Which process creates two new cells from one existing cell in order to maintain homeostasis?

Cell division
Cellular respiration


Answer 1




Answer 2


Cell division


or cell cronation

Related Questions

Which statements about Japanese illuminated manuscripts are true?

Choose all answers that are correct.

They can be fan-shaped.

They often contained images of daily life.

They frequently showed Christian symbols.

They often contained Buddhist text.



They often contained images of daily life.


hope that will help


1. They can be fan-shaped.

2. They often contained Buddhist text.

3. They often contained images of daily life

Explanation: I took the test and got it right :)

what are some of the most underrated kpop groups



bts? blackpink?


i honestly have no idea but those are the only k-pop bands I know.

Answer: bts?


-if you answer correctly ill give you brainliest which will give you 100pts-

(if you put links or don't answer accordingly im reporting your account)


B. He was born in the Netherlands


B.He was born in the Netherlands.

what is the form and style of the play romeo and juliet



Like all of Shakespeare's tragedies, Romeo and Juliet is written mostly in blank verse. Mercutio and Romeo mostly use verse, but they often use prose when they are exchanging jokes. Prose can also mark reckless speech, and Mercutio sometimes uses prose when he is being especially provocative.

hope this helps

have a good day :)


Like all of Shakespeare's tragedies, Romeo and Juliet is written mostly in blank verse. ... Mercutio and Romeo mostly use verse, but they often use prose when they are exchanging jokes. Prose can also mark reckless speech, and Mercutio sometimes uses prose when he is being especially provocative

Shakespeare’s writing style in Romeo and Juliet is passionate, poetic and epic. We can see this from the very beginning of the play – the Prologue. The Prologue serves as an antithesis by predicting and telling the audience what is going to happen in the play, following the structure of a typical Greek tragedy.

Moreover, his language, from the start, seems grandiose. Notice his use of phrases such as “ancient grudge,” “civil blood,” and “star-crossed lovers,” that continues throughout the play, and also parallels the “epic” nature of the plot.

majority of artwork during the _____ art movement was sculptures and mask made out of terra-cotta ivory and other natural materials. Art was created to show status.

a. Gothic
b. African
c. Byzantine
d. Romanesque



I am pretty sure it is D, Romanesque. Masks were made of terracotta and other materials such as wax, marble, ect ect

It’s D. Romanesque art movement

LEARNING ACTIVITY 2: Prepare a Journal.


Help you parent in preparing your lunch or dinner using meats available in your kitchen.

Then make a journal using the following guide questions.

1. What is the name of your dish?

2. What are the ingredients did you use in preparing the dish?

3. What is the method of cooking did you use to cook it?

4. What are the reactions of you family in your cooked dish?​


Preparing a journal

Today for dinner I helped my parents prepare Salt and Pepper steak for dinner. The ingredients we used was a 1 and a half pound skirt steak, and salt and pepper (of course). Firstly we cut the steak into four pieces, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Next we grilled it over medium-high heat with about four minutes on each side. Lastly, we let it rest for five minutes before thinly slicing it against the grain.

My brother was very pleased to see that we had cooked his favourite dish and immediately dug into it, whilst my sister didn't have much of a reaction because she doesn't like steak as much as she likes Gammon, which we would usually have on Saturday evenings. Unfortunately, Steak was the only meat available in our kitchen so we just used what we had.

^^ Hope this is okay!! btw, i'm vegetarian so I had to look this recipe up :)

Repetition/Pattern, Movement/Rhythm, and Variety/Contrast are all examples of the _______________ that are used when analyzing art.


Principles of design

This element directs the eye - can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curvy, zip-zag, and more. It can also be used to separate elements within a design or serve as a boarder





A line can be defined as a one-dimensional figure that is straight, has no thickness (width) but extends infinitely in both directions.

