identify the year that the July revolution occurred​


Answer 1
July 27, 1830-July 29, 1830
Answer 2


July Revolution, French Révolution de Juillet, also called July Days, (1830), insurrection that brought Louis-Philippe to the throne of France.Explanation:

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Today is my last day of school and i just want to thank everyone on this app who helped me



My last day of school is June 17... watching movies RN...Anyways.. Your welcome!

What is Feudal system of Zhou dynasty



The feudal system in China was structurally similar to ones that followed, such as pre-imperial Macedon, Europe, and Japan. At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty's rule, the Duke of Zhou, a regent to the king, held a lot of power, and the king rewarded the loyalty of nobles and generals with large pieces of land.


Pls vote my answer as brainliest




La antracita es un excelente medio de filtración para clarificación del agua en uso potable o industrial, cuando es usada en combinación con arenas filtrantes. Es un carbón mineral, de color negro, brillante, con gran dureza, presenta mayor contenido en carbono, hasta un 95%.


person who appoints the member of the senate​


The people elect the senate.

Separate areas in Ancient Greece were known as _____________, which each having their own rules and governments.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Separate areas in Ancient Greece were known as city-states, which each having its own rules and governments.

The two most important or powerful city-states were Athens and Sparta. These two city-states had their own form of government and competed practically in everything until the differences made them wage war in the famous Peleponnese War.

The major causes for the Peloponnese War were that Sparta did not trust the Athenian democratic government, Athens banned trade with a member of the Peloponnese League, and Sparta refused Athen’s invitation to join the Delian League.

Look....I'm a science student who sees no sense in studying civic education so just help please...
Why did Nigeria adopt a rigid constitution or answer indirectly by answering why countries adopt rigid constitution​



to protect the citizens from unruly law makers who think they can just change the law any time they wish.

To protect the citezens from law makers who think they can change it any time

What helped the English defeat the Armada?
Many of the ships changed sides and joined the English
A large storm
The invention of steam power
A surprise attack on Spanish port cities



surprise attack on Spanish port cities


In a surprise attack, the English sent fire ships downwind into the closely anchored Spanish vessels. Although no Spanish ships were actually lost or seriosly damaged in thefire, it caused them to scatter and break their defensive “crescent formation”, allowing the English to attack.




in 1588 king Philip 2 of Spain sent an Armada to collect his army from the fighting and take them to invade England. the English was able to defeat the Armada because of the wind blew the Spanish ship northward

Do you agree with the United States' decision to intern Japanese Americans during World War II? Why or why not?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Do you agree with the United States' decision to intern Japanese Americans during World War II?

No, I don't. President Roosevelt was not justified in ordering executive order 9066 which resulted in the internment of Japanese American citizens. It is true that some of his cabinet members -such as the Secretary of Defense- believed that the executive order was necessary and justified. However, that order treated Japanese American people as a prisoner of war, isolated in the interim camps such as Manzanates, California, and that was not a way to treat an American citizen.

For some historians, those camps resemble in concept, the Nazi camps of World War II, taking into consideration the proportions of this comparison.

Besides, there was no real evidence that proved that these Japanese Americans were spies or had ties with the Japanese Army.

Read the headline below to answer the following question

“Massive Disney-Fox deal expected to get close antitrust scrutiny” - December 14, 2017

The headline above is an example of government in a Free Enterprise system trying to ensure

a a decrease in government intervention
b competition among businesses
c an increase in economic freedom.
d private property to individuals


Answer: B: Competition among businesses

Explanation: Well we can tell it isn't "A: a decrease in government intervention" and it isn't "D: private property to individuals". That leaves B and C and ultimately it is B.

could someone type me a paragraph about how the spread of Christianity affected today's society?​




Christianity made imagrey such as crosses very standard. It also bookmarked jesus as a universally moral individual in many even non christian societies.

Religions such as Islam take alot from Biblical Canon. This means people such as jesus and david are considered holy prophets.

the value of permittivity of free space (£0) is _____



The value of ε 0 (permittivity of the free space) is. A. ... If ε 0 , μ 0 and c represent the relative permittivity of free space, the magnetic permeability of free space and the velocity of light respectively, which of the following combinations of correct?


