can someone give an 2 - 3 paragraph essay on Birth control and why women should and shouldn't use it .


Answer 1


about it then many unplanned pregnancies can result. What most people don’t consider is if young teenage girls are even close to being mature enough to be using birth control. Teenagers should be allowed to get birth control but with parents consent: it stops many unwanted pregnancies and teens need to be well informed about birth controls. Teenagers- Each year about 750,000 teenage girls get pregnant. Most would actually admit that they were not ready for sex and wish they had waited longer ( Seventeen) Birth Control A. Condom 1. Description 2. How does it work? 3. How effective? 4. Where available? 5. Advantages/disadvantages of use. 6. Your opinion B. Diaphragm 1. Description 2. How does it work? 3. How effective? 4. Where available? 5. Advantages/disadvantages of use. 6. Your opinion C. Tubal Ligation 1. Description 2. How does it work? 3. How effective? 4. Where available? 5. Advantages/disadvantages of use. 6. Your opinion D. Vasectomy 1. Description 2. Where available

sorry if its late

Related Questions

How does this excerpt develop the theme that the United States should get involved in World War II


Answer: It explains that war is the only way to solve problems with other



Your question is incomplete as you didn't provide the excerpt and the options to the question. Based on some further research that I saw online, I couldn't get the excerpt but I found the options which are:

A. It explains that war is the only way to solve problems with other countries.

B. It explains that there are still assaults on freedom.

C. It points out that many people are opposed to dictators.

D. It argues that every country must practice democratic principles.

From the options given, the correct option is that " It explains that war is the only way to solve problems with other countries".

The above answer is correct but I can't explain further because there's no excerpt to support the answer.

A group of piano students love their teacher and develop a
passion for music because of him. One day, after a concert
featuring Chopin's music, they notice that the teacher has
changed. Instead of making the lessons fun and
instructive, he begins to enforce greater discipline. Some
students wonder whether they should continue, while
others begin to thrive because of the challenge. By the end
of the year, the teacher has fewer students, but they are
more talented and hardworking. Years later, the students
who had continued with the teacher find careers in the
music industry.
How does the story's structure most clearly affect the author's message?
A. It uses problem and solution to demonstrate that all problems
have easy solutions.
B. It uses compare and contrast to show that hard work leads to
O c. It uses cause and effect to illustrate that some risks are worth
O D. It uses chronological order to indicate the steps the teacher took
to alienate his students.



words and phrases like, “Years Later” and “By the end” indicate a flow of time, and the way that they are arranged gives a sense of chronology.


i apologize if it's wrong. if it's not d, it's c :)

Which of the following would not be a good supporting sentence for a
description paragraph?
A. The pot was made of a heavy black metal.
B. The pot came from the back storage closet.
O C. The surface was coarse and rough to the touch, like a gritty piece
of sandpaper.
D. It featured smooth, round lines and delicate small handles.


Answer:The answer It's B

Explanation: I just took the test.

ake a look at this dictionary entry.

con • test (n.) kon-test [from Anglo-French or Latin]
1. a competition between rivals for a prize
2. a struggle for victory
3. a dispute; controversy

(v.) kuhn-test
4. to fight for in a battle
5. to call into question

According to the dictionary entry, which definition of the word "contest” is used in this sentence?

During the school meeting, our class vice president contested the decision that the pep rally would be canceled due to the rain.

definition 1
definition 2
definition 4
definition 5



Definition 5.


During the school meeting, our class vice president contested the decision that the pep rally would be canceled due to the rain.

The given different definitions of the word "contest" reveal multiple uses of that word. Depending on the context, the word can be used to mean several things, all of which would refer to different aspects of that same word.

In the given sentence, the word 'contest" is used to mean "calling into question" or questioning the idea or in this case, the decision. This means that the "class vice president" questioned the decision of why the pep rally should be canceled. In other words, we can say the class VC asked why the pep rally have to be canceled.

Thus, the definition used is that of definition 5.


definition 5


Good Luck

Transcendentalism was a subcategory of



Transcendentalism was a subcategory of American Romanticism. Transcendentalism was a subcategory of American Romanticism. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. In the 1900s, the comparative biologist was based in North America, while ethologist was based in Europe.

