When an author wants to increase the space of a story what narrative technique might she use


Answer 1


shorter sentences are used to create a fast pace if that's what u mean

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Which of these words do you get by combining the word roots for "earth" and

A. Autobiography
B. Biodegrade
C. Geography
D. Paragraph


C. Georgraphy of course.
Geography would be correct hope it helps

How does the character of Ismene contrast with Antigone’s archetype?

Ismene represents a coward in comparison to Antigone’s heroine.
Ismene shows true leadership compared to Antigone’s cowardice.
Ismene shows quiet confidence, which is the opposite of Antigone’s leadership.
Ismene displays the physical strength of a warrior that Antigone does not have.



Ismene represents a coward in comparison to Antigone’s heroine.


Sophocles' "Antigone" revolves around the story of Antigone and her death after choosing loyalty for one's family against the king's order. The tragedy focuses on family, right vs. wrong, mortal law against divine law, etc.

In the tragedy, Antigone bravely went against the decree of King Creon in burying her "traitor" brother Polynices. She defied the king rather than be held responsible for not doing what is right by the gods. Her sister Ismene, on the other hand, seemed more mellow and scared in the idea of giving their brother a proper burial. She also tried to dissuade Ismene not to go against the king, which Antigone did anyway.

Thus, Ismene is a cowardly character as compared to Antigone's heroic act.




Correct on edge

Jessica is creating a presentation about the growth of the fast food industry throughout the 20th century. She found dozens of images, videos, and audio files about the earliest fast food restaurants. What should she do with this material?
Finde the same amount of multimedia for current fast food restaurants.
Select just a few of the best multimedia items about early fast food restaurants. Include all that she found, but shorten the remainder of the presentation.
Put as much media as possible onto just a few slides.



Select just a few of the best multimedia items about early fast food restaurants.


Select just a few of the best multimedia items about early fast food restaurants.


Multimedia should be carefully selected and presented to ensure that your presentation is high quality and easy to understand.

define the concept environmental personal mission statement and indicate four reasons why you think having it may enhance responsible living in your environment​


Answer and Explanation:

An Environmental Personal Mission Statement is a statement that presents to a person, or group of people, the reasons why this person should adopt concepts of sustainability and environmental preservation, showing why protecting nature is beneficial and should be done.

The reasons why having an Environmental Personal Mission Statement can improve a person's life in relation to the environment are:

Allows the individual to recognize the importance of the environment for life.Allows the individual to correct harmful behavior to the environment.It allows the individual to fight for a better and more comfortable future.Allows the individual to recognize their fragility and need for nature.

After reading about the Winchester house, what other questions do you have about the house and Sarah Winchester?



actually the Winchester's were the first people who made the Winchester rifle and the woman Sarah Winchester who was also hearing the dead people that have died by the rifle then her husband died tragically then she lost her baby girl only that was born on 5th weeks didn't live a long life but also the Winchester House was built by Sarah Winchester she built it for years and kept on building where she believed she would die if she finished it

Answer: After reading the Winchester house, I concluded that Sarah Winchester was not in the right state of mind. She lost her family and longed for her family, and she was obsessed with the number 13. Sarah kept building the house to keep her family close to her in spirit so they wouldn't leave her behind.


full form of CPU,RAM,ROM,ATM,GIGO​


[tex] \huge \mathfrak \red{Answer}[/tex]

Full form of:-

CPU:-Central processing unitRAM:-Random Access memoryROM:-Ready only memoryATM:-Automated teller machineGIGO:-Garbage in Garbage out

hello dear


central processing unit


dont know


automated teller machine

Read the paragraph.

When Allison saw the advertisement for a free basketball clinic at the community center, she knew she would attend. Tryouts for her school team were still a month away, and her jump shot needed work if she wanted to be selected this year. Hours of work with her brother had improved her technique, and her layups were consistent. She could hold her own in neighborhood games of three-on-three, but her outside shots rarely made it through the hoop. Allison hoped that the instruction at the clinic would address this weakness. She marked her calendar for the event and headed out to the driveway.

What can readers conclude about Allison? Check all that apply.