Dr. Whitehorse, an abnormal psychology professor, explains that he believes that the symptoms of schizophrenia take shape when individuals try to make sense of hallucinations and conclude incorrectly that the source is external. Dr. Whitehorse is providing a _____ explanation of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.





From the question we are informed about Dr. Whitehorse, who is an abnormal psychology professor, explains that he believes that the symptoms of schizophrenia take shape when individuals try to make sense of hallucinations and conclude incorrectly that the source is external. Dr. Whitehorse is providing a cognitive

explanation of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Cognition can be regarded as mental activity, theses activities could involves

learning, using language as well as

thinking and remembering. Application of cognitive approach to learning and teaching focus on the understaning of information as well as the concepts. cognitive approach argues with

interactionist view that learning and experience can influence our behavior. In a case whereby we have understanding about connections that exist between concepts as well as break down information and if we can rebuild them with logical connections, then there will be increase in understanding and rention of material

What is another name for a republic?


Government could be another word for republic


nouncountry with its own government. body politic. commonwealth. community. democracy.


Elabora un organizador visual que corresponda a la siguiente pregunta : ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de mantener una buena salud respiratoria y emocial? Me ayudan pliss


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

No podemos hacer el organizador visual porque esa parte de la tarea es importante que tú la hagas. Pero con gusto podemos compartirte las ideas para que las incluyas en tu organizador.

Los beneficios de mantener una buena salud respiratoria y emocional son los siguientes.

Salud respiratoria:

-Previene la posibilidad de manifestar enfermedades infecciosas como los diversos tipos de gripa.

-Nos proporcionan mayor oxigenación a los pulmones y de ahí, a nuestro torrente sanguíneo.

-Nos permite mayor capacidad física y resistencia al momento de hacer actividades.

-Nos facilita el importantísimo proceso de respiración.

-Tomar remedios naturales como el limón, la miel, la vitamina C, reducen el riesgo de enfermedades respiratorias. Y claro, evitar las corrientes de aire y mantenerse correctamente abrigados.

Salud emocional:

-Nos permite mantener una paz interior.

-Nos ayuda a pensar las cosas con claridad.

-Ayuda a no enojarse ni explotar frente a los problemas e imprevistas.

-Mejora la calidad del sueño y del descanso.

-Mejora nuestro humor.

what happens right after a war ?​





Shellshock is a form of ptsd.

How did FDR seek to reassure Americans about the banking system?



The Emergency Banking Act of 1933, passed by Congress on March 9, 1933, three days after FDR declared a nationwide bank holiday, combined with the Federal Reserve's commitment to supply unlimited amounts of currency to reopened banks, created 100 percent deposit insurance".

Please help, I'll give brainliest to whoever that answers first. The answer must include good and understandable explanations & a answer.


I believe it is C

Only because there are two options for prosperity and freedom

how is the society classified on the basis of time? which one do you think is the most civilized? why​



Don't believe everything you hear, don't believe everything you read, and believe only half of what you see."

express 0.0006131 in standard form​



[tex]6.131 \times {10}^{ - 4} [/tex]

Explain the Japanese clan system​



This is a list of Japanese clans. The old clans (Gōzoku) mentioned in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki lost their political power before the Heian Period, during which new aristocracies and families, Kuge, emerged in their place. After the Heian Period, the warrior clans (Samurai) gradually increased in importance and power until they came to dominate the country.Before the emperors, Japan had a system of clans, each made up of people that were related to each other by either blood or marriage, and a common ancestor. Every clan was ruled by a few powerful nobles, who were also the religious leaders for the clan. ... So, the first emperor of Japan came from the Yamato clan.


#hopeithelpsmark me as your brainliest pls

The Communist government of the USSR __________________

prevented travel to and from the USSR
controlled the spread of information
controlled the spread of ideas
all of the above
I will mark brainliest plz hurry
It also has to be the right answer



Controlled the spread of information


USSR stands for Union of Soviet Socialists RepublicIt broke down in 1991 The reason behind this was Mikhail Gorbachev.

Because of his fair play and sportsmanship, ______ has been an inspiration to Humaid Al Derie throughout his career.



