Why do some Americans oppose bilingual education ?


Answer 1
Because they do not like stress

Related Questions

What did the west represent for citizens



developed in the form of writing, acting, and painting,


don't know by heart just a guess.

What is the historical significance of ancient Roman holidays/traditions?



Saturnalia, the most popular holiday on the ancient Roman calendar, derived from older farming-related rituals of midwinter and the winter solstice, especially the practice of offering gifts or sacrifices to the gods during the winter sowing season

is Senator Grimes in favor of impeaching President Johnson?


Yes, he was a republican and Johnson was famous for turning down most republican-like laws

Describe the different colonial rebellions throughout Southeast Asia.



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Colonialism had an influence on the economic, cultural, and political realms. Even as they sought to instal western principles, western forces in some cases undermined local indigenous republics. Colonialism essentially referred to a government controlled by stodgy, authoritarian bureaucrats.

Explain how communism differs from capitalism.


Answer: Capitalism is an economic system in which the trade and industry of the economy is owned and controlled by private individuals, to make profit. Communism refers to social system in which country's trade and industry are controlled by the community and the share of each individual relies on his ability and needs.


Not my words!  BUT I HOPE THIS HELPS!

natural rights are the same as

A) legal rights
B)unalienable rights
C) societal rights
D) government rights​



D) government rights

natural rights are the same as government rights.

Natural rights are protected by the government .

hope it is helpful to you

B. Unalienable Rights

when a political group grand stands or exagerates it's position to the public it can be said that it is approval


Answer: When a political group grandstands or exaggerate its position to the public, it can be said it is posturing for approval. Political groups have much political and economic interest, so they always try to be in the public arena for posturing their issues.


Read these statements:
Speaker 1: The will of the people is what is best for society.
Speaker 2: People exchange some of their individual freedoms for
protection by the government.
Speaker 3: Governments should be divided into branches that are
B separate but equal.
Speaker 4: Governments derive their powers from the consent of the
Which speaker would Jean-Jacques Rousseau most likely agree with?


Answer: SPEAKER 1

Explanation: Jean belives in the will of the people.


Speaker 1


Jean-Jacques Rousseau believes in the will of the people. i also just took this test for intro to U.S. Gov

Which of the following statements about Native American relations after the Civil War is FALSE?


non of the civil wars are false your math teacher is false

Before the National Organization for Women was founded, efforts to gain equal rights for women resulted in



resulted in few changes by either the employers or government


NOW used to host presidential debates too


how would the roads help the government of Rome rule the empire? (think about all the things that government does and how the roads would help)​


As roads were used the most which would benefit the government in ruling the empire

How did Hitler's decision to participate in confrontations on the Eastern and Western Fronts
impact the Axis?



was a nub


It caused a two front war which meant he couldn’t focus on one side same with Japan they had America to the east and Russia to the west

referat revolutia glorioasa



Incă din secolul al XIII-lea, în Anglia exista tradiția colaborării dintre monarh și Parlament (care avea, în principal, rolul de a vota impozitele). La începutul secolului al XVII-lea, tronul Angliei a revenit dinastiei Stuart. Regele Carol I Stuart (1625-1649) a încercat să instaureze o conducere absolutistă, după modelul Franței, să impună religia catolică și să conducă țara fără Parlament. Politica monarhului a stârnit revolta Parlamentului și a unei părți a populației, ceea ce a dus la declanșarea războiului civil. Acest conflict s-a desfășurat între armata regelui și cea a Parlamentului, condusă de Oliver Cromwell. În urma victoriei armatei Parlamentului, monarhia a fost înlăturată, iar Anglia fost proclamată republică. Oliver Cromwell a devenit conducător al Angliei. [1]

În anul 1660, dinastia Stuart a revenit în fruntea Angliei. Regele Carol al II-lea Stuart a colaborat cu Parlamentul și a acceptat legile votate de acesta, prin care erau garantate drepturile locuitorilor. Iacob al II-lea Stuart, care a devenit rege în anul 1685, a încercat să restabilească religia catolică în Anglia și să instaureze monarhia absolută. Politica acestuia a provocat opoziția Parlamentului, care, în anul 1688, a decis înlăturarea lui Iacob al II-lea și i-a oferit tronul conducătorului Olandei, Wilhelm de Orania. Astfel s-a produs Revoluția glorioasă. În anul următor, Parlamentul i-a impus noului rege și soției sale, Maria, acceptarea documentului Declarația Drepturilor. Acesta limita puterile monarhului, recunoștea drepturile cetățenilor și confirma autoritatea Parlamentului.[1]

În urma Revoluției glorioase și a aplicării Declarației drepturilor, în Anglia a fost instaurată o nouă formă de guvernământ: monarhia constituțională (sau parlamentară). În cadrul acesteia, puterea monarhului este limitată prin legi (sau prin constituție). Statul a fost organizat pe baza principiului separării puterilor. Puterea legislativă i-a revenit Parlamentului (format din două camere: a Lorzilor și a Comunelor), puterea executivă – monarhului și Cabinetului (guvernului) iar cea judecătorească, instanțelor de judecată. Membrii Camerei Comunelor erau aleși pe baza votului cenzitar. De aceea, nu puteau participa la viața politică toți locuitorii țării. În anul 1707, prin uniunea dintre Anglia și Scoția s-a format Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii.

A group dedicated to promoting civil rights would most likely focus on
addressing which problem?


I think C is the answer
Racial segregation is the correct answear

Help pls help me help me pls





It’s A

(Also I like the color of your laptop!!)