Match the word with its description by placing the letter of the definition for the space before the number. BRAINLIEST SAMAKAKASAGOT



J  1.

I  2.

H 3.

G 4.

E 5.

F 6.

D 7.

C 8.

B 9.

A 10


I have been able to match the word with its description by placing the letter of the definition for the space before the number.

From the image, we see that the given sentences relates to a speaker and the audience he/she is addressing. In other words, these relate to how to be a good public speaker.

It's important to introduce one's self before commencing any speech presentation. The opening of a speech matters. Therefore, it should be done in a catchy way in order to catch the attention of the audience. Using personal details helps the audience to relate to what the speaker is saying.

What is the best definition for wellness? A. feeling good when you wake up in the morning B. a state of health without illness, disease, or disability C. an optimal state of health that emphasizes body, mind, and spirit D. eating right and getting exercise


B or C It really depends on if it’s mental or physical wellness

The best definition of wellness out of the given options is (C) an optimal state of health that emphasizes body, mind, and spirit.

What do you mean by wellness?

Wellness can be defined as a state of overall good health. It refers to overall stability of body, mind and spirit.

Wellness can be of four types:

Spiritual WellnessEmotional wellnessPhysical wellnessSocial wellness

Therefore, the correct option is (C) an optimal state of health that emphasizes body, mind, and spirit.

Learn more about Overall Wellness on


NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED! Only answer if you're very good at English.No guessing please.

Author's Point of View: Video games can help teens become more social.

Conflicting Point of View: Video games isolate teenagers from the outside world.

Part 2 of the "Social Gaming" Section:
Gaming with others can create a sense of togetherness among teens,which has a positive effect on how they relate to the world around them.The same PEW study reported that teenagers who play video games with others are more likely to stay informed about current events and be active in their communities.

Which piece of evidence conflicts with the author's point of view about video games in the section " Social Gaming"?

A: Collaborative video games can teach teenagers responsibility.

B: Many augmented reality games are an escape for teenagers.

C: Only one quarter of teens play video games alone all the time.

D: A teenage gamer is not a loner cut off from the real world.​


The correct answer is B. Many augmented reality games are an escape for teenagers.

The author uses a reliable source to argue his position in favor of virtual reality video games as a tool to make young people more sociable by saying "In 2008 PEW research study of teenagers ages 12-17, only one-quarter of the teens who played video games alone all the time". However, the phrase "Many augmented reality games are an escape for teenagers" contradicts the author's point of view because this sentence suggests that young people isolate themselves when playing video games. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the correct answer is B. Many augmented reality games are an escape for teenagers.

someone is waiting there.change into question tag​



Someone is waiting there,aren't they?


[tex] \large{ \tt{❃ \: EXPLANATION }}: [/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{✎ \: \underline{GENERAL\: RULES: }}}[/tex]

There should be comma ( , ) at the end of statement - Eg : Alex is a student , isn't he ?

A tag should begin with small letter - She can't stand it , can she ?

Affirmative statement has a negative tag & viceversa - They don't drink milk , do they ?

The subject will be changed into a pronoun - Emily writes a poem , doesn't she ?

Negative sentences generally have negative words like : no / no , never / seldom / hardly / rarely / barely / scarcely , nobody / noone / none / neither of + plural nouns or pronouns. Note : Here , In above case , tag must be affirmative or positive.

If there is no auxiliary verb like is / am / are / has.. in sentences , follow these rules : V¹= do + V¹V² = did + v¹V⁵ = does + v¹For instance : He lost his book , didn't he ?

- Now Let's see what would the answer be!

[tex] \boxed{ \boxed{ \large{ \sf{☥ \: Somebody \: is \: waiting \: there \: , \underline{ aren't \: they \: ?}}}}}[/tex]

Note : Here Use “they” in a question tag when the sentence includes ' somebody / someone / Nobody / Noone / Anybody / Anyone / Some / None / Everybody / Everyone / People ' & Since here the pronoun ' they ' is plural , we should use ' aren't '!

✺ Sacrifice your bed at early hours of the morning to study and see the comfort that comes in your life. It'll be more comfy than your bed ! ♪

♡Hope I helped! ツ

☼ Have a wonderful day / evening! ☃

# StayInAndExplore ! ☂


What sensory word is given to describe the sound of thunder?

