What was Reconstruction?
(i’m not sure about my answer)


Answer 1
Your answer is correct the term “re” is to do it again and “construction” is building so reconstruction is to build something that has been broken
Answer 2


A -The Process of bringing Southern states back into the Union


Although the answer you chose is not entirely wrong the Reconstruction Era (1863 - 1877) was more about rebuilding the Confederate or southern states and bringing them together with the Union states after Civil War. The Union developed policies that allowed the Union to rejoin the Southern states.

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The primary doctrine of the Protestant Reformation was​



 The idea that the forgiveness of sins and eternal life are given unconditionally for Christ's sake and do not depend on the worthiness of the sinner.

I don't know if this is what you were looking for? Tell me and I'll edit it if not.

Explain the Manhattan project during the cold war and how two long-term causes created political or economic tensions between the US and the USSR.

Long term cause:


Organization (NATO) designed to oppose any Soviet invasion of Europe.  In 1949, the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb (closely resembling the plutonium device tested at Alamogordo, thanks to espionage).  That same year, Chinese communists defeated their nationalist opponents in the Chinese Civil War.  By the time communist North Korea attacked American-backed South Korea in June 1950, many in the United States and around the world believed that a third world war was imminent or had already begun.  

B-29s on a bombing runIn this atmosphere of national emergency, government officials believed that continued American superiority in nuclear weaponry was vital to preventing a third world war.  If a global war should begin, American military planners hoped that continued nuclear superiority would allow the United States to strike the Soviet Union with such force that damage to the United States would be minimized and that Western Europe could eventually be reclaimed from an invading Soviet army.  The generation of United States Air Force generals who had overseen the aerial destruction of the cities of Germany and Japan was determined to prevent similar destruction of American cities.  In 1950, following the beginning of the Korean War and a secret governmental study called NSC 68, the United States nearly tripled its defense budget.  

Ivy Mike, the world's first thermonuclear (hydrogen bomb) test, November 1, 1952.The defense buildup of 1950-1951 included an expansion of the nuclear weapons complex and an increase of the stockpile of fission weapons.  Truman also approved the design and production of the next generation of nuclear weapons, thermonuclear weapons (the "hydrogen bomb").  When the United States tested the first of these on November 1, 1952 (right), the result was an explosion that was equivalent to one produced by more than ten million tons of TNT.  This was approximately 700 times the power of the uranium (fission) bomb dropped on Hiroshima.  In August 1953, the Soviet Union tested its first "boosted fission weapon," which used thermonuclear burning to enhance its yield, and in November 1955 the Soviet Union tested its first true thermonuclear weapon.  There was now almost no limit on the size of an explosion either superpower could create.  In August 1957, the Soviet Union tested the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), a feat dramatized two months later by the launch of the "Sputnik" satellite.  The following year, the United States first began limited operation of its own ICBM.  One of these nuclear-tipped missiles from either side could arrive at its target in less than an hour, and no defense was possible once the missile was launched.  The only thing thought now to be preserving the "delicate balance of terror" was the promise that if one nation attacked, the other would surely retaliate.  The era of "mutual assured destruction," or "MAD," had dawned.  

Soviet R-7 ICBM (the type that launched Sputnik)No global third world war ever took place.  Mindful that a full-scale nuclear exchange would be a disaster for both sides, the superpowers fought each other through a variety of proxy wars and "shadow struggles" in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and dozens of other places.  The strategy of the United States and its like-minded allies was to use the nuclear threat to avert a direct Soviet attack on Western Europe and allow time for the eventual internal reform or even collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellite states.  Events eventually confirmed this strategy, but the Soviet Union in the interim proved willing to use overt military force to prevent the collapse of communist governments, most notably with its invasions of Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.  At the same time, the Soviet Union supported the spread of communism through insurrections and the overthrow of pro-western regimes in the third world.  The United States, in turn, responded with economic and military aid and, where necessary, armed force to prop up friendly governments and used its own secret intelligence services in attempts to overthrow unfriendly governments.

PLEASE HELP!! Which is an example of a fiscal policy?

decreasing the interest rates on loans charged to car companies

deploying troops to help citizens cope with a natural disaster

going into debt to buy a large number of vehicles for the military

limiting the number of foreign cars that can be sold in the United States​


Answer:limiting the number of foreign cars that can be sold in the United States

From whose perspective is the story of All Quiet on the Western Front told, what side is he fighting from? please



Paul Bäumer's pov :)


hope this helps :)

What is an organization owned by many people but treated by law as though it were a single person?
a. a trust
b. a corporation
c. a holding company
d. an organized pool


b. a corporation
by definition

What did the line of the Missouri Compromise define?
O A. The border between slave states and free states
B. The border between the United States and Mexico
C. The border between Native Americans and colonists
D. The border between the United States and Canada



A. The border between slave states and free states


the 36-30 N latitude line.