Vận dụng tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh về xây dựng Đảng để phân tích vấn đề phòng
và chống các tiêu cực trong Đảng hiện nay



hello I would like me to send

Why were foreign traders able to reach Axum?

alliances with neighboring nations
missionaries spreading Christianity
invasion by Chinese barbarians
location along the Silk Road



Alliances with neighboring nations. missionaries spreading Christianity. invasion by Chinese barbarians. location along the Silk Road.



its D Location along the silk road


i took the test

To which person did every noble in the kingdom owe this promise ​





Scarcity is a basic economic problem because —

A.Opportunity costs limit demand

B.Resources are limited

C.People have trouble making choices

D.Governments limit production





Resources aren't unlimited there will always be a limit

How did the old powers of Europe seek to restrain the ideas of Republicanism and Bonapartism with the Concert of Europe


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

How did the old powers of Europe seek to restrain the ideas of Republicanism and Bonapartism with the Concert of Europe?

The old powers of Europe sought to restrain the ideas of Republicanism and Bonapartism with the Concert of Europe in that this concert represented a system to solve many political and territorial issues that became major problems with the expansionist's ideas of Napoleon Bonaparte. The conservative and traditionalist nations of the old continent did not accept the idea to lose their control and power and decided to do something to stop revolutionary ideas and movements, The concert of Europe opposed nationalistic ideas.

The Concert of Europe was a meeting of nations to find a balance of power.

We are referring to a time in Europe after the Napoleonic period. The European nations were in favor of keeping the status quo of the region, establishing a balance of power. This allowed some countries to intervene on the issues of another in the case there was a threat of internal rebellion. Historians consider the Concert of Europe in two periods, the first after the Congress of Viena of 1815 until 1848, and the other from 1871 to 1914.

Every country has a national anthem. Most/many/all sing their national anthem at their sporting events. The Texas law does not require anyone to sing it, but only for the teams receiving taxpayer dollars to play it as has been the tradition for many years. Do you approve of this bipartisan (supported by both political parties) bill becoming law? Explain your answer.



Yes because it shows that we are united as a country even through the hardships we currently face


When a historian is "sourcing" a document, what are they doing?


Answer: See explanation


Sourcing a document simply means inquiring about where a particular document came from in order to know the origins of the document, and also try to understand it.

Sourcing a document is regarded as the first step to take in order to understand historical documents.

Historians source a document by looking at who the author is, when the document was was created, why was it created and the purpose of the document.


In CER format, explain how one long – term cause contributed to the start of the Vietnam war.



    The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive war which was fought between the  North Vietnamese and the South Vietnamese throughout 1955 until 1975 but it didn't  escalate until the 1960s. The north had the support of communist allies including the Soviet  Union and China, while the south had the support of the west with the United States.

    The  conflict was worsened by the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet  Union. This  will discuss how the causes of the Vietnam War revolve around the simple  belief held by America that communism was threatening to expand all over south-east Asia.  Neither the Soviet Union nor the United States wanted to risk an all-out war against each  other which led to a civil war situation in Vietnam and further impacting other countries as well.


what power did the wealthy have over the economy and government during the second industrial revolution?



The Second Revolution saw new and up-and-coming industries mature, such as steel, oil, and electricity. A consequence of technical advances was the introduction of public transportation and aircraft.

During this period, the U.S. economy was strengthened owing to historically higher production in the home market and commercial agriculture. Europe and the United States gained because of the Industrial Revolution.

During the pre-Civil War period, the government did not take steps to help industrialization. Conversely, authorities oversaw the construction of important infrastructure, like the Erie Canal in New York and the first railroads. More railroad track was constructed in the northern states.

Today's production and manufacturing techniques have advanced significantly. In the building industry, steel has replaced iron. It has punch for a cheap price. Therefore, train lines can be constructed and transportation may be dispersed.

Steel helped create bigger ships, buildings, and bridges. The Second Industrial Revolution was just as significant a leap ahead as its predecessor. Electricity is required in all scenarios. During the Second Industrial Revolution, this was the rule.


Is there any options?


What are futures? PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!!!


Futures are contracts to buy or sell at a specific date in the future at a price specified today.
The answer is “contracts to buy or sell at a specific date in the future at a price specified today”

How was the "war on drugs" already a part of American culture and society by the time Billie Holliday was famous?



The war on drugs has been an ongoing struggle between the US and drug cartels since 1971, and it was started by President Richard Nixon.


What is the mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)? PLS HLP I WILL MARK BRAINLIEST

reduce barriers to global commerce

promote monetary stability and bank uniformity

provide loans to reduce poverty and stimulate development

prevent major disturbances of the economic system​


The IMF is an organization of 190 countries collecting money together to save money for global support and secure employment and sustainable financial stability. It is also used to reduce poverty and increase employment.

Answer: D: Prevent major disturbances of the economic system.

Explanation: I took the test. Please mark me the Brainliest.

PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!!!Thailand has a constitutional monarchy. How does this form of government work?
A Its king reigns, but with written limitations.
It has a president who takes direction from the king and the congress.
Its congress rules everything.
Its king tells the congress how to make laws.



D I think sorry if this is wrong

Why did Mercy Otis Warren oppose ratifying the Constitution?


Answer: Mercy Otis Warren opposed the Constitution because she believed that political officers should have a limit to how long they serve, or a rotation. Mercy Otis Warren, like many Americans, didn't wanted them to have too much power

What were some of the things that Congressional Republicans promised they would do if elected in their "Contract With America"?​



They promised tax cuts for small businesses, social security reform and more limit on the term of lawmakers.


The Contract with America was a plan established by the Republican party in 1994, during the presidential election. In this plan, Republicans made a series of promises that would be fulfilled if the Republican candidate won the election. For Republicans, these promises would bring about highly beneficial changes for America and strengthen accountability between Republicans and voters. Among the many promises, the most promising were lowering taxes for small businesses, creating limits for legislators, and reforming social security.

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