Generally, a line can be created through the use of the following techniques or methods;

1. Dot-to-dot placements i.e distance between two points.

2. Use of linear objects: it involves the use of an object that is straight in shape.

3. Sequential placement of materials.

In conclusion, a line is an element of art that directs the eye of an individual such as an artist or engineer; it can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curvy, zig-zag, etc., in nature. Also, elements within a design can be separated through the use of a line.

Furthermore, a line can serve as a border with its length generally greater length than its width.

What is the name of the building above?


A house, people live in house in order to survive, it’s made out of bricks

A villa is a particular kind of home that was formerly an aristocratic country residence in ancient Rome.

What is Villa ?

The concept and purpose of a villa have changed significantly from its beginnings in the Roman villa. Following the fall of the Roman Republic, villas evolved into modest farming settlements that, in Late Antiquity, became progressively fortified and were occasionally given to the Church to be used as monasteries.

Through the Middle Ages, they eventually underwent another evolution and became lavish upper-class rural mansions. Any nice detached home with a garden close to a city or town was likely to be referred to as a villa in the Early Modern era; the majority of surviving examples have since been devoured by suburbia.

In contemporary usage, "villa" can refer to a variety of home sizes and styles, from the suburban semi-detached double villa to larger-than-average rural homes in various nations, particularly those bordering the Mediterranean.

Learn more about Villa here



Please answer the question in the picture!!! BRAINLIEST to correct answer!! NO links accepted as an answer!!!!





How will you distinguish the T’boli cloth? *
1 punto
The color is dark and accented with red and white patterns.
The design is very complicated.
The patterns are usually made of diamond shapes
The predominant color for each is red.



the color is dark and accented with red and white patterns

During a speech, it is considered a best practice to use only one type of supporting material for consistency.



There are three basic categories, or types, of supporting materials. They are:

Examples (brief, extended, and hypothetical)


Testimony (expert or peer)


Let understand that "supporting material" means material containing points which will helps remind the speaker during speech.

These materials helps to support assertions in speeches.

Its also helps to clarify the speaker's point

Also, using this materials helps to emphasize points during speech and also makes its more interesting.

There are five class of "supporting material" and these includes:

Narratives materials contains stories, anecdotes relating to speech of the speaker and can be personal, literary, historical,

Definitions materials contains point that defines facts to maker its easy to understand and thus makes sure your audience understands.

Descriptions materials provide more point on five point and these are what, where, how, who and when.

Scientific fact materials contains salient points from observation made by scientist.

Statistics materials contains analysis, comparison, and interpretation of numerical data useful for the speech.

In conclusion, using only one type of supporting material during speech helps to effectively coordinate speeches and performance.

Learn more about supporting material here


What are two things you need to cite sources MLA style?

facts and figures

URLs and databases

titles and websites

in-text citations and works cited page


Titles and websites :)

Hypnosis is sometimes used to treat anxiety disorders.





Answer: yes

Explanation: it has been seen to help with anxiety

Which technique is used to create space within a work? *
1 p
Foreground, Middle Ground, Background
One Point Perspective
all of the above


Foreground middle ground Background

¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones no es cierta?
a.Una obra de arte puede crearse originalmente para documentar un acontecimiento, pero más tarde convertirse en una pieza que conmemora el acontecimiento y las personas implicadas.
b.En muchas culturas a lo largo de la historia se han construido estatuas para conmemorar a los grandes gobernantes.
c.La documentación trata de contar un hecho o una persona.
d.Los monumentos en forma de columna fueron utilizados sólo por los romanos hasta el siglo XIV.



Al parecer es la b. Porque en algunos países o lugares no hay culturas

I need help with this



what are you asking for?


if y= -17

what is 5(y +-4)(3-19)

hey wsp?? hyd peeps!!! who down to vc!



Explanation: maybe????

Select the location that would be least effective for advertising to young adults between the ages of twenty and thirty.

a classic rock radio station

a pop radio station

a gas station

social media


A pop radio station
Because it just feel like it would be more suitable for young adults I guess :]
Option 2 is the answer

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional
Online Content: Site 1
Why is Goya considered a Romantic painter? (Hint: What is he interested in?)