A. The border between slave states and free states

What is the significance of the Olympian temple of zeus, why is it useful today?



was built to honor the chief of the gods


__is consists of acts and sayings


I believe it is the Qur’an.

For each of the following, describe its characteristics, explain its significance, or identify relevant causes and effects:
National Socialist (Nazi) Party
Rome-Berlin Axis
Neutrality Act of 1935
Munich Conference
Committee to Defend America By Aiding the Allies
America First Committee
Four Freedoms
Lend-Lease Act



Professor Emeritus of History, Oberlin College. American historian specializing in French fascist movements (1924-39), European fascism, and 20th-century European intellectual history; French fascist intellectuals.

How would the threat of nuclear attacks increase the fear of the "Red Scare?





The Red Scare was the fear of communism. America and the Soviet Union came out as two world powers after WW2, holding the most amount of nuclear weaponry. They were the two opponents(not including any satellite states or colonies) of the Cold War, and had opposing economic ideas, America supporting capitalism and the Soviet Union supporting Communism. Going back to the high amounts of nuclear weaponry on both sides, since there were such alarming amounts people around the world were in fear of nuclear warfare, especially those in America. American citizens often believed that the Soviet Union would strike America and attack with nuclear bombs, which increased the presence of the Red Scare.


The Red Scare was hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, which intensified in the late 1940s and early 1950s. (Communists were often referred to as “Reds” for their allegiance to the red Soviet flag.) The Red Scare led to a range of actions that had a profound and enduring effect on U.S. government and society. Federal employees were analyzed to determine whether they were sufficiently loyal to the government, and the House Un-American Activities Committee, as well as U.S. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, investigated allegations of subversive elements in the government and the Hollywood film industry. The climate of fear and repression linked to the Red Scare finally began to ease by the late 1950s.

how did the US stop communism in Western Europe?​



In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine. ... To help rebuild after the war, the United States pledged $13 billion of aid to Europe in the Marshall Plan.



i hope this is what your looking for


communism didn’t exist to be stopped. None of the countries which Americans call ‘communist’ even described themselves as such. They, just as inaccurately, described themselves ‘socialist’. In fact the so called ‘communist’ parties of western europe still exist and support variations of state and reformist capitalism.

Socialism/communism proper, will be an advanced , post-capitalist society, run by us all, locally, regionally, globally, in administration over resources and not a government over people.

It will be a market -free, money -free, production for use (not for sale), free access (not rationed access) commonly owned,(not private, corporate or state owned) revolutionary permanent break with the present capitalist one.

It has never existed anywhere.

It is not a ‘reformist’ nor a ‘statist’ version of capitalism which retains wage slavery in any form.

It will be the mature, politically conscious task of the immense majority to make it happen and not the minority vanguardist led actions of pseudo-revolutionaries.

“The organising tenet will be from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.”

Why did a group known as theologians arise during the Roman Empire rather than the Roman Republic?

They wrote about Christianity which had not yet developed during the Roman Republic.
They wrote about Roman conquests that happened after the Roman Republic declined.
They wrote about the tetrarchy form of government that was used during the Roman Empire.
They wrote about the development of Stoicism during the Roman Empire.


The third option best displays the response you may be looking for.




im actully very smart

Match each nation with the conditions that helped to trigger its shift to fascism.


Benito Mussolini came into power in Italy

Read the passage.

Researchers in Sweden decided to conduct testing on an individual buried in a famous Viking grave. The grave is known as Bj 581. This grave contains a single human, two horses, and weapons. Scientists reexamined the body in 1970. They studied the shape of the hips. The shape seemed to be female. This claim stirred up a controversy. Could Viking warriors be women? In 2017, scientist Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson analyzed ancient DNA from Bj 581. The results were conclusive. The Viking in the grave was female.

What is the central idea of the passage?

Viking warriors could be women.
Grave Bj 581 is a famous Viking grave.
A human and two horses were buried together.
Scientists conducted tests on the body in grave Bj 581.



Scientists conducted tests on the body in grave Bj 581


Hope this helps u

Viking warriors could be women.

Which of the following statements best describes the postwar US economy?



As the cold war unfolded in the decade and a half after ww2 the United states experienced phenomenal economic growth the war brought the return of prosperity

Explain the importance of the buffalo to Native Americans.


The relationship between some Native American tribes and the American buffalo was a sacred one. Not only did it provide the former with food, clothing, and weapons, it also played a central role in their spiritual life.

Which of these is NOT a First Amendment right?

A. speech
B. religion
C. vote
D. press


Pretty sure it’s C: Vote
C. Vote
Is the correct ans

Can someone help me fast I need to turn this in rn and I don’t know what to do for this question can some do it quick pls.



