Một xe máy khởi hành a đến b cách nhau 160 km sau 1 giờ ô tô đi từ b đến a hai xe gặp nhau tại c cách b 72 km biết vận tốc ô tô hơn vận tốc xe máy là 20 km. Tính vận tốc mỗi xe


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

well, you see, потому что я плохая сука-ниггер, да бруддахол лмао

Related Questions

Angles M and N are complementary angles. If angle M is 3x+15 and angle N is 2x+35, what is the measure of angle N?

Use your value of x to find the measure of angle N.
Please help I’m stuck!



Step-by-step explanation:

2x+35+3x+15=90(being perpendicular)





Angle N=2x+35



=47 degree

Side AC corresponds to side

Angle BAC corresponds to angle




Step-by-step explanation:

Where's the image?

Given the function below, if f(x) = -1, find the value of x.

f (x) = 4x + 11




f(x) = 1


f(x) = 4x+11

or, -1 =4x +11

or,4x = 11+1

or, 4x = 12

or, x. =12/4

or x. = 3

Therefore, The value of x is 3.

Given m||n, find the value of x.



x = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

These are alternate exterior angles and alternate exterior angles are equal if m is parallel to n

6x+5 = 7x-4

Subtract 6x from each side

6x -6x+5 = 7x-6x-4

5 = x -4

Add 4 to each side

5+4 =x-4+4

9 =x

Bethany has sticker book with 200 pages.
Each sticker takes up 18 page. How many stickers can she put in the book?
A. 250 stickers
B. 25 stickers
C. 1,600 stickers
D. 1,000 stickers




Step-by-step explanation:

A because that is the answer

help me solve this question please. Thank you



an = 80. 2^(n-5)

Step-by-step explanation:

r = a6/a5 =160/80 = 2

an = a5. r^(n-5)

= 80. 2^(n-5)

4. Becca wants to make a giant cherry pie to try to break the world record. If she succeeds in making a pie with a 20 foot diameter, what will be the total distance around the pie?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Calculate the area of the composite shape below.
A. 160 m²
B. 166 m²
C. 170 m²
D. 190 m²




[tex] \times area = area \: of \: trapezium + area \: of \: rectangle \\ = ( \frac{1}{2} \times h(a + b)) + (l \times w) \\ = ( \frac{1}{2} \times (11 - 6) \times (20 + 8)) + (20 \times 6) \\ = 70 + 120 \\ = 190 \: {m}^{2} [/tex]

Round your answer to the nearest hundredth LA



Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we will use a right triangle trig identity to solve our problem. The side opposite the reference angle A is given as 5, and the side adjacent to the reference angle is given as 7. The trig ratio that uses the sides opposite and adjacent is the tangent ratio:


Hit the 2nd button on your calculator then the tan button which displays:


Enter 5/7 after that open parenthesis and hit = to get that

A = 35.54°

RN I NEED TO PASS THIS CLASS If the equation is solved, which is true?
If u + -10 = 14, then u = -1.4
If -10 - u = 14, then u = 4.0
If -10 + u = 14, then u = 4
If -10 + u = 14, then u = 24.0



the answer should be D hope you pass



Step-by-step explanation:

-10 + u = 14

u = 14+10=24.0

If 9 exercise books cost
$540.00. how much will
14 of such cost?​



$840 dollars

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide 540 by 9 to get the cost of 1 book then multiply it by 14



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{14}{9}: \frac{y}{540}[/tex]

y × 9 = 540 × 14

9y = 7560

9y ÷ 9 = 7560 ÷ 9

y = 840

Mark the points A(5, 5) and B(7.2). Draw a circle that has point A as the center and passes through point B. Measure and label the length of a
radius of the circle. What is the radius of circle A?



i think 4 units im not sure though though

Step-by-step explanation:


The radius of the circle A is 3.61 units.

Step-by-step explanation:

Got it right on edmentum

sorry if i am asking a lot, totally suprised by this and dont know what to do and yall are great, i need to find X and Y with exact values and no decimals


No estoy segura de cuál es la respuesta how no way


x and y = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

sin 45/x = sin90/19[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]



Pythagorean theorem for y

[tex]y^{2}[/tex]=(19[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex])^2 - 19^2

y^2= 722 - 361

y^2= 361


The answers seem kinda weird to me so...

For one month Sierra calculated her home towns average high temp in degrees Fahrenheit she wants to convert that temp from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius using the function c(f)=5/9(f-32). What does C(F)



C(F) means Celcius temperature value from Fahrenheit temperature

Step-by-step explanation:

C(F) is Mathematically interpreted as C of F, this means the value of C obtained for a given F value, that is we have a relation, expression or formular exoressed in terms of F which can be used to obtain the Value of C for a given value of F by making necessary substitution.

Here the relation or expression is c(f)=5/9(f-32).

Hence, once we are given a particular F value, we can substitute that into the equation and obtain the corresponding C temperature value.

