What symbol shows autocorrect is in use in access? WILL MARK BRAINLIEST FOR WHOEVER ANSWERS FIRST!!!


Answer 1



Explanation: just did it on Edge

Related Questions

How much data do sensors collect?



2,4 terabits (TB) of data every minute. Sensors in one smart-

Mining safety sensors may create up to 2.4 terabits (TB) of data every minute.

What is the significance of sensors?

Sensors can help to improve the world by improving diagnostics in medical applications, the performance of energy sources such as fuel cells, batteries, and safety, solar power, people's health, and security, sensors for exploring space and the known university, and improved environmental monitoring.

Sensors play an important role in industrial applications such as process control, monitoring, and safety. The change in sensor output compared to a unit change in input is measured as sensitivity.

It provides several advantages, including increased sensitivity during data gathering, practically lossless transmission, and continuous, real-time analysis.

Real-time feedback and data analytics services ensure that processes are operational and being carried out optimally. Sensors in a single smart-connected house may generate up to 1 gigabit (GB) of data every week.

Learn more about the sensors, refer to:



Can you help me in this question



count = arry[0];

          for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


              if (count>5);






       cout << "Total Count of the numbers greater than or equal to 5 : " <<count ;


count = arry[0];

          for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


              if (count>5);






       cout << "Total Count of the numbers greater than or equal to 5 : " <<count ;

Make absolutely no changes to main(). Change function backwards so that the elements of the array are swapped in order for elements to be in reverse order. That is, arr[0] will be 16, arr[1] will be 5, etc. But backwards() must work no matter what values are in the array and for all values passed in for number. After it is corrected this program should output: 16 3 17 8 2 #include using namespace std; void backwards(int [], int); int main() { int arr[] 2,8,17,3,5,16}; int i; backwards(arr,6); for (i 0; i< 6; i++) cout<



i got you hold on.


Modify the CountByFives application so that the user enters the value to count by. Start each new line after 10 values have been displayed.
public class CountByAnything
// Modify the code below
public static void main (String args[])
final int START = 5;
final int STOP = 500;
final int NUMBER_PER_LINE = 50;
for(int i = START; i <= STOP; i += START)
System.out.print(i + " ");
if(i % NUMBER_PER_LINE == 0)



The modified program is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class CountByAnything{  

public static void main (String args[]){

   Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

final int START = 5;

final int STOP = 500;

int countBy; int count = 0;

System.out.print("Count By: ");

countBy = input.nextInt();

final int NUMBER_PER_LINE = 10;

for(int i = START; i <= STOP; i += countBy){

System.out.print(i + " ");


if(count == NUMBER_PER_LINE){


count = 0;} } } }


To solve this, we introduce two variables

(1) countBy --> This gets the difference between each value (instead of constant 5, as it is in the program)

(2) count --> This counts the numbers displayed on each line

The explanation is as follows:

final int START = 5;

final int STOP = 500;

This declares countBy and count. count is also initialized to 0

int countBy; int count = 0;

This prompts the user for countBy

System.out.print("Count By: ");

This gets value for countBy

countBy = input.nextInt();

final int NUMBER_PER_LINE = 10;

This iterates through START to STOP with an increment of countBy in between two consecutive values

for(int i = START; i <= STOP; i += countBy){

This prints each number

System.out.print(i + " ");

This counts the numbers on each line


If the count is 10

if(count == NUMBER_PER_LINE){

This prints a new line


And then set count to 0

count = 0;}

Write a Java application that allows a user to enter student data that consists of a Student number, First name, Surname, and average assignment mark. Depending on whether the students average assignment mark is at least 40, output each record either to a file of students who passed (call it pass.txt) or students qualifying for supplementary (call it supp.txt).​



Following are the given code to the given question:

import java.io.*;//import package

import java.util.*;//import package

public class Main //defining a class Main


public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException//defining main method