4- money borrowed feom other countries

5- certificate that promises to repay borrowed money in the future plus an additional amount of money, called interest

6- national bank

7- tarrifs

hope this helps


the answer you are looking for is 7

What did the west represent for citizens



developed in the form of writing, acting, and painting,


don't know by heart just a guess.

What is the historical significance of ancient Roman holidays/traditions?



Saturnalia, the most popular holiday on the ancient Roman calendar, derived from older farming-related rituals of midwinter and the winter solstice, especially the practice of offering gifts or sacrifices to the gods during the winter sowing season

Explain how communism differs from capitalism.


Answer: Capitalism is an economic system in which the trade and industry of the economy is owned and controlled by private individuals, to make profit. Communism refers to social system in which country's trade and industry are controlled by the community and the share of each individual relies on his ability and needs.


Not my words!  BUT I HOPE THIS HELPS!

natural rights are the same as

A) legal rights
B)unalienable rights
C) societal rights
D) government rights​



D) government rights

natural rights are the same as government rights.

Natural rights are protected by the government .

hope it is helpful to you

B. Unalienable Rights

when a political group grand stands or exagerates it's position to the public it can be said that it is approval


Answer: When a political group grandstands or exaggerate its position to the public, it can be said it is posturing for approval. Political groups have much political and economic interest, so they always try to be in the public arena for posturing their issues.


Read these statements:
Speaker 1: The will of the people is what is best for society.
Speaker 2: People exchange some of their individual freedoms for
protection by the government.
Speaker 3: Governments should be divided into branches that are
B separate but equal.
Speaker 4: Governments derive their powers from the consent of the
Which speaker would Jean-Jacques Rousseau most likely agree with?


Answer: SPEAKER 1

Explanation: Jean belives in the will of the people.


Speaker 1


Jean-Jacques Rousseau believes in the will of the people. i also just took this test for intro to U.S. Gov


how would the roads help the government of Rome rule the empire? (think about all the things that government does and how the roads would help)​


As roads were used the most which would benefit the government in ruling the empire

Vận dụng tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh về xây dựng Đảng để phân tích vấn đề phòng
và chống các tiêu cực trong Đảng hiện nay



hello I would like me to send

Why were foreign traders able to reach Axum?

alliances with neighboring nations
missionaries spreading Christianity
invasion by Chinese barbarians
location along the Silk Road



Alliances with neighboring nations. missionaries spreading Christianity. invasion by Chinese barbarians. location along the Silk Road.



its D Location along the silk road


i took the test

How did the old powers of Europe seek to restrain the ideas of Republicanism and Bonapartism with the Concert of Europe


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

How did the old powers of Europe seek to restrain the ideas of Republicanism and Bonapartism with the Concert of Europe?

The old powers of Europe sought to restrain the ideas of Republicanism and Bonapartism with the Concert of Europe in that this concert represented a system to solve many political and territorial issues that became major problems with the expansionist's ideas of Napoleon Bonaparte. The conservative and traditionalist nations of the old continent did not accept the idea to lose their control and power and decided to do something to stop revolutionary ideas and movements, The concert of Europe opposed nationalistic ideas.

The Concert of Europe was a meeting of nations to find a balance of power.

We are referring to a time in Europe after the Napoleonic period. The European nations were in favor of keeping the status quo of the region, establishing a balance of power. This allowed some countries to intervene on the issues of another in the case there was a threat of internal rebellion. Historians consider the Concert of Europe in two periods, the first after the Congress of Viena of 1815 until 1848, and the other from 1871 to 1914.

Every country has a national anthem. Most/many/all sing their national anthem at their sporting events. The Texas law does not require anyone to sing it, but only for the teams receiving taxpayer dollars to play it as has been the tradition for many years. Do you approve of this bipartisan (supported by both political parties) bill becoming law? Explain your answer.



Yes because it shows that we are united as a country even through the hardships we currently face


what power did the wealthy have over the economy and government during the second industrial revolution?



The Second Revolution saw new and up-and-coming industries mature, such as steel, oil, and electricity. A consequence of technical advances was the introduction of public transportation and aircraft.

During this period, the U.S. economy was strengthened owing to historically higher production in the home market and commercial agriculture. Europe and the United States gained because of the Industrial Revolution.

During the pre-Civil War period, the government did not take steps to help industrialization. Conversely, authorities oversaw the construction of important infrastructure, like the Erie Canal in New York and the first railroads. More railroad track was constructed in the northern states.

Today's production and manufacturing techniques have advanced significantly. In the building industry, steel has replaced iron. It has punch for a cheap price. Therefore, train lines can be constructed and transportation may be dispersed.

Steel helped create bigger ships, buildings, and bridges. The Second Industrial Revolution was just as significant a leap ahead as its predecessor. Electricity is required in all scenarios. During the Second Industrial Revolution, this was the rule.


Is there any options?


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