How did changes brought about by the Great War lead to the boom of the 1920’s and the bust of the 1930’s?


Answer 1


The main reasons for America's economic boom in the 1920s were technological progress which led to the mass production of goods, the electrification of America, new mass marketing techniques, the availability of cheap credit and increased employment which, in turn, created a huge amount of consumers.

Related Questions

How did the Industrial Revolution change the business environment in North Carolina?

Workers began to move from farms to cities to take jobs in factories.
Working conditions improved because people worked in factories instead of on farms.
Working conditions remained harsh, but people were able to earn a good living.
Workers left textile jobs for better-paying farmwork in the western part of the state


both a and b


A)Since the agricultural depression in the 1920s

and B)Since the movement of factories workers increasing as a profession led to striking and unionizations,which allowed improvement of working conditions.


A- workers began to move from farms and cities to take jobs in factories

What things did Sparta do to humiliate Athens after their surrender



After Sparta defeated Athens, they set up a new government ruled by the "Thirty Tyrants". This only lasted for one year, as the local Athenians overthrew the tyrants and restored democracy. After the battles, the Spartan general Brasidas raised an army of allies and helots and marched the length of Greece to the Athenian colony of Amphipolis in Thrace, which controlled several nearby silver mines and their product supplied much of the Athenian war fund.

In this journal activity, you will write your own version of the history of the years from 600 to 1500 by answering the questions below. Express your ideas clearly in your own words. You will be graded primarily on the completeness and clarity of your writing.

• postclassical era

1. First, think of a creative or descriptive name for this time period. For example, you might call the period before the development of agriculture "Life Before Farming" or "Hunting to Survive." Make this name the title of your journal entry.
2. Write a journal entry that is at least three paragraphs long. Each paragraph should be at least four sentences long. Make sure to also use the term listed above at least once in your writing. Your journal entry should address each of the following:
o Summarize the major turning points or "game changers" of this period; what were the biggest changes in how people lived, what people were able to do, or what people valued and believed?
o Identify the major regions of the world in which these changes occurred.




Farming into Change

   The Neolithic Revolution marked a dramatic shift in how people-built societies. People transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one based on agriculture and communities.  The realization that farming and herding would be more useful was a crucial turning point in the growth of agriculture during this century.  Animals would be able to acquire enough water and agriculture would be hydrated if their civilizations were built near rivers. Civilizations were able to settle down and stay in one spot near a significant water source because of these developments.  Civilizations were given the ability to evolve into more efficient societies by living near a healthy source of water.

    Mesoamerica, the Andean Region, Fertile Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus River Valley were the primary civilizations that initiated this significant agricultural transformation. The potential to have work specialties arose because of these additional locations.  People were able to trade the things they created in their work with those around them, which helped the economy thrive, by allowing people to specialize in jobs like farming wheat and weaving garments.  They liked the specializations of their new occupations, as well as the fact that they were able to stay in one place and earn a living.

    The ability to allow civilizations to remain in the same place was a fundamental change brought about by the Neolithic Revolution.  Cities were able to flourish because of this transformation because people were able to thrive and grow in one spot rather than needing to pick up and relocate.  We can see development in cities in the following periods, as well as sources of food and resources.  Today, we still apply the concept of job specialization to assure societal efficiency.


Change some wording to make it your own personality.

A convention is best described as ____________.

a formal meeting of delegates and representatives
a formal event to raise money
a formal revision made to a government
a formal change made to a constitution



A. formal meeting of delegates and representatives

Need ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!



3 i think


who was the first president of nigeria ​


The first president of Nigeria is Nnamdi Azikiwe

Answer: the first president of Nigeria is Muhammadu Buhari

Explanation:hope I helped

Tiền thân của hội Việt Nam cách mạng thanh niên



Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam


Which of the following presidential powers did Lincoln use to ensure control over Washington, D.C.?

Canceling national elections
Calling Congress into joint session
Insisting on stare decisis
Suspending habeas corpus



Suspending habeas corpus



D. Suspending habeas corpus

I hope this helps you!