Scanner obx = new Scanner(System.in);//creating Scanner class object

System.out.println("Enter Student Number: ");//print message

long studentNumber = obx.nextLong();//defining a studentNumber that input value

obx.nextLine();//use  for next line

System.out.println("Enter Your First Name:");//print message

String name = obx.nextLine();//input value

System.out.println("Enter Your Surname:");//print message

String surName = obx.nextLine();//input value

System.out.println("Enter Your Average Assisgnment Marks:");//print message

int avgAssignMarks = obx.nextInt();//input value

if(avgAssignMarks>=50)//use if to check Average value greater than equal to 50  


FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("pass.txt", true);//creating FileWriter object

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fw);//creating PrintWriter object

out.println("Student Number: "+studentNumber);//print message with value

out.println("Student Name: "+name);//print message with value

out.println("Student Surname: "+surName);//print message with value

out.println("Student Average Assignmet Marks: "+avgAssignMarks);//print message with value




else//else block  


FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("supp.txt", true);//creating FileWriter object

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fw);//creating PrintWriter object

out.println("Student Number: "+studentNumber);//print message with value

out.println("Student Name: "+name);//print message with value

out.println("Student Surname: "+surName);//print message with value

out.println("Student Average Assignmet Marks: "+avgAssignMarks);//print message with value







Please find the attached file.


In this code, a class "Main" is declared inside the class main method is declared inside the main method a scanner class, FileWriter, and PrintWriter object is creating that defines the string and long variable which is used to input value from the user-end, and store the value into the pass.txt file.

Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, and output all integers less than or equal to that value. Ex: If the input is: 5 50 60 140 200 75 100 the output is: 50 60 75 The 5 indicates that there are five integers in the list, namely 50, 60, 140, 200, and 75. The 100 indicates that the program should output all integers less than or equal to 100, so the program outputs 50, 60, and 75. Such functionality is common on sites like Amazon, where a user can filter results. Your code must define and call the following two functions: def get_user_values() def output_ints_less_than_or_equal_to_threshold(user_values, upper_threshold)



The program in Python is as follows:

def get_user_values():

   user_values = []

   n = int(input())

   for i in range(n+1):

       inp = int(input())



def output_ints_less_than_or_equal_to_threshold(user_values, upper_threshold):

   for i in user_values:

       if i <= upper_threshold:

           print(i,end=" ")




This defins the get_user_values() method; it receives no parameter

def get_user_values():

This initializes user_values list

   user_values = []

This gets the number of inputs

   n = int(input())

This loop is repeated n+1 times to get all inputs and the upper threshold

   for i in range(n+1):

       inp = int(input())


This passes the list and the upper threshold to the output..... list  output_ints_less_than_or_equal_to_threshold(user_values,user_values[n])

This defines the output.... list

def output_ints_less_than_or_equal_to_threshold(user_values, upper_threshold):

This iterates through the list

   for i in user_values:

If current element is less or equal to the upper threshold, the element is printed

       if i <= upper_threshold:

           print(i,end=" ")

The main method begins here where the get_user_values() method is called



What is the next line?

>>> tupleC = (3, 8, 11, 8, 8, 11)
>>> tupleC.index(11)

O 3
О 0
O 2
O 1


The next line is 0___________________________

An analyst created a map and shared it with the organization. The map references two layers: a feature layer that is shared to the Marketing group and a tiled layer that is shared publicly. Who can open the feature layer


                - - - --  - -  - -   -  - --  -  - -

A feature layer is a collection of related geographic features, such as highways, cities, buildings, plots, and earthquake epicenters. Features may be polygons, lines, or points (areas).

What is feature layer?

The best way to visualize data over basemaps is with feature layers. For feature layers, you can modify the style, transparency, visible range, refresh interval, and label settings, which affect how the layer appears on the map.

You may view, edit, examine, and run queries against features and their properties using a feature layer.

Each kind of feature layer fills a particular purpose and, as a result, functions significantly differently. See Feature layer functionality for a comparison of the functionality offered by each type of feature layer.

To learn more about feature layer, refer to the link:



Question Statement: Explain the steps needed to the display all the items in a linked list



A list of linked data structures is a sequence of linked data structures.

The Linked List is an array of links containing items. Each link contains a link to a different link. The second most frequently used array is the Linked List.


Create a node class with 2 attributes: the data and the following. Next is the next node pointer.

Create an additional class with two attributes: head and tail.

AddNode() adds to the list a new node:

Make a new node.

