximize her bonus? What is the maximum bonus?
a) Define the variables to use
b) Goal function
c) Constraints


The correct answer is b


B)Goal Function

Suppose a monument in the center of your town casts a shadow that is 32 feet long. If the angle of elevation is 47°, what is the height of the monument?



Step-by-step explanation:

Using the solution diagram below ;

Let height of monument = h

Using trigonometric relation :

Tan θ = Opposite / Adjacent

Tan 47 = h / 32

h = tan 47 * 32

h = 34.315 feets

h = 34.3 feets

What is the product of 4x2/3


[tex]\sf\purple{2.667}[/tex] ✅

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]4 \times \frac{2}{3} \\ = \frac{4 \times 2}{ 3} \\ = \frac{8}{3} \\ = 2.667 [/tex]

[tex]\circ \: \: { \underline{ \boxed{ \sf{ \color{green}{Happy\:learning.}}}}}∘[/tex]

Circle O is shown below. The diagram is not drawn to scale.

If m∡R = 24°, what is m∡O?



The measure of angle O (m∠O) is 48°. The correct option is the first option- 48°

Circle Geometry

From the question, we are to determine the measure of angle O

From one of the circle theorems, we have that

The angle at the center is twice the angle at the circumference

∴ m∠O = 2 × m∠R

From the diagram, m∠R = 24°


m∠O = 2×24°

m∠O = 48°

Hence, the measure of angle O (m∠O) is 48°. The correct option is the first option- 48°

Learn more on Circle Geometry here:


The sum of two numbers is 24.The difference of their square is 144.what are the two numbers?​



9 and 16

Step-by-step explanation:

let the two numbers are X and Y



solve simultaneously

True/False. Every member of a food web is the prey of another member of the food web.



Producers --> Consumers --> Primary consumers --> Secondary consumers -->  

Tertiary consumers --> Quaternary consumers --> Decomposers --> Producers

and the cycle keeps repeating

Hope it helps...  

I'll give brainliest



Now replace Y with one of the equations to find x

Final answer =

Which of the following expressions is equivalent to 4.4-3 (3/4+1.126)



-3(6/8+9/8)+4 2/5

Step-by-step explanation:

You convert decimal, you find common denominator, calculate sum of distance, rewrite, write as fraction, it is long tiresome process.

Find the distance between the points (15,-6) and (10,3). I need to show my work PLEASE HURRY 15 points CORRECT ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE


Step-by-step explanation:

d = √(15-10)²+(-6-3)²


= √25+81


10.3 units

why 13/4hr and 4hr are equal ?​



they are not equal

Step-by-step explanation:

13/4 hour is 3hour and 15 minutes

Find the zeros of the quadratic function: y= 6(7x + 9)(8x - 3).
A) (-9/7,0), (3/8,0)
B)(-7/9,0), (8/3,0)
C) (-3/8,0), (°/7,0)
D) (-8/3,0), (7/9,0)



A) (-9/7,0), (3/8,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

Zeros of a quadratic function:

x for which y = 0.

In this question:

[tex]y = 6(7x + 9)(8x - 3)[/tex]

It's 0 if one of the factors is 0. 6 is never 0, now about the other to:

[tex]7x + 9 = 0[/tex]

[tex]7x = -9[/tex]

[tex]x = -\frac{9}{7}[/tex]

So (-9/7, 0) is a zero of the quadratic function.

The other is:

[tex]8x - 3 = 0[/tex]

[tex]8x = 3[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{3}{8}[/tex]

(3/8,0) is the other zero.

Thus, the correct answer is given by option A.

Please help! Image attached!


Number 1 is 5y = 50

Number 2 is h = 7

Number 3 is multiplication

Number 4 is addition

1. 5y=50, y+10=100
2. h=7
3. Multiplication
4. Addition

An infinite sheet of charge, oriented perpendicular to the x-axis, passes through x = 0. It has a surface charge density ?1 = -4.6 ?C/m2. A thick, infinite conducting slab, also oriented perpendicular to the x-axis occupiees the region between a = 2.8 cm and b = 4.5 cm. The conducting slab has a net charge per unit area of ?2 = 60 ?C/m2.
1) What is Ex(P), the value of the x-component of the electric field at point P, located a distance 6.3 cm from the infinite sheet of charge?N/C 2)
2) What is Ey(P), the value of the y-component of the electric field at point P, located a distance 6.3 cm from the infinite sheet of charge?N/C 3)
3) What is Ex(R), the value of the x-component of the electric field at point R, located a distance 1.4 cm from the infinite sheet of charge?N/C 4)
4) What is Ey(R), the value of the y-component of the electric field at point R, located a distance 1.4 cm from the infinite sheet of charge?N/C 5)
5) What is b, the charge per unit area on thesurface of the slab located at x = 4.9 cm??C/m2 6)
6) What is Ex, the value of the x-component of the electric field at a point on the x-axis located at x = 3.64 cm ?N/C 7)
7) What is ?a, the charge per unit area on the surface of the slab located at x = 2.8 cm??C/m2 8)


I have no clue man I’m sorry
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