Sheikh Zayed


In an interview Humaid Al-Derie, the UAE Judo Olympics athlete, spoke about his inspiration Sheikh Zayed. In the interview he quoted Sheikh Zayed:

"I built for this country but I still have not given anything". In his view, he shared same perspective with Sheikh Zayed as he believed he'd given something but still had a lot more to give.

Sheikh Zayed is known as the founding father of UAE, the first Raʾīs of the seven Emirates.

what was life like for our early ancestors?​



Our human ancestors, who looked like a cross between apes and modern humans, had access to food, water and shady shelter at a site in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. ... "It was a very stressful life because they were in continual competition with carnivores for their food."
Life was bad that’s all really 010192921

"it is not the body alone that experiences sexual feelings; it is the whole person. Sexual attraction and feelings have a purpose in God's plan of creation." Explain this statement in your own words.



in the beginning God created man. after He did he had to create a companion for him therefore God created us in such a way that we will be attracted sexually and we will also have feelings for others


"It is not the body alone that experiences sexual feelings; it is the whole person. Sexual attraction and feelings have a purpose in God's plan of creation."

Alright lets break down this statement to understand it, shall we?

"It is not the body alone that experiences sexual feelings; it is the whole person."

The first thing we have to ask ourselves is, is this a true statement? What do you think? Can the body alone experience sexual arousal or is it also the whole person? Meaning can the individual's mental, emotional, and physical state experience sexual arousal?

The whole person can experience sexual feelings. Why? Everything goes through the eyes, you like the person. The mind gets involved, you start to see the potential benefits as well as the pros and cons of that person. Of course, if your the individual who think with the mind and not with the heart because when you think with the heart that is when everything starts to go downhill. Then, after the mind gets involved and you decide whether or not that person you choose is right for you, you start to feel attached towards that person.  That's now when you involve your heart.  The heart is the emotional state, it describes the feelings. And, once you involve the heart then the body becomes aroused. Now, will you pay attention to those desires or will you detain them? As for the phrase: "It is not the body alone that experiences sexual feelings; it is the whole person." It is true. The whole body experiences sexual feelings one way or another.

Now, let's move on to the next part of the phrase:

"Sexual attraction and feelings have a purpose in God's plan of creation."

Is it true, or is it false? What do you think? Sexual attraction was implanted since the beginning of creation when God created Adam and Eve. Let's read Genesis 2: 18, 21-25 "Then Jehovah God said: “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. 22 The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. 23 The man said,

“This is now bone of my bones,

And flesh of my flesh;

She shall be called Woman,

Because she was taken out of Man.”

24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."

As we can see here, God saw it unfit that man be alone. So, he made a woman out of one of his ribs. And, when Adam saw Eve there was an instant attraction. As we can see sexual attraction is part of God's purpose. But, why? Let's read Genesis 1: 27 "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

As we can see their purpose was to have many children and to fill the Earth with people, to live forever. That was God's purpose since the very beginning. Now, God hates people that sin and do not respect the union of marriage or is promiscuous. 1 Corinthians 6:18 states: "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body." And, Hebrews 13:4  states: "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."

I need help and fast i will give branliywst all of the statements about state govt are true except





Which of these is a financial institution? Animal shelter, Community center ,Credit union or ,Grocery store.?


Answer: Credit Union


Cuáles son los principales conceptos que integran el problema económico​



Estas cuestiones básicas o problemas fundamentales de organización económica pueden resumirse en tres: Qué bienes y servicios producir y en qué cantidades. Cómo producir estos bienes y servicios, es decir, a través de que métodos y organización.

A place with a specific territory, clearly defined borders, citizens, laws, and government is best described as a(n)



A nation-state.


A nation-state is a sovereign polity or state that has a specific territory with clearly defined borders. It also has citizens, laws, and government that presides within that premise. In other words, a nation-state is when a whole nation has a state of its own, predominantly occupied by a single cultural section of people.

An example of a nation-state is Japan, China, North and South Korea, Portugal, etc.  

Please help me with this question



a). Arteries, thickb). Capillariesc). veins, thin


a). Bleedingb). Redc). Plasmad). White

Hope this helps you ❤️

Mark me as brainliest ❤️ please

I will give you brainliest and 5 star and thanks if its correct





extinctions are when animals die and biodiversities is pretty much different animals in a habitat

The answer is Species
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