He first examines if the head is equal to zero, meaning that the list is empty.

The head and the tail point to the newly added node when this list is vacant.

If the list isn't empty, the new node will be added at the end of the list to point to the new node of tail. This new node is the new end of the list.

Show() will show the nodes in the list:

Set a node current that first points to the list header.

Cross the list until the current null points.

Show each node by referring to the current in each iteration to the next node.

You are configuring NIC teaming on a server with two network adapters. You chose Switch Independent Mode. You now must choose between the two modes determining if one adapter is left offline or both adapters are functional. You require a mode for the highest throughput. What mode do you choose?



The appropriate answer is "Active/Active mode".


Now just after the customers or clients respond to the traditional standards, the board is comprised the information rapport with the cloud service, which would be considered as Active mode.The car glides primarily somewhere at a specified constantly controlled rate of the conductor. Currently entering the grounding connection boosts the flow of electrons further into the receiver as well as the transmitter.

Thus the above is the correct solution.

Computer C’s performance is 4 times as fast as the performance of computer B, which runs a given application in 28 seconds. How long will computer C take to run that application?





Since computer C's performance is 4 times faster, naturally I'd multiply 28 by 4.

Computer C’s performance is 4 times as fast as the performance of computer B, which runs a given application in 28 seconds. The time taken by computer C is 7 sec.

What is the application?

Computers are used at home for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc. They provide communication through electronic mail.

Double-click the executable file or the shortcut icon pointing to the executable file on Windows to start the program. If you find it difficult to double-click an icon, you can highlight it by clicking it once and then using the Enter key on the keyboard.

Execution time B / Execution time C = 4

28 sec / Execution time C =  4

Execution time C = 28 sec / 4 = 7 sec

Therefore, the time taken by computer C is 7 seconds.

To learn more about an application, refer to the link:



Discuss five processes for analyzing a qualitative study


1. Prepare and organize your data.

Print out your transcripts, gather your notes, documents, or other materials. Mark the source, any demographics you may have collected, or any other information that will help you analyze your data.

2. Review and explore the data.

This will require you to read your data, probably several times, to get a sense of what it contains. You may want to keep notes about your thoughts, ideas, or any questions you have.

3. Create initial codes.

Use highlighters, notes in the margins, sticky pads, concept maps, or anything else that helps you to connect with your data. See the attached document that demonstrates how one might highlight key words and phrases as well as make notes in the margins to categorize the data:

4. Review those codes and revise or combine into themes.

Identify recurring themes, language, opinions, and beliefs.

5. Present themes in a cohesive manner.

Consider your audience, the purpose of the study, and what content should be included to best tell the story of your data.

Hope this helped you!!!


Prepare and organize your data. Print out your transcripts, gather your notes, documents, or other materials.

Review and explore the data.

Create initial codes.

Review those codes and revise or combine into themes.

Present themes in a cohesive manner.

What term refers the built-in redundancy of an application's components and the ability of the application to remain operational even if some of its components fail



Fault tolerance.


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer on how to perform a specific task and solve a particular problem.

Simply stated, it's a computer program or application that comprises of sets of code for performing specific tasks on the system.

Fault tolerance is an ability of the component of a software application or network to recover after any type of failure. Thus, it is the redundancy of an application's components built-in by default and the ability of this software application to remain functional or operational even if some of its components fail or it encounter some code blocks.

Basically, fault tolerance makes it possible for a software application or program to continue with its normal operations or functions regardless of the presence of hardware or system component failure.

Hence, it is an important requirement for any software application that should be incorporated by software developers during the coding stage of the software development life cycle (SDLC).

Write a Prolog predicate makeset(L1, L2) that takes list L1 of integers and removes the repeating elements. The result is returned in list L2. For example, makeset([1,3,4,1,3,9],Set). would return [1,3,4,9].


Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript:

We could just use ES6 syntax and quickly get our result with no long coding. ECMA script 2015, the sixth version of javascript programming language has an array method that returns the unique values of an array in a new array.

var allValues = [ 1,3,4,1,3,9 ];

let uniqueValues = [...new Set(allValues)];


This will output only the unique values 1,3,4,9

With the GIS moving into the cloud, developers of enterprise applications based on SAP, Microsoft Office, SharePoint, MicroStrategy, IBM Cognos, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM are not using it to create a wide range of mobile applications.
a. True
b. False





Calculate the total capacity of a disk with 2 platters, 10,000 tracks, an average of
400 sectors per track, and 512 bytes per sector?