The admission fee to an amusement park is $27.It cost an additional p dollars to rent a locker to hold your belongings. The total cost for 2 people to enter the amusment park and each rent a locker is 64 how much does it cost for one person




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve 0.25[2.5x+1.5(x-4)]=-x



x = 0.75

Step-by-step explanation:

please answer this !!
Jackson has a bag that contains 5 blue socks, 7 pink socks, and 8 yellow socks.

Jackson removes a single sock from the bag 50 times. Each time he records the color of the sock that is drawn. He replaces the socks into the bag before the next draw.
How many blue socks would be expected to be drawn if 1000 pulls are conducted? 10,000 pulls?​



for 50 pulls, 12.5 blue socks, but you cant have half of a sock so we say 12

for 1000 pulls, 250 blue socks

for 10,000 pulls, 2500 blue socks

Step-by-step explanation:

First we add 5, 7 and 8 to find the total number of socks, 5+7=12 and 12+8 = 20

5 is the amount of blue socks, so

5/20 * how many pulls are conducted is the probability for blue socks

7 is the amount of pink socks, so

7/20 * how many pulls are conducted is the probability for pink socks


8 is the amount of yellow socks, so

8/20 * how many pulls are conducted is the probability for yellow socks

The histogram shows the results of a survey asking students how many windows are in their homes. How many students have less than 10 windows in their homes. Enter your answer in the box. Help ASAP I will mark brainlest



Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Based on the given conditions, formulate:10<10

Someone please help!!!​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The distance formula can help you here.

  [tex]\displaystyle d=\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}\\\\d=\sqrt{(4-(-1))^2+(2-3)^2}=\sqrt{5^2+(-1)^2}=\sqrt{25+1}\\\\d=\sqrt{\boxed{26}}[/tex]

On a math test, a group of children scored 25, 17, 21, 25, 23, 21, 27, 21, and 18 out of a total of 30. Find their median.




Step-by-step explanation:

Place the values in ascending order like this:


Find the middle value:


So 21 is the median

Find the values of x,y, and z and the perimeter


X i think that one is

Karl is making a pot of chili. The recipe calls for StartFraction 3 Over 8 EndFraction cup of chili powder, but Karl only wants to use half as much so it won’t be so spicy. How much chili powder should Karl use?



3/16 or 3 over 16

Step-by-step explanation:

Find half of 3/8:

1/2x3/8 = 3/16

Use abc to find the trigonometric ratios. Enter your answer as fractions



Tan <A = 4/3

Cos <A = 3/5

Sin <A = 4/5

Step-by-step explanation:

From the diagram given

Hypotenuse AB = 10

Adjacent = 6

Opposite = 8 (side facingc<A)

According to SOH CAH TOA

Tan <A = Opposite/adjacent

Tan <A = BC/AC

Tan <A = 8/6

Tan <A = 4/3

For Cos <A;

Cos <A = adj/hyp

Cos <A = 6/10

Cos <A = 3/5

For sin<A:

Sin <A = opp/hyp

Sin <A = 8/10

Sin <A = 4/5

Value of x? Complementary angles, easy.



14 = x

Hope that this helps!

Find the value of x

please help​



It's 4+33-37 so that's the answer

Sarah's gross income last month was £1260. She pays 20% tax on her gross income. How much tax did Sarah pay last month?




Step-by-step explanation:

20% of £1260 = £252

Suppose that many large samples were taken from a population and the sample proportion centered around 0.25 which of the following is most likely the population parameter




Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps, sense it’s centered around 0.25 then the parameter would be 0.25

To It’s centered around 0.25 then the parameter would be 0.25.

We have given,

Suppose that many large samples were taken from a population and the sample proportion centered around 0.25

We have to determine which of the given is most likely the population parameter.

What is the center parameter in the large sample?

A sample means from any distribution. We could have a left-skewed or a right-skewed distribution.

To It’s centered around 0.25 then the parameter would be 0.25

Therefore option A(0.25) is correct

To It’s centered around 0.25 then the parameter would be 0.25.

To learn more about the population parameter visit:



The number of lawns l that a volunteer can mow in a day varies inversely with the number of
shrubs s that need to be pruned that day. If the volunteer can prune 6 shrubs and mow 8
lawns in one day, then how many lawns can be mowed if there are only 3 shrubs to be




Step-by-step explanation:

divide 8 by 6


1.333333333333 times 9


edsedsedsedsedseds HELP PLZ FAST



12x + 300 = 450

Step-by-step explanation:

Overtime payment = $12/hWeekly income = $300Overtime hours = x


12x + 300 = 450

what is psychology?



the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context.


the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context.

