which of the following inequalities is graphed on the coordinates plane ?


Answer 1


It Should Be A

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2


option D.

[tex]y \geqslant 2x + 2[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

we have two points on the line

(0, 2)(-1, 0)

using these points to find the equation of the line (shown as red in the figure)

[tex]y - y_{1} = \frac{y _{2} - y _{1} }{x _{2} - x _{1}} (x - x_{1})[/tex]


x₁ = -1 , y₁ = 0x₂ = 0 , y₂ = 2

[tex]y - 0 = \frac{2 - 0}{ 0 + 1} (x + 1) \\ y = 2(x + 1) \\ y = 2x + 2[/tex]

so the equation of the required line (boundary line) is y = 2x+ 2

the shaded portion is represented by inequality :-

[tex]y \geqslant 2x + 2[/tex]

so, option D is the answer

Related Questions

Someone please help me



x = 34°

Step-by-step explanation:

The chord- chord angle x is half the sum of the measures of the arcs intercepted by the angle and its vertical angle.

x = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] ( AB + CD ) = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] (45 + 23)° = 0.5 × 68° = 34°

The cost to play the game is $2. The winner gets $6 for making green. Suppose 36 people play the game. How much money will the school take in from this game before giving out prize money? *




Step-by-step explanation:

I did 36 x 2. I did not subtract the -6 for the prize money because it says not to.



Step-by-step explanation:

You are trying to determine how much money the school will take in before giving out prize money. Knowing this, you can actually ignore the $6 that the winner will get because you are not worried about giving out the prize money yet. You are only worried about how much you will make before the prize money.

So, you can do simple multiplication to find the answer:

price per game * amount of people playing game = money made from games

$2 * 36 = x

$72 = x

someone please please help me with this !



4y+x - 16 = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the equaton y - 2 = 4 (x-1)

Get the slope of the line

y - 2 = 4x  - 4

y =  4x - 4 + 2

y = 4x - 2

Since y = mx+b for a line

mx = 4x

m = 4

Slope of a line perpendicular M = -1/4

If the line passes through the point (-4, 5)

The equation in point slope form is expressed as y-y0 = m(x-x0)


y - 5 = -1/4(x-(-4))

y - 5  = -1/4(x+4)

4(y-5) = -(x+4)

4y - 20 = -x-4

4y+x-20+4 = 0

4y+x - 16 = 0

This gives the required equation

Quick questionnnnn :P




Step-by-step explanation:

Given expression: [tex]3t^2-t[/tex]

To find the value of [tex]3t^2-t[/tex] where t = 4, we need to substitute t for 4 in the expression.

After substituting, we use PEMDAS (the order of operations) to solve. This is because this problem includes multiple operations.





[tex]\to \inft3(4)^2-4=44[/tex]

Therefore, the value of [tex]3t^2-t[/tex] is 44, when t = 4.

The scale of a map says that 4 cm represents 5 km.

Part A: What distance on the map (in centimeters) does an actual distance of 4 kilometers represent?
____ centimeters

Part B: What is the actual number of kilometers represented by 5 centimeters on the map?
____ kilometres


La escala de un mapa dice que 4 cm representan 5 km.

Parte A: ¿Qué distancia en el mapa (en centímetros) representa una distancia real de 4 kilómetros?
____ centímetros

Parte B: ¿Cuál es el número real de kilómetros representado por 5 centímetros en el mapa?
____ kilómetros ​



Part A:3.2

Part B:6.25

Step-by-step explanation:




Part A:



Part B:



I need to find x pls help


x = 120 degrees


Draw the line BC

(Angle DBC is 90 degrees because it is an angle in a semicircle.)
Angle DBC = 90 degrees

Angle ABC = Angle ABD + Angle DBC = 30 + 90 = 120 degrees

What is the degree of 5x + 3x2 - 4x+1?


Step-by-step explanation:

option A





Step-by-step explanation:

edge 2021

By what percent will a fraction increase if its numerator is increased by 60% and its denominator is decreased by 20%?




Step-by-step explanation:

x/y * k = 1.6x / 1.2y

k = (1.6x / 1.2y) / (x/y)

k = 1.6/1.2

k = 4/3 = 1.3333 = 133.33%

Please help, it’s due tonight. I do have my answer I just need help explaining how it work for any number..



Yes it is 10!

Step-by-step explanation:






What amount would yield an interest of $66 in 2 years at 3% p.a.?


It would be 12 because you have to solve for the percent

Find x. Round to the nearest tenth: 29 500 ft




Step-by-step explanation:

last of sines

a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C)

sin(90) = 1

the angle between y and 500ft side is 90-29 = 61 degrees.


x/sin(61) = 500/1 = 500

x = 500 × sin(61) = 437.3ft

In a triangle, value of [tex]x = 437.4[/tex] units (round to nearest tenth) using trigonometric ratio.