[tex]Capacity = 2.048GB[/tex]



[tex]Tracks = 10000[/tex]

[tex]Sectors/Track = 400[/tex]

[tex]Bytes/Sector = 512[/tex]

[tex]Platter =2[/tex]


The capacity

First, calculate the number of Byte/Tract

[tex]Byte/Track = Sectors/Track * Bytes/sector[/tex]

[tex]Byte/Track = 400 * 512[/tex]

[tex]Byte/Track= 204800[/tex]

Calculate the number of capacity

[tex]Capacity = Byte/Track * Track[/tex]

[tex]Capacity= 204800 * 10000[/tex]

[tex]Capacity= 2048000000[/tex]  --- bytes

Convert to gigabyte

[tex]Capacity = 2.048GB[/tex]

Notice that the number of platters is not considered because 10000 represents the number of tracks in both platters



Why are you asking that here lol

Number are stored and transmitted inside a computer in the form of​


Number are stored and transmitted inside a computer in the form of ASCII code

What is the primary difference between BMPs, JPEGs, and GIFs?


In simple words,
JPEGs- Images
GIFs- animated images used for messaging

In the properly way to explain,
BMPs- The BMP file format, also known as bitmap image file, device independent bitmap (DIB) file format and bitmap, is a raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images, independently of the display device (such as a graphics adapter), especially on Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems.


BMPs are not compressed; JPEGs and GIFs are compressedExplanation:

Both symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods have their places in securing enterprise data. Compare and contrast where each of these are used in real-life applications. Use at least one global example in identifying the differences between applications.


Symmetric Encryption:

Same key is used for Encryption and Decryption

Both server and client should have same key for encryption

Vulnerable to attack

Examples: Blowfish, AES, RC4, DES, RC5, and RC6

Asymmetric encryption:

Server generates its own public and private key

Client generates its own public and private key

Server and client exchanges their public keys

Server uses client’s public key to encrypt data

Client uses server ‘s public key to encrypt data

Server uses its private key to decrypt data sent by client

Client uses its private key to decrypt data sent by server

example: EIGamal, RSA, DSA, Elliptic curve techniques, PKCS.

Hi there , Hope I helped !

A TextLineReader is an object that can read a text file one line at a time, parsing each line and turning it into an object of some type. The reason we've implemented it as a class template is so that different TextLineReaders can transform their file into different types of objects; for example, a TextLineReader will return an int from every line, while a TextLineReader will return a Student instead. Because TextLineReader itself can't know how to transform each line from the file into the corresponding result type, a line parser function is provided, which does that transformation (i.e., takes each line's text and returns the appropriate kind of object, or throws an exception if that transformation fails because the format of the line is incorrect).Write the implementation of the TextLineReader class template. You may not change any of the public declarations that were provided, but you can add anything you'd like — including public or private member functions, private member variables, and so on — but you'll need to meet all of the following design requirements.


no one is going to answer

spreadsheet feature that can be used to arrange data from highest to lowest based on average






Arrange data in descending order based on average

The feature to do this is to use the RANK.AVG() function.

By default, the function will return the ranks of the selected data in descending order (i.e. from highest to lowest); though, the sort order can be changed to ascending order.

The syntax is:

=RANK.AVG (number, ref, [order])


number [tex]\to[/tex] The number to use as rank

ref [tex]\to[/tex] The cell range

order [tex]\to[/tex] 0 represents descending order while 1 represents ascending order

describes the use of a replicated fractional factorial to investigate the effect of five factors on the free height of leaf springs used in an automotive application. Write out the alias structure for this design. What is the resolution of this design



the replace of the circumference


When creating a multi-dimensional array dynamically in C/C++ the Memory Manager will go to great pains to make sure the array is completely contiguous with each row followed immediately by another row in the array. The goal is to keep all the data together in memory rather than "wherever it fits." A. True B. False



Here the statement is false.  


