What is a embarrassing situation you were in once


Answer 1


I plead the 5th


Answer 2


my mom walked in on me watching rock and roll mcdonald's once


pretty embarrassing

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What’s: ‘ich mache das um deine zeit zu verschwenden, ich bin deutsch’ mean???


Answer: I'm doing this to waste your time



i’m doing this to waste your time, i’m german

bro thanks tho i’m getting my 5 points

2. How is the seating arrangement in a German-speaking country usually different from the seating arrangement in the United States?

a. You are expected to seat yourself.

b. There are no children allowed in sit-down restaurants.

c. Most people eat while standing at a bar.

d. Seating is chosen through a lottery system.



B, C and D are kinda ridiculous. I would go for A, but note that this is not always the case, especially on important holidays you need to book a table

A. You are expected to seat yourself.

People are expected to find their own seats as a form of saving time.

He didn't tear his book. (into assertive)​


Though he thought he heard, no, he knew he heard a quiet rip, when he checked there was no tear in sight. (hope this is what you meant!)

What is the formal word for Bleistift?



pencil. stylus; pen. natural pencil; pencil; line penci

It has to be Pencil or pen ( I’m not sure if that’s correct I looked it up)

Can someone help me with this?


the answer is in order :
will, musste, war, hatte, konnte, durfte, war
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