She wants to play on her school’s basketball team.
She has better basketball skills than her brother.
She is willing to practice to improve her skills.
She has experience playing basketball with her friends.
She hopes to learn the rules of basketball at the clinic





better basketball skills than her brother were not mentioned

allison already knows the rules for basketball


She wants to play on her schools basketball team. She is willing to practice to improve her skills. She hopes to learn the rules of basketball at the clinic. (im not sure but i think also she has experience playing with her friends)


Well, reading the paragraph you can see i guess. I hope I helped!! Good luck on your homework

Which one of the following has more than one spelling error?
A. basically, acheive, tongue, weird
B. apparantly, guard, religous, existence
C. separate, dissapear, propaganda, interrupt
D. independant, wherever, therefore, tattoo


it’s B. apparently and religious are spelled wrong




apparently and religious are the correct spellings.

Guess their Asian Nationality???

(1) China
(2) Korea
(3) India
(4) Phillipines
(5) Japan
(6) Singapore
(7) Sri Lanka

You have 3 Chances!!!​



No thanks! :)


If i were to guess tho i would guess sri lanka, korea, or japan

some residents of the suburbs of vredehoek and devil's peak were instructed to vacate their homes, schools in the area were shut and several streets were closed to traffic. in active voice​



Some residents of the suburbs of vredehoek and devil's peak have moved out of their homes and closed schools and streets to traffic.


The active voice is present in sentences where the subject of the sentence is doing the action indicated by the verb and not suffering the action presented by the verb.

The subject of a sentence is the word the verb is referring to, the verb is the word that indicates an action or a state. In this case, we can see that in the sentence presented in the question above, the verb is the words "were instructed", "shut" and "closed". The subject of this sentence is "add residents". In this sentence, the subject is not doing the action of the verbs, but is suffering this action. Therefore, to pass the sentence to the active voice, we could present it as:

"Some residents of the suburbs of vredehoek and devil's peak have moved out of their homes and closed schools and streets to traffic."

Examples of words that are inclusive language would be; fireman, stewardess and






Those would be compound words.




are the words that avoid the use of certain expression or words that might be considered to exclude particular groups of people such as "parent" instead of "mom'

Which statement best describes the situation in the United States after the Holocaust?

The government faced a backlash from the American people after allowing unrestricted numbers of Jewish refugees to immigrate.
Jewish immigrants were only allowed to seek asylum in the United States if they converted to Christianity upon arrival.
Anti-Semitism was so high in the United States that the government forbade any Jewish refugees from immigrating.
The United States provided some refuge, but discrimination guided the laws and prevented many Jewish refugees from immigrating.
After learning about the horrors of the Holocaust, the United States welcomed all Jewish refugees with open arms.



Option D is the right answer.


The main reason why U. S joined the Allies against the Axis powers was that it wanted to defend democracy and not to save the lives of the Jewish victims of the Nazi government.  US government in the year 1944, formed the War Refugee Board,  accredited with attempting to protect and grant aid for Jews and other minorities who were targeted by the Nazis. At the conclusion of the War, the rescue efforts of the United States protected tens of thousands of lives. But after the end of Holocaust differentiation led the laws and prevented thousands of Jews from migrating.

What does the word punctilious most likely suggest



If someone is punctilious, they are extremely attentive to details, formalities, or conduct.


Based on mrs. hope wells attitude toward the fields it is reasonable to infer that the story takes place


Go this link have a answer below:


Who does Odysseus claim will help Telemachus and him in battle?


Antinous, son of Eupeithes. One of the leaders of the suitors and the first to be killed by Odysseus, he helps instigate the plot to kill Telemachus as he returns from the mainland, and helps spur the fight between Odysseus (as the beggar) and Irus, a notorious beggar.



hope this helps

have a good day :)


give the other person brainliest pls

Why did the group of boys swimming in the wild bay reject Jerry and swim away?



He can't simply become one of the older boys through proximity; the boys reject and ignore Jerry after they realize he cannot swim to their standard. After realizing the boys are swimming though a long underwater tunnel, Jerry becomes determined to match their prowess.


hope this help

A group of words contaning
a subject and
a verb that
Cannot stand alone is called?


subordinate clause

A subordinate clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb, that cannot stand alone.

The group of words which comprise a subject and a verb that cannot stand alone is called a Subordinate Clause.

What is subject?

In The English Grammar, the subject is the doer of the action. It is that part of the sentence which generally comes in the starting of the sentence and indicates who is performing the action and what it is about.

Generally, a sentence has the subject along with the object. The best way to identify a sentence's subject is to transform it into a yes-or-no question, where "yes" or "no" is the only acceptable response.