Please select the best answer from the choices provided

Mark this and return






The answer is C



[1] While he was working for Thomas Farmer, he began to buy fruits and other goods and sell them himself. [2] He faced insults and difficulties doing this; however, he was determined to continue making money, which he did. [3] He wanted to obtain enough savings to buy his freedom, which Robert King had promised him he could do for the same amount that King had paid for him. [4] When he had saved enough money, he bought his freedom from King and lived the rest of his life as a free man.

Which sentence in the paragraph is structured differently than the others?
sentence 1
sentence 2
sentence 3
sentence 4



sentence 2 is structured differently than the others.

What is the best definition of narrator



Someone who says it


Someone who gives commentary during a movie,broadcast,music,etc.

Throughout the drama, Laertes is described as:
A. thoughtful and melancholy
B. direct and impulsive
C. jealous and envious
D. ambitious and cruel



B. Direct and impulsive.


William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" is about a young prince's dilemma in wanting to avenge the death of his father, King Hamlet, and the betrayal of his mother and uncle. The drama revolves around themes of love, gender, appearance vs. reality, good vs. evil, power, greed, etc.

Laertes is the son of Polonius and the brother of Ophelia. He is impulsive and irrational, acting quickly without any thought and wanting to protect his sister from the 'insane' Hamlet. Throughout the play, Laertes is depicted as an impulsive, irrational, passionate character.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What is professionalism mean to you, and why does it matter?



Professionalism to me means to keep things very clean and doing what i'm meant to and to complete the skill that a professional is supposed to do. It matters to give off good expectations like a formal matter. Being competent.


parents need to stop forcing their dreams on their children ?



yeh u r right.......................


Yes, I believe every individual should be able to choose their own future. Whatever it is that they are passionate about, as a parent you must love them, support them, lift them up and help them follow their passions.

Help ASAP). "The Alchemist". Question 1) Define allegory? Question 2) In medieval times, it was believed that there was a process that would change base metals into gold. An alchemist has the ability to transform things. In the prologue, the alchemist changes the ending of the myth about Narcissus. Narcissus looked at his reflection in the lake every day. But in the alchemist's story, the lake was enjoying its own reflection in Narcissus's eyes. What do you think the author is implying about how we see ourselves and others? Question 3) What does Santiago the shepherd describe his sheep's behavior? What do his sheep symbolize? Question 4) The character of Santiago is an archetype of the shepherd. Briefly describe the shepherd archetype? Question 5) What is a Personal Legend? Question 6) How does Melchizedek's conversation with Santiago affect the plot? Question 7) There are many symbols in the novel. These symbols have a meaning beyond their literal meaning. Make notes about their meanings as you read. Treasure , Hawks, Desert. Question 8) What does Santiago learn from the Englishman? Question 9) What is the purpose of the omens? 10) What does Santiago realize when he meets Fatima? Question 11) What does the alchemist teach Santiago? ( Look at the picture for the last 4 questions) Will Mark Brainliest). Don't Answer if you haven't read the story please. ​



#1 an allegory is

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.


I already answered #2 seperately.

#3 He at first thinks his sheep think of nothing but eating and sleeping and though he loves them he has a mild disrespect for them for only living for food and water. That of course changes when he realizes later that they a part of all things, connected, as he is.

The sheep symbolize the sort of existence lived by those who are completely blind to their Personal Legends. the sheep, in their quiet yet fulfilled lives, symbolize the values of humility and simplicity.

#4 The archetype of a shepherd describes the life of a caretaker, a leader, someone who looks out for those around him and watches closely over his flock. This affects the meaning of The Alchemist because Santiago becomes a beacon for all those around him while pursuing his personal legend. Sometimes this archetype symbolizes a savior.

What country do you think has the best food except Vietnam? Give three reasons why you think so


Greek food. It is considered among the healthiest cuisine in the world. It is also packed with protein, which makes for filling meals. Greek food is also heavily tied to tradition, making meal time not only delicious, but also a time to bond with friends and family.

Feel free to copy and paste, I wrote this in my own words.

with luck,tomorrow ( could or can ) be color day​


no, el dia del color se celebra el 21 de marzo

Explain an experience or circumstance that regularly makes you happy that you think would not be "enough" for other people?