XoXo Mashayla


Which statement best explains how Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Ned Buntline were similar?

They all attempted to revive traditional religious values.
They were all founders of influential social-reform movements.
They all shaped the literary culture in the United States.
They were all strongly influenced by the ideals of Transcendentalism.



They all shaped the literary culture in the United States. Ned Buntline was a sensationalist writer who wrote many stories which moved people to extreme passionate acts such as rioting. Harriet Beecher Stowe helped people's view progress on slavery as she wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, as it depicted the harsh life of African-American slaves. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leader of the Transcendentalist movement (a protest against the general state of spirituality) and was a big supporter of individualism, as well as writing stories about the pressure of society.





Which phrase best completes the diagram?


The answer should be C

Why did Aguinaldo agree to go into exile in Hong Kong?



General Emilio Aguinaldo, the first President of the Philippines, in 1897 agreed to exile in Hong Kong in exchange for 400,000 pesos from the Spanish government.

After World War II ended, which of these regions was impacted by a
communist revolution?

A. Country D
O B. Country A
C. Country C
D. Country B





"The aftermath of World War II was the beginning of a new era for all countries involved, defined by the decline of all European colonial empires and simultaneous rise of two superpowers: the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US). Allies during World War II, the US and the USSR became competitors on the world stage and engaged in the Cold War, so called because it never resulted in overt, declared total war between the two powers but was instead characterized by espionage, political subversion and proxy wars."

"The aftermath of World War II also saw the rise of communist influence in Southeast Asia, with the People's Republic of China, as the Chinese Communist Party emerged victorious from the Chinese Civil War in 1949."

How do you think the movie Cinderella Man reflects the desperation of people during the Great Depression?


I remember watching this movie a couple of years ago, and I think the answer could be that the main character was forced to make a living out of boxing. And the desperation he had to go through was if he didn’t win any money, than he wouldn’t have been able to pay for things. Sorry I couldn’t be more thorough, but like I said, I haven’t watched the movie in years.

Why is the univarsal adult franchise considered a courageous step of the constitution Assembly​



I don't know


Sorry, I don't have knowledge bout it.

Based on your knowledge of the events leading up to the rebellion, how did Shays's Rebellion highlight problems with the Articles of



Shay's rebellion highlighted these problems by showing that the Articles of Confederation was not able to handle crisis well. It had no sympathy for the war veterans of the Revolutionary War who had to take out loans as they were off fighting. It showed that the U.S. had failed to protect and see the side of those in need.

Which two sentences best describe the effects of the agreements at the Congress of Vienna?


Select all the correct answers.

Which two sentences best describe the effects of the agreements at the Congress of Vienna?

a. The delegates to the Congress suppressed the growing nationalism in France by weakening France's political power.

b. The delegates to the Congress divided France by giving Britain, Russia, and Austria control of different French provinces.

c. The delegates to the Congress made Russia the most powerful European nation by restoring the territories it had lost to France.

d.The delegates to the Congress stabilized the relations among the major European countries by restoring a balance of power.

e. The delegates to the Congress triggered a rivalry between Britain and Spain for control over French trade and politics.


a. The delegates to the Congress suppressed the growing nationalism in France by weakening France's political power.

d.The delegates to the Congress stabilized the relations among the major European countries by restoring a balance of power.


The Congress of Vienna was set up to broker peace in Europe after the Napoleonic war by Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria.

The aim of this congress was to return things to the way they were before they were destroyed by Napoleon Bonaparte.

Therefore, the two sentences that best describe the effects of the agreements at the Congress of Vienna are options A and D.

This is because they suppressed the growing nationalism in France by weakening France's power and stabilizing relations among major European countries.

