What is
assembly language​


Answer 1


An assembly language is a type of low-level programming language that is intended to communicate directly with a computer's hardware. Unlike machine language, which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters, assembly languages are designed to be readable by humans.

Related Questions

c) Nikhil visited a Zoo where he saw a variety of birds and animals. He captured a few
photographs with a camera. In one photo, he is feeding the birds with other tourists.
Which tool would you suggest to him to cut out his photo from the whole photo?​





The tool in the case above that I can suggest to him to cut out his photo via  the use of  Photoshop.

What is Adobe Photoshop?

This is known to be a Software that is said to be a graphics editor made and published by a frim known as Adobe Inc. and it is used in Windows and macOS.

Note that The tool in the case above that I can suggest to him to cut out his photo via  the use of  Photoshop.

Learn more about Photoshop from



what could be a pass word if the hint is stayton its for windows 10

please help


Stayton is a city in Oregon, so maybe something to do with that?? I’m sorry I have no clue

When cleaning a computer, you need only worry about what you can see. True False





There are many components of the computer that you cannot visibly see well that do need to be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. Cleaning a computer is not about visibility or aesthetic, Cleaning a computer helps it function better and maintain it's top of the line speeds.

I hope this helped!


Your friend in answering,


Your organization's IT department has developed a custom application that reports the hostname of each client that tries to access three servers in the accounting department that store sensitive information. You do a random test and find that the program is not reporting the host names for some clients even though it properly records their IP addresses. This is because the custom application submits reverse lookup requests to the DNS server to discover the host names for the specified IP addresses. As you investigate further, you learn that the clients whose hostnames could not be reported have static IP addresses and are on subnet What should you do



Configure DC1 to forward name resolution requests to


DC1 is configured in order to use forwarders so that they can send unresolvable host name requests to a DNS server at the main office or the head quarters.

This also prevent sending of DNS spoofing attack  to a DNS client

If a user has one column in a table and would like to make it into two columns, which command should be used?
O Insert Below
O Insert Above
O Split Cells
O Merge Cells




Split Cells


The engine that runs the computer. Small computers have one, while larger computers may
have several





A processor, also known as a Central Processing Unit, is a piece of hardware in a computer that performs basic operations and control when executing program code.

Processors are usually made as integrated circuits closed in a hermetic casing, often with gold-plated leads (used for resistance to oxidation) and in this form they are called microprocessors - in common speech the terms processor and microprocessor are used interchangeably. The heart of the processor is a single crystal of silicon, on which a series of semiconductor layers have been applied by means of photolithography, forming, depending on the application, a network of several thousand to several billion transistors. Its circuits are made of metals with good electrical conductivity, such as aluminum and copper.

Television and movies are an important medium of communication. Perform online and offline research, and describe the history of Hollywood movies and how it has evolved as a platform for communication.



The American film industry, popularly called Hollywood, has played an important role as a platform for communication. It has influenced audiences the world over. The history of Hollywood begins in 1910 with the silent movie In Old California. The 1920s saw the arrival of movies with sound and music. In the 1940s, during and after World War II, movies were made on themes related to war. In the 1950s, Hollywood movies began to compete with television, as television entered American homes. Cutting to the 1990s, the use of animation in movies began to rise. The 2000s saw a continuation of this trend. Movies are now made using the most advanced technology and effects.

Hollywood movies play an important role in the communication process. It can bridge the gap between different communities, cultures, races, and nations. For example, the movie The Help highlighted the gross discrimination the Blacks suffered during the 1960s. Movies have also played a great role in building harmony between cultures. For example, the movie Eat, Pray, Love explores Eastern cultures. Animated movies are enjoyed by movie lovers of all ages, and often end with a good message.



Customizable diagrams, including List, Process, and Cycle diagrams, are built into Word and can be found in
O SmartArt.
O WordArt.
O Clip Art
O Pictures

Please help ASAP



clip art


i hope this helps you

Dylan just finished business school and is looking for his first job. He is interviewed by a manufacturing company. If he gets this job, Dylan can expect that he will be offered a high salary and a high position. A. True B. False



B. False


He finished business school but is going into the manufacturing industry. It doesnt state that he went into a place where his business degree would be applicable in any way, therefore it is false.

java Consider the following problem statement. A cookie recipe calls for the following ingredients: 1.5 cups of sugar 1 cup of butter 2.75 cups of flour The recipe produces 48 cookies with this amount of the ingredients. Write a program that asks the user how many cookies he or she wants to make, and then displays the number of cups of each ingredient needed for the specified number of cookies. Format your output nicely that all numbers and decimals align as shown in the example! Limit decimals to four digits.




