Please Convert 21/44​


Answer 1


Converted into Decimal Form : 0.47727272727

Step-by-step explanation:

To convert a fraction to a decimal you take the numerator (the number in the top of the fraction) and divide that by the denominator (the number in the bottom of the fraction.)

21 ÷ 44 = 0.47727272727

This is how you convert a fraction to a decimal. When you convert a decimal to a fraction it gets a little more complicated. Another way you could change a fraction could be by simplifying. Simplifying is when you make the fraction look more simple by decreasing the values of the numerator and denominator, dividing by the same number on both the top and bottom. If you are confused and want more detail, please comment down below.

Answer 2



Because 21÷44= 0.477272727..........

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If the scale factor from figure A to figure B is 3:8, find the value of X (giving brainliest and thanks to all!)



x = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Corresponding sides are in proportion, that is

[tex]\frac{x}{24}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{3}{8}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

8x = 72 ( divide both sides by 8 )

x = 9

can someone plzz help . Write and solve an the equation to find the value of x and the missing angle measures​




Angles = 50

Step-by-step explanation:

The angles are alternate interior angles and alternate interior angles are equal

4x+14 = 6x-4

Subtract 4x from each side

4x+14-4x = 6x-4-4x

14 = 2x-4

Add 4 to each side

14+4 = 2x-4+4

18 =2x

Divide by 2

18/2 =2x/2

9 =x

The angles are equal

4x+14 = 6x-4 = 4(9)+14 = 36+14 = 50

plz help asap. i beg


D is integer and rest r rational I guess

The answer is -15.

Because others are rational numbers but not integers.

-15 is the only rational number and integer.

Sabiendo que la tangente son 4/3 dime el cos y sen estando el angulo en el tercer cuadrante de la circunferencia



sen α  =  - 4/5

cos α  =  - 3/5

Step-by-step explanation:

tang α  = 4/3

De la relación fundamental de la trigonometría sabemos:

sen² α   +  cos²α  = 1

Dividiendo la ecuación anterior por cos² α

sen²α/cos²α   +  cos²α / cos²α   =  1 / cos² α

tang²α  +  1   = 1/ cos² α

(4/3)²  +  1  =  1/ cos² α    ⇒    16/9   +  1  = 1/ cos² α

1/ cos² α    =  ( 16  +  9  ) / 9

1/ cos² α    =   25/9

cos² α   = 9/25

cos α    =  3/5

y para calcular el sen α  

sen² α   =  1  - cos²α

sen² α   =  1  - 9/25

sen² α   =  ( 25  -  9 )/ 