What is trigonometric ratio?

"Trigonometric ratio is defined as in a right triangle the relation between the ratio of a sides of a triangle and the angle."

Formula used

[tex]sin\theta = \frac{opposite sides}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

[tex]cos\theta = \frac{adjacent sides}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

According to the question,

In a given right triangle ABC,

Hypotenuse [tex]=500 ft[/tex]

Opposite side [tex]= x ft[/tex]

Adjacent side [tex]= y ft[/tex]

As per the diagram drawn,

 [tex]\angle BAC+ 29\° = 90\° \\\\\implies \angle BAC = 90\° -29\° \\\\\implies \angle BAC = 61\°[/tex]

Substitute the value in the above trigonometric ratio formula we get,

[tex]sin61\° = \frac{x}{500}\\\\\implies 0.8747 = \frac{x}{500}\\\\\implies x = 500 \ times 0.8747\\\\\implies x = 437.35 ft[/tex]

[tex]\implies x = 435.4 ft[/tex] (round to nearest tenth)

In trigonometric ratio [tex]cos\theta[/tex] we get,

[tex]cos61\° = \frac{y}{500}\\\\\implies 0.4848 = \frac{y}{500}\\\\\implies y= 500 \ times 0.4848\\\\\implies y = 242.2 ft[/tex]

Hence , In a triangle, value of [tex]x = 437.4[/tex] units (round to nearest tenth) using trigonometric ratio.

Learn more about trigonometric ratio here,



By how many % did 100 decrease to 79?




Step-by-step explanation:

Since both 100 and 79 is the percentage, you need to find how much has decreased, so you have to subtract.

100-79 = 21

So, 21% was decreased.

A farmer stacked hay bales. The volume of each hay bale is 10 2/3 cubic feet. The farmer stacked eight hay bales on top of one another. What is the total height of 1 hay bale? What is the total height of the 8 stacked hay bales? L=1 1/3ft W=4ft



Stacked Hay Bales:

L = 1 1/3 feet
W = 4 feet

The volume of each hay bale is equal to 10 2/3 cubic feet
The number of hay bales stacked = 8

To solve for the height, use the volume of the bales and the given length and width of a single bale.

V = l x w x h
10 2/3 cubic feet = 1 1/3 feet * 4 feet * height
height = 2 feet

So, if the height of one bale is 2 feet, then the height of 8 bales stacked is

2 feet * 8 bales = 16 feet

Therefore the height of the stacked hay bales is 16 feet.

Divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10

Which numbers are divisible by 5?




or none of these



B is divisible by 5

Step-by-step explanation:

5 divisibility rule is that the number has to end in 5 or 0. Only B ends in 0, so b is the answer.



Step-by-step explanation:

Divisibilty rule for 5: A number is divisible by 5 if the last digit is 0 or 5

Escriba larazon entre la distancia (d)recorrida por un automóvil y el tiempo (t)empleando velocidad (v) es una razón entre distancia y el tiempo y de valor de su velocidad v=d/t



V = d / t

Step-by-step explanation:

La velocidad se define como la relación entre la diatancia cubierta por un cuerpo y el tiempo necesario para cubrir esa distancia.

Si el tiempo empleado se da como (t)

La distancia recorrida se da como (d)

Podemos escribir la velocidad (V) en términos de disance y tiempo como;

V = d / t

The area of a rectangular fountain is (x^2+ 13x + 22) ft. The width is (x + 2) ft.

a. Find the length of the fountain.


I believe it is -11
Hopefully this helps!

Convert to percentages. List answers starting from the top. *



41% is already in percentage form.

1.836 is 183.6 %

6/50 is 12%.

Step-by-step explanation:

41% is already in percentage form, so I'm just going to leave that as it is.

1.836 has 1 whole already, so we know it's going to be more than 100%. Than we have that extra 83.6, so that would be 183.6% as a decimal.

6/50, well we divide to get 0.12, and 0.12 as a percent is 12%.

Please mark branliest, thanks!

How important is career success to you



By having a career goal, you can start to manage your career. You can assess where you are so you know when the time is right to make your next move. That means you can ensure you're ready for change by planning what training and skills you need as well as taking time to develop your profile.


By having a career goal, you can start to manage your career. You can assess where you are so you know when the time is right to make your next move. That means you can ensure you're ready for change by planning what training and skills you need as well as taking time to develop your profile

) Factorise
a2 + ab + a



Step-by-step explanation:




a(a+b+1). was this helpful

What is 6574893 + 7?????