Goya’s paintings always portrayed emotion. His paintings always reflected what he was feeling. This is why his paintings were amazing, because he had a passion and used real emotion which showed power in his work.

The reason why Goya was considered a Romantic painter is that he was able to capture the emotional state of his subjects.

Who is Francisco Goya?

He was one of the most renowned artists and painters during the Romantic period in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries in Europe.

He was considered a Romantic painter because he was able to capture the emotional state of his subjects even more than their physical characteristics and he was one of the best at doing that.

Read more about Romantic paintings here:

What are dynamics in music?


Sorry I might be late but. “In music the dynamics of a piece is the variation in loudness between notes or phrases. Dynamics are indicated by specific musical notation, often in some detail.” Hope this helps good luck!

Question: Which element of a digital camera captures an image?
Answer: Blank of a digital camera captures an image.



"The Lens"


here you go! you've got this! ^^

what is the meaning of life?​



to live


do whatever you want that makes you happy because really you only live once

explain cardic cycle in easy words​



The cardiac cycle is defined as a sequence of alternating contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles in order to pump blood throughout the body. ... In other words, when the atria are in diastole, the ventricles are in systole and vice versa.


What instrument is the following example written for


The answer is snare drum
the answer is 2/snare drum

Marca la alternativa que requiere tilde diacritica A. Le dio lo que estaba pidiendo. B. Ten fe en ti, Raúl. C. Ella tenía conocimiento de todo. D. Se fue a vivir con sus padres. E. Hijo se paciente con tu hermano.


Answer: E. Hijo paciente con tu hermano.

Explanation: La tilde diacrítica es la que se usa para escribir palabras que se escriben igual, pero tienen diferente significado. La palabra "se" puede ser tanto un pronombre personal, como una conjugación de verbo. Cuando se usa "se" como pronombre, puede usarse como forma reflexiva de los pronombres él, ella, ellos y ellas (tal como en la alternativa D), y por ser una palabra átona, no lleva tilde. En cambio, cuando se usa "sé" como conjugación, tal como en la alternativa E, se escribe la tilde diacrítica ya que es una palabra tónica, y viene en este caso del verbo "ser" en imperativo:  "Hijo paciente con tu hermano."

If you forget all the rules, where can you find help and information about using MLA style?

your teacher


Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

public library



Purdue Online Writing Lab


you could try library but thatll take longer so go with convinence :)

Purdue online writing lab (owl)

three paragraphs: If you could go back in time to any musical period,
which one would you choose and why? Describe/use reasons such as musical taste,
composition, style, fashion, dances, etc



The 1920


Hey I play this game and you can make characters and I realized I almost barely make characters that are a different race and I really want to make different characters but I’m afraid other people would think it is wrong if my Oc is a different race compared to me and think I’m a bad person. Can I do that?



It shouldn't matter what OC's race is, weather it's different from yours or not. You can make your OC look, act, and even sound completely different from you.  Take my OC's for example, I'm someone who loves to stay indoors and binge watch anime, but that's just me.  Two of them aren't that much different than I am, the other is like my total opposite.  I'm Poly- meaning I speak and understand over 4 languages(even if it's not fluent) -, my OC's aren't.  Two OC's of mine are like Japanese, the other one's British, and I'm a Salvadorian-American.

My point is it shouldn't matter to you what other people think.  Just because you make your OC's a different race from you doesn't make you a bad person, if anything it makes you a better person because of it.  It shows that you are a person who doesn't just think about one race and doesn't think that any race is better than another.

Can you guys recommend a color scheme for this sketch? (please state which color should be on which part)



I think blue and green with hints of orange would be nice. Blue for the main body, green for the fur, orange/yellow for the tips of the tail, ears, horns, etc.

Have a nice one






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