A subordinate clause is the sentence which cannot stand alone, which requires the main clause or the independent clause.

Therefore, it can be concluded that A subordinate clause is a set of words that includes a subject and a verb that cannot stand on their own.

Learn more about subject here:



Which of the following information would be included in a style manual?
a historical timeline
a glossary of terms used in literature
the proper format for citing sources
the best supporting details for research papers


The answer is A :)))))

NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED! Only answer if you're very good at English.No guessing please.

Which statement BEST describes the author's point of view about video games in the section "Fitness Gaming"?

Author's Point of View:

A: People look silly when playing video games that require them to move around a lot.

B: Video games can have health benefits such as better fitness and eyesight.

C: Playing video games makes some teens lazy and unhealthy.

D: Video games that provide exercise can be a lot of fun.​


D is the correct answer .


I believe the answer is D. Video games that provide exercise can be a lot more fun.

I thought that B. could have also been an answer, but the text never said anything about eyesight.

If I ___________(go) abroad ,I'll bring you presents.




Identify the type of sentence. “Alas! We could not take care of our father.” a) Declarative b) Exclamatory c) Interrogative d) Imperative


The answer is b

If you interview someone for information and use that information later in an article, essay, or presentation, you need a citation.










You need to cite other people’s work and/or websites when including their information in your project.

This scene is an example of dramatic irony used to create suspense since the audience knows that

the musicians will not arrive on time.
Capulet approves of the match to Paris.
Romeo is already married to Juliet.
the nurse will be unable to rouse Juliet.



D) the nurse will be unable to rouse Juliet.


Edge. Plus picture.




I took the test

Ophelia is granted a semi-Christian burial because:
A. she's a noble woman
B. Laertes bribed the priest
C. the king has interceded on her behalf
D. Hamlet talked with the gravediggers


the answer is B because the priest was pressured by people around him as well as Ophelia coming from a wealthy family.

How do you feel when you are taking an achievement test? Do you worry that you won't do well? Do you worry that the test is not accurate ?

Please help me 3-5 sentences


When I take an achievement test I feel confident because I studied and i know I can pass the test. I do worry sometimes because there can be trick questions that can confuse me at times. But I do not worry that the test isn’t accurate because I know there will be times we’re I can’t get hundreds.

In "The lard of the Flies" who broke piggy glasses ?
a. jack
b. roger
c. bill
d. eric


In lords of the flies jack Broke the glasses

Answer: Jack broke piggy's glasses

Hope this Helps

(b) Make a Judgment How effective are Abigail Adams and Diane Jacobs at organizing
information and presenting facts to their audiences? Cite an example from each text.


Hi. You did not submit the texts that this question refers to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To answer this question you need to read the texts written by Abigail Adams and Diane Jacobs. You will be able to identify whether they can organize information and present facts effectively, if their writing is able to convince you to support their arguments. This is because texts that are well written and structured, with organized information and well presented and justified facts, have the power to convince readers to support the arguments discussed.

b) They said, "We are late" (to indirect speech)​




In Indirect Speech :-

They said that they were late.

ʰᵒᵖᵉ ⁱᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖˢ

# ꧁❣ RainbowSalt2²2² ࿐

[tex] \huge \boxed{\mathbb{QUESTION} \downarrow}[/tex]

They said, "We are late." (to indirect speech)

[tex] \huge \boxed{\mathfrak{Answer} \downarrow}[/tex]

To change the sentence to indirect speech we must first change the narrative from 1st person to 3rd person narrative. Then, you must change the tense of the sentence accordingly (here it'll become past tense). Now, the correct sentence in indirect speech will be ⇨ They said that they were late.


The use of 'that' in some sentences are optional (the given sentence requires 'that' though).

Who is braver: a person who leads a group of people, or someone who decides not to follow along with the behavior of a group



A person who leads a group of people

A person who leads a group of people is braver than someone who decides not to follow along with the behavior of a group.

To be brave simply means being 'courageous'. Having the gut to face difficult or challenging situations without being forced to do it.

A leader is known to be a brave person because of his or her position. A leader is faced with a lot of responsibilities and uses wisdom to direct a lot of people in order to achieve a common goal. Taking up responsibility is a bold step and determines the level of bravery of such a person.

Hence, I can conclude that a person who leads a group of people is braver than someone who decides not to follow along with the behavior of a group.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/3784595

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