The following code is written in Java. It creates a program that asks the user how many cookies they want to make. Then it adjusts the original recipe based on the ratio of the original amount of cookies it makes to the amount the user wants. Finally, passing the output of the new adjusted recipe to the user. Due to technical difficulties, I have added the code as a txt file attached below.

The most important hardware device for connecting supercomputers over a wide area





I think that they are:

Processors: Super computers posses tens of thousands of processors for performing billions of intensive computations on a single second.Memory: Supercomputers feature high volumes of memory, which allows the unit to access information at a given time.

To write the coding for the given output, Can you find out the start value, end value and step value.



Start value = 10

end value = 0

step value = -2


Given sequence;

10 8 6 4 2 0

In coding, many times this kind of sequence is generated using a loop.

A loop is a block of statement that is executed multiple times depending on certain conditions.

Typically, a loop contains;

i. a condition, once satisfied, is used to break out of the loop.

ii. a start value, used to begin the loop.

iii. an end value, used to end the loop.

iv. a step value, used to step from one state to the other in the loop.

In the given sequence;

i. the start value is the first value printed which is 10

ii. the end value is the last value printed which is 0

iii. the step value is the difference between any given value and the value next to it. For example, given the first value 10, the next value to it is 8. Therefore, the step value is 10 - 8 = -2

Who did Connie Macpherson think her visitor was?​


Connie Macpherson thought that her visitor was her husband,Jim!

I hope it will helps you!

3 countries that do not produce a lot of emissions but are responsible for the emissions from the production of all the things they consume.




3 countries that do not produce a lot of emissions but are responsible for the emissions from the production of all the things they consume are Switzerland, Costa Rica and Norway.

1. Switzerland: Switzerland has relatively low emissions due to its small population and advanced economy. This is largely due to its high energy efficiency and abundant hydropower resources. The country is highly urbanized and has strong regulations in place to promote sustainability. It also has some of the most stringent emissions goals in the world, such as the mandatory switching to non-emitting renewables, like wind and hydro, as the main source of electricity by 2050. Despite its small emissions, it is responsible for the emissions from the production of all the things it consumes, which can be attributed to its large, affluent population, making it a great example of a country reducing its emissions but remaining a major consumer.

2. Costa Rica: This Central American nation has a surprisingly low carbon footprint for both its size and economic standing. Costa Rica is committed to renewable energy production, with 98% of its electricity provided from green sources (mainly hydro and geothermal). Its vast national parks and protected areas also help to reduce emissions through their carbon sequestration capabilities. Despite its low direct emissions, Costa Rica is responsible for a large portion of the global emissions taken to provide it with the goods and services it consumes.

3. Norway: Norway has some of the world’s most ambitious carbon emission reduction goals. Thanks to its vast array of renewable energy sources, largely hydroelectric power and its focus on energy efficiency, Norway’s emissions are relatively low. This is despite the fact that it is one of the world’s richest countries, with a high standard of living. Its consumption-based emissions, however, are much higher, as the goods it imports to satisfy its population's needs are produced with much higher emissions than its domestic production. These emissions account for the majority of its contribution to the global emissions footprint.

Hence, 3 countries that do not produce a lot of emissions but are responsible for the emissions from the production of all the things they consume are Switzerland, Costa Rica and Norway.

Learn more about the emissions here:




6. Describe the energy transformations that occur in a circuit that includes a battery, wire, and an
incandescent light bulb.

7. How can you determine if a circuit is a series circuit or a parallel circuit?

8. What changes might you make to a circuit in order to slow the flow of electrical energy?
which contains all the circuit

9. Many electronic devices use a(n)
parts in a miniature form.

design electrical circuits for larger power grids and for all kinds of devices
such as phones, televisions, robots, electric cars, and computers.



wanna work on this togetherrrrrrre I need this question tooo

we use _____command to get data from the user? (python)









foo = input('foo: ')#Have some text printed before the input field

bar = foo





foo: Hello World!

Hello World!

>>> bar

'Hello World!'


'Hello World!'

What is the easiest computer programming language​



Ther are 8 easiest computer programming language :



• Javascript

• Python

• Ruby

• Java


• C/C++

Which term collectively describes hard disks, CDs, and flash drives?



Auxiliary storage

Answer. Answer: Auxiliary storage is the term collectively describing the hard disks, CDs, and flash drives. Auxiliary storage is any storage which is made available through input / output channels to the device.

A well-known production is making a documentary film titled “The Dwindling Population of Grizzly Bears in the United States.” Which objective is most likely the primary objective for making the film? A. getting recognition B. telling a story C. spreading awareness D. earning profits



C. spreading awareness


According to the given question, the most likely primary objective of a well-known production company making a documentary film titled “The Dwindling Population of Grizzly Bears in the United States" is to generate and spread awareness of the possible extinction of the grizzly bears in America.