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

have a good day

Segment AB and AC are tangent to circle C find the value of X in the length of BC


9514 1404 393


  BC = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Tangents from the same point are congruent, so ...

  2x = x+3

  x = 3 . . . . . . . subtract x

  BC = x+3 = 3+3 = 6 . . . . . . substitute for x

The length of BC is 6.

Find the value of g in the figure given below.
Assume that the lines are parallel.



d=60-degree (Vertically opposite angles)

e=d=60-degree (Alternate angles)

e+g=180-degree (Being in a straight line)





angle g = 20 degree

Step-by-step explanation:

60 degree + angle g = 180 degree (being co exterior angles)

angle g = 180 - 60

angle g = 120 degree

Note : co interior angles are the angles formed on the exterior of the two parallel lines and which are on the same side of the transversal  .

The variables y and x^2 are directly
proportional. It is given that the difference
between the values of ý when x = 2 and x = 5
is 20. Form an equation relating y and x.



y = [tex]\frac{20}{21}[/tex] x²

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that y and x² are directly proportional then the equation relating them is

y = kx² ← k is the constant of proportion

When x = 2

y = k × 2² = 4k

When x = 5

y = k × 5² = 25k


25k - 4k = 20 ( difference between values is 20 )

21k = 20 ( divide both sides by 21 )

k = [tex]\frac{20}{21}[/tex]

y = [tex]\frac{20}{21}[/tex] x² ← equation of proportion

Find the value of X a,57



D. 27

Step-by-step explanation:

sum of exterior angles = 360

2x + 56 + 57 + 85 + 4x = 360

6x + 198 = 360

6× = 360 - 198

6× = 162

× = 27

If 2^x = 5, what is 2^3x - 4?



the value of x is 2^9/4 then 2^3x-4=2^11/4

The difference between two numbers is 51 four times the smaller is equal to six more than the larger what are the numbers



Smaller #: 19

Larger #: 70

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:

We can set the smaller number as x. We can find the larger number by adding 51, hence represented as 51+x.

Step 2:

We can write an equation with the given information. Four times the smaller number is equal to six more than the larger:


If the smaller number represented as x is [tex]\fbox{19}[/tex] , then the larger number represented as 51+x would be [tex]\fbox{70}[/tex] .

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions :)

can someone please identify one solution please?


One solution is
y ≥ 2x - 3

please i need help wha is 5/3 + 2/4


Using like denominators, we can turn this into 20/12 + 6/12, then you just add the numerators to get 26/12, then simplify to get 13/6




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the LCD (lowest common denominator)

The LCD of these two fractions is 12. Convert them to their denominators.

5/3 *4/4 = 20/12

2/4 *3/3= 6/12

Then add! 6/12 + 20/12 = 26/12

Simplify —> 13/6

What is the absolute value of -6




Step-by-step explanation:

The absolute value is defined as the distance from a number to 0 , and so it is always positive. So, the absolute value of −6 will be the distance from −6 to 0 on the number line, and it is 6.

source: https://socratic.org/questions/whats-the-absolute-value-of-6

i hope this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:

Absolute value of -6 = 6

Absolute value refers to only the distance from the origin and not the direction. So, always it is positive

Help Pls. Find the radius of Circle Q.


The square root of 61
Or in a decimal 7.81025

The radius of the given circle is 13 unit.

What is a chord of a circle?

The chord of a circle can be defined as the line segment joining any two points on the circumference of the circle.

What is radius of a circle?

A radius is a measure of distance from the center of any circular object to its outermost edge or boundary.

What is Pythagoras theorem?

Pythagoras theorem states that "the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal in area to the sum of the squares on the other two sides".

According to the given question

We have a circle with center Q and two chords AD and BC.

And, AD = 4x + 4 and BC = 6x -6

Since, both the chords are at the same distance from the center of the circle, so their lengths will same.

⇒ AD = BC

⇒ 4x + 4 = 6x -6

⇒ 4 + 6 = 6x -4x

⇒ 10 = 2x

⇒ x = 5


AD = 4x + 4 = 4(5) + 4 = 20 +4 =24

and, BC = 6x - 6 = 6(5) - 6 = 30 -6 = 24

Also, AP = AD/2 = 24/2 = 12

Now, in right angle triangle QPA we have

[tex]AQ^{2} =QP^{2} +AP^{2}[/tex]     ( By Pythagoras theorem)

⇒ [tex]AQ^{2} = 5^{2} +12^{2}[/tex]

⇒[tex]AQ^{2} = 25 + 144[/tex]

⇒[tex]AQ^{2} = 169[/tex]

⇒[tex]AQ =\sqrt{169}[/tex]

⇒ AQ = 13

Hence, the radius of the given circle is 13 unit.

Learn more about radius and chord of the circle here:



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