Please answer correctly and no links



1. Augustus preserved the republican traditions

2. Gradual lowering

Explain the roles of the educational, political, and judicial systems in the civil rights movement​




An important objective of the Civic Rights Movement was the massive effort to disperse public schools across the U.S. ... Board of Education Supreme Court decision in which schools forbade segregation in 1954. However, many years later, the great majority of segregated schools were not integrated. The success of the Civil Rights Movement in increasing the political strength and exposure of Africa's American pop culture prompted other populations to use the same strategies to achieve their own rights. The Civil Rights Movement was a time of African American action for equal rights and respect. During this era, the people gathered in order to outlaw discrimination and stop segregation for social, legal, political and cultural improvements.

espanol is the best lanugage adois


Huh? You just combined English and Spanish into the same sentence and I’m here for it

Holocaust is primarily an example of a. imperialism b. militarism c. failure of diplomacy d. genocide​





The amount of Jews that have been murdered is a huge amount and had no other motive than because of their beliefs, which is petty.

Could the recent conflict in the Middle East be
Considered a modern day crusader,Why and why not?


In a sense yes but in reality no the US went there to free Kuwait from Iraq and have been there ever since and because of 9/11 they’ve stayed longer to fight the war on terrorism but once everything settled people will start to leave

explain whether changes that are made and human rights have helped to heal the nation from the past and United the people or not​


Answer :

Day of Reconciliation healed the nation:


The Day of Reconciliation was introduced in 1994 as a way to heal the rift between the people of South Africa, and bring harmony to a nation still suffering from decades of injustice.

After the first demoin a new political dispensation.    

For African people, the date has been significant as one of both peaceful protests against racial injustice and of the founding of the more militant Umkhonto we Sizwe by the African National Congress (ANC) on 16 December 1961.

Nelson Mandela and South African Truth and Reconcilation Commission chose a day that was special to both ethnic groups in the country in order to work on healing the damage done by Apartheid.Answer:

cratic elections in 1994, December 16 continued to form part of the history of post apartheid South Africa. On 16 December 1995 the name was changed once more and was celebrated as a public holiday known as the Day of Reconciliation. The establishment of December 16 as a public holiday was an attempt to strike a balance between a divided past and promoting national unity and reconciliation .

Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

give me specific examples about Karl Marx.​
should be a rough amount of examples!


Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory originated by Karl Marx, which focuses on the struggle between capitalists and the working class. Marx wrote that the power relationships between capitalists and workers were inherently exploitative and would inevitably create class conflict.

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match the descriptions of these imaginary individuals from ancient India with their castes.
Vitthal is the son of a servant. He dusts and cleans
the house of his employer every day.
Abhishek is a guard. His job is to provide protection
to various areas in his village.
Purushottam is a dealer of spices. He supplies
spices to various regions around his village.
Gangadhar is the son of a priest. He can recite the
Vedas from memory



The answer is below


Considering ancient India with its castes. We have the following:

Brahmin: the topmost position in the Indian caste system. They are mostly involved in the technical or scholarly issue, including being a priest.

Kshatriya: this position follows the Brahmin and it is characterized by strength or protection

Vaishya: Tue this on the list is characterized by those people who are mostly involved in trading activities.

Shudra: this is the last group and is involved in artisans' and laborers' work.

Hence we have the following:

Brahmin: Gangadhar is the son of a priest. He can recite the Vedas from memory

Kshatriya: Abhishek is a guard. His job is to provide protection to various areas in his village.

Vaishya: Purushottam is a dealer of spices. He supplies spices to various regions around his village.

Shudra: Vitthal is the son of a servant. He dusts and cleans the house of his employer every day.

Analyze map: what do all of the colonies on this map have in common?


i dont know


Which letter identifies Macedonia?
Plz help fast is timed




The National Liberation Front launched a war for independence in____.


The National Liberation Front launched a war for independence in South Vietnam

3 major issues contributing to the movement for the American independence



The American Revolution was principally caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and to make them repay the crown for its defense of them during the French and Indian War (1754–63).


Which best describes the main action called for by the Declaration of Independence?



To give the United States the power of self-government best describes the main action called for by the Declaration of Independence. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.



to give the united states the power of self-government


After the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Virginia’s Committee of Safety ensured that all merchants signed the non-importation agreements that the Congress had proposed.

True or False






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