An experience that regularly makes me happy is taking care of my siblings because it fills me with love and joy that they exist and I get to be their big sister. For someone else, however, taking care of their sibling(s) might not be "enough" to bring them happiness, or might not at all, especially if they don't have a great relationship with their sibling(s).




1. Misery

2. Gusto

3. Enough

4. Entirely

5. Fundamental

6. Reject

7. Grounds

8. Mayhem

9. Round

10. Surpass

13. Borrowers

14. Deceive

15. Sever

16. Reclaim

11. Organize

12. Habit

17. Uplift

18. Beaming

19. Boast

20. Scrawny

21. Satisfy

22. Abrupt

23. Questionnaire

24. Acknowledge

27. Testimony

28. Calculate

29. Tragedy  

Hope this helps

Which sentence from the first handwritten letter is in the future tense?
O "I am healthy, though."
"There are so many people in such a big city."
"We are all immigrants who are either working or looking for work."
"I will send for you soon."
Click here to read the passage before answering the question. (opens in a nev
OCIDunlonmontalcoolish na



"I will send for you"

which sentence has a grammatical or spelling error? After we missed several important milestones, our manager concluded that remote work was effecting our team's productivity. The product manager needs to finish the quarterly report and take an important client call, so she won't be able to join us for lunch today. both are correct​



After we missed several important milestones, our manager concluded that remote work was effecting our team's productivity.


The word effecting should be replaced with affecting.

At some points in Act III, Antony says that he supports the conspirators. At other times, he vows revenge against them or motivates others to seek revenge. In a brief paragraph, explain why Antony expresses different feelings at different times in Act III. How and why do his speeches vary according to who is listening to him?


Answer: They varied in order for him to gain the support of the people he was speaking to.


In the beginning of Act III, Mark Anthony tells Brutus and Cassius that he supports what they did by killing Caesar. The goal of this was to get on their good side which he did and it allowed him to ask to give Caesar's eulogy which Brutus then acceded to.

When left alone with the body of Caesar, he vows revenge which shows that his support of the conspirators was a farce.

In the eulogy, he gives a rousing speech that enrages the crowd to seek revenge for Caesar by reminding them of the good work that he did. This causes them to go on a rampage and look for those who killed Caesar thereby prompting Cassius and Brutus to escape the city.

Mark Anthony did that to fulfil his promise to Caesar that he would avenge him. This promise was totally fulfilled when he joined forces with Octavian and Lepidus to defeat Brutus and Cassius and kill them and their supporters.

have a/ I wish/ chance to/ I could/ study abroad/ this summer


I wish I could have a chance of study abroad this summer.

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\red{Mystique35 }}{\red{❦}}}}}[/tex]

I wish I could have a chance to study abroad this summer.

Mississippi River runaways


Portaging from the Fox River to the Wisconsin, they paddled down the Mississippi as far as the mouth of the Arkansas River. Nine years later the French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, sieur (lord) de La Salle, reached the delta itself, having opened the even-easier portage from the Great Lakes via the Illinois River.

Decide whether each detail is related to setting.
Setting Details other details
People like her jokes.
I turned onto Elm Street.
The alarm rang at 7:00 a.m.
Rain poured from the sky.
Alex is a golf champion.
The movie is too long.



I turned onto Elm Street.

The alarm rang at 7:00 a.m.

Rain poured from the sky.


The setting in a story refers to the time and place that an author chose for certain events in his story. The writer can decide to choose a particular time in history or a time frame because the characters perform acts that are applicable to that time period. In the same manner, a geographical location might be chosen because of certain features that apply to the story. In the options above, Elm Street and the sky represent locations or places where an event occurred in a story. The time 7:00 a.m. represents a time when an event in the story happened.

The answer is in the picture.

helplppppppp plzzzz..............


No bcnfennwmakzmxndnde hope it helpsbbbb,<>€*inwbdb

Overall, I just have to say that owning a dog would be (to, too, two) time-consuming for me. I think I’ll just stick to owning a cat.





https://brainly .com/app/profile/2790115/answers



thx hacker found




speech about an open secret​


can you be a little more specific?
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