Step-by-step explanation:

Other Questions
Read and answer the given questions " Seeing Through" Jeffrey brushed quickly past an elderly woman waiting on the platform ahead of him to get onto the subway. He wanted to be sure to get a seat to read his New Economics Journal. As the train screeched out of the station, he lifted his head from the business news and stared at the man directly across from him. A fierce wave a tsunami of antipathy came over him. Jeffrey knew this man, knew him all too well. They had become bitter enemies. Their eyes locked. As the train reached full speed, the cacophony of speeding wheels against the winding rails and of the wildly vibrating subway car filled Jeffreys ears. To this frenetic beat, Jeffrey listed in his head all the reasons that this man, whose eyes he gravely stared into, whose image seemed to appear nearly everywhere he went, had become anathema to him. He had climbed the upper echelons of the Wall Street firm using an imperious manner with his subordinates: issuing directives; ordaining idiosyncratic decrees; generally making certain everyone knew he was the boss. Despite his impoverished upbringing, he had become ostentatious. Flush with cash from the lucrative deals he made on Wall Street, he had purchased a yacht and a home in Versailles. He used neither. But, oh, how he liked to say he had them. MeanwhileJeffrey knewthis mans father was on the verge of being evicted from his decrepit tenement apartment in the South Bronx. What bothered Jeffrey most about this man was that he never even attempted to make amends for his evil ways. Could this man change? Jeffrey did not know. But maybe, just maybe, he could try. The train screeched to Jeffreys stop at Battery Park. He gave the man one last hard look. See you around, he mumbled to himself. And he knew he would the wrinkled brow, that part of graying hair, those cold metallic eyes in a subway window reflectionwere his own. It would take years of hard work and self-contemplation, but Jeffrey would once again encounter this man on the train, and marvel at what a kinder person he had become.*Option 11. Which best describes Jeffrey's attitude in this passage?*anxiousstudiedunfortunateself-awareself-pitying2. A fierce wave a tsunami of antipathy came over him. Given the imagery in this sentence, which word would be the best substitute for came?*. angleddrizzledrainedwashedtrampled3. As used in paragraph 2, which word is the best antonym for antipathy?*. ambivalence. desperationadmiration. infatuation. happiness4. Using the story as a guide, it can be inferred that*. Jeffrey has few friends. Jeffrey likes to be the bossJeffrey has had a difficult lifeJeffrey is capable of changeJeffrey rides the subway frequently5."As the train reached full speed, the cacophony of speeding wheels against the winding rails and of the wildly vibrating train filled Jeffreys ears." Which literary technique is used in the above sentence (from paragraph 4)?*metaphor, a direct comparison between two things which does not use like or asanalogy, an extended comparison showing the similarities between two things. imagery, characterized by appealing to a sense or combination of sensesirony, characterized by a contrast or incongruity between what is stated and what is meantpersonification, characterized by something being described as if it had human qualities6.Which of the following best describes the main conflict in this passage?*. man versus man. man versus manman versus himselfman versus societyman versus machineman versus nature7. As used in paragraph 4, anathema is best defined as a(n):*cursevision. embarrassmentantagonistproblem8. used in paragraph 5, to have an imperious manner means to be:*ignorantstoicsimperingunaffecteddomineering9. As used in paragraph 6, which is the best synonym for ostentatious?*assiduousextravagantmodestmiserlyrefined10. What is made clear by the end of story? I.The man that Jeffery dislikes is himself. II. Jeffery was eventually able to become a better person. III. Jefferys father lives in the South Bronx.*. I only. II only. I and II. II and IIII, II, and III During your shift at the clinic, a young man arrives with a red, scaly rash formed into rings. What is this patients diagnosis likely to be? What causes this condition? How can he avoid this rash in the future? Solve using the quadratic formula. Approximate answers to the nearest tenth.Help Greg wanted to read Rowley diary to find out?? pls answer correct or i will ban youAnd I will mark brainlist whoanewers correct Given that a = two and b = 3, what is the value of (ab)? Your organization's IT department has developed a custom application that reports the hostname of each client that tries to access three servers in the accounting department that store sensitive information. You do a random test and find that the program is not reporting the host names for some clients even though it properly records their IP addresses. This is because the custom application submits reverse lookup requests to the DNS server to discover the host names for the specified IP addresses. As you investigate further, you learn that the clients whose hostnames could not be reported have static IP addresses and are on subnet What should you do Which detail best supports the idea that only immigrants with good health were allowed entrance into the United States? The perimeter of a rectangle is 64 cm. The length is 15 cm, how wide is rectangle? Why has adult abandoned his past? You download 15 music files on your computer and plan to save 7 of them to an MP3 player. In how many ways can u arrange the songs Can some one help explain this How has the history of Western intervention in the Middle East affected the development of the region? Can someone pleaseeee help and if youre correct ill give brainliest Which of the following occurs during meiosis II?A) the separation of sister chromatidsB) the formation of two diploid daughter cellsC) crossing over of homologous pairsD) the doubling of genetic information Lia can rent a van for either $90 per day with unlimited mileage or $50 per day with 250 free miles and an extra 25 for each mile over 250. For what number of miles traveled in one day would the unlimited mileage plan save Lia money? (Show work) 1) Find the distance between -49.75 and 31.5 on a number line. What do words "chanting loudly in an antumn wind" describe The phrase this endeavor (paragraph 4) refers to A. defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger B. exchange places with any other people C. shrink from responsiblity D. light our country and all who serve it E. granted the role lingayen in pangasinan means