With their production, they would expose the dangers facing the grizzly bears and also educate the general public so they could save the grizzly bears.

What is the difference between business strategies and business models?
A. Business models focus on specific aspects of a business, while
business strategies focus on how different aspects affect the
whole business.
B. Business strategies include long-term business plans, while
business models include plans for daily business functions.
C. Business strategies focus on specific aspects of a business, while
business models focus on how different aspects affect the whole
D. Business strategies incorporate forms of traditional business
advertising, while business models incorporate the use of social



i think is B


help teacher said with complete explanation ​



use the first graph to help you find out

How Can I add a image in an HTML program?​ please tell



use the img tag


First of al, HTML is not a program, it is a markup language.

To add an image, use:

<img src="...url to the image...">

write a paragraph describing Hinduism religious and social customs​



Hinduism is the third most populous religion in the world, and is among the oldest religions still practiced. Hinduism is in fact a way of life rather than a religion, all in the traditional Western sense. In Hinduism there are many gods and the religion is classified as a polytheistic religion but more important than worshiping the gods is still living well, and that with reincarnation finally reaches nirvana, the final stage that marks the stage when the individual is released from life.

The part of an HTML document where the CSS file is linked is the..?
A) body
B) footer
C) header
D) paragraph



C) header


HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.

Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head.

The head (header) contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and cascaded style sheet (CSS) etc.

On the other hand, the body of a HTML document contains the contents or informations that a web page displays.

Hence, the part of an HTML document where the cascaded style sheet (CSS) file is linked is the header. A style sheet can be linked to an HTML document by three (3) main methods and these are;

I. External style.

II. Inline style.

III. Embedded (internal) style.



: Some HTML elements have no content (like the
element). These elements are called empty elements. Empty elements do not have an end tag!

Q1. Which implementation of Network Access Control checks users' credentials to determine what level of access they should have to a top-secret file?


Q2. Which physical access control uses a portable device that authenticates a person's identity electronically by storing some sort of personal information?

A. Infrared scanners
B. Hardware security tokens
C. Biometric devices
D. Keypads

Q3. Which implementation of Network Access Control grants access depending on a specific job role?


Q4. Which implementation of Network Access Control is more relaxed, allowing users to determine file access privileges?


Q5. Which type of access control sets the standard for the way security actions unfold?

A. Identity
B. Management
C. Physical
D. Technical



1. MAC

2. Biometric Devices


4. DAC

5. Management


Q.1) Option c) MAC

Q.2) Option c) Biometric devices

Q.3) Option b) RBAC

Q.4) Option c) DAC

Q.5) Option b) Management

What is MAC ?

The ability of individual resource owners to allow or refuse access to resource objects in a file system is constrained by the security measure known as mandatory access control (MAC).

What is a biometric device ?

An authentication and security identification tool is a biometric gadget.

What is RBAC ?

Role-based access control, often known as role-based security, is a method for only allowing authorized users to access a system.

What is DAC ?

The idea behind discretionary access control is to limit access to things based on who the subject is.

Therefore, MAC, biometric device, RBAC, DAC and Management access control sets are some of the measures for network security and access control.

You can learn more about network security from the given link



If you play video games, please answer these questions it’s for a survey!!

Why do you play video games?
What types of games do you play?
How long have you been playing video games?
How do you think video games will be played in the future?
Do you think video games will converge to a single platform in the future?


Hey buddy, I am there to help!

1. For entertainemnt purposes and stress releive and to take out my frustration

2. I play battle royale games, multi games and creative building games!

3. since 2 years

4. they will make all video games into real life experiences and better quality with more 4d interaction

5. yes


- I play video games becase it’s entertaining.

- I play racing & action games

- 4 years

- With flying cars

- No I do not believe they will converge at least not in the near future.


Gretchen wants to avoid



...Having uncomfortable conversations with her parents

...Getting pregos before 19

...Triping on the curb and falling on her face

...saying a curse word because she will get canceled


is monitor is a television​


Answer: Can you rephrase the question


Mr. Simmons has assigned a research project. Every student in the class will create a single page report about the recycling habits of an assigned state. The individual reports will then be combined to form a single 50 page reference manual. What can Mr. Simmons require each student use so that all page layouts follows a consistent style


Answer: template


In order for each student to have a page layout that follows a consistent style, then the students should have a template.

A template refers to a predesigned document that can be used can to create documents without having to think about formatting. When a template is used, the margin size, spacing, font style, etc are predetermined.

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