In C/C++, we can define multidimensional arrays in simple words as an array of arrays. Data in multidimensional arrays are stored in tabular form (in row-major order).  

General form of declaring N-dimensional arrays:  

data_type  array_name[size1][size2]....[sizeN];  

data_type: Type of data to be stored in the array.  

          Here data_type is valid C/C++ data type

array_name: Name of the array

size1, size2,... ,sizeN: Sizes of the dimensions.

Foe example:

Two dimensional array:

int two_d[10][20];  

Three dimensional array:

int three_d[10][20][30];

concept of community forest contributes in the field of health population and environment.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The concept of community forest contributes to the field of health population and environment in that it helps forest communities to preserve their homes, farm fields, and cattle because they depend on nature to produce the crops or food that sell or trade.

Community forests help these people to take care of nature and protect the environment because they depend so much on the forest to get fresh water, fresh air, and the proper natural resources to live.

People who live in community forests have the utmost respect for nature and do not try to exploit it to benefit from natural resources or raw materials as corporations do.

So together, community forest aims to preserve and protect the natural resources and the conservation of the wildlife and the flora of these places.

1 poin
A document contains a list of items that appear in no particular order. Which of the following is the best way to format the list?


Group of answer choices.

A. Apply numbering to the list.

B. Apply bullets to the list.

C. Apply multilevel numbering to the list.

D. Manually enter a ">" character at the beginning of each item in the list.


B. Apply bullets to the list.


Formatting is a feature found in a lot of word processing software applications such as Microsoft Word, Notepad, etc., which is designed to avail end users the ability to apply specific formatting options such as cut, bold, italics, underline, list, etc., to texts based on certain criteria defined by an end user.

Microsoft Word refers to a word processing software application or program developed by Microsoft Inc. to enable its users type, format and save text-based documents.

In Microsoft Word, a list can be formatted using a numbered or bulleted arrangement style. A numbered style (1, 2, 3, 4, etc) is typically used for an ordered list while a bullet is designed to be used for an unordered list.

Hence, the best way to format a document containing a list of items that appear in no particular order is to apply bullets to the list.

For example, a bulleted list of my favorite subjects arranged in no particular order would appear as this;

English languageMathematicsGeographyBiologyChemistryPhysicsComputer technology

The C++ standard library provides code that’s organized into a. folders b. namespaces c. sublibraries d. none of the above



Namespaces ( B )


The codes in the C++ standard library are organized into folders Known as  namespaces .

namespaces are general used to organize various codes into logical groups to avoid name collisions that may occur when there is the presence of multiple libraries in a code base.

3- Write a C++ program by using for loop that will ask for an integer as a parameter and display its factorial. Hint factorial (5)=5^ * 4^ * 3^ * 2^ * 1



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {  

 int n;

 cout << "Enter number: ";

 cin >> n;

 int fact = 1;

 for(int i=2; i<=n; i++) {

   fact *= i;


 cout << n << "! = " << fact << endl;



Another cool way to do this is to write a recursive function. But here specifically a for loop was asked.

) Define a goal for software product quality and an associated metric for that attribute. (b) Explain how you could show that the goal is validatable. (c) Explain how you could show that the goal is verifiable.



Following are the response to the given point:


For point A:

The objective for software development is indeed the testing process to ensure that minimum test of the highest quality product. For some of these goals, QA as well as the evaluation procedure are accountable.

For point B:

Testing experts and QA assessors verify the goal.

For point C:

Testing processes can assess the situation. Whenever the process operates effectively and then all the testing processes have passed correctly and all the development standards were complied with, so we can conclude that the objective was verified.

Write a function in Erlang called func that takes a list of tuples and returns a new list consisting of tuples from the original list, for which the first tuple element is smaller than the second one (each tuple in the incoming list consists of only two elements).



Please find the complete question in the attached file.


Following are the code to the given question:

-module(helloworld)//use a module


start() ->//start module

func([Head Taill) ->//defining a method func that takes a parameter


first, second} = Head,//holding head value

if //defining if block

first > second -> func(Tail)//method func that takes a parameter

true ->

[first, second}|func(Tail)]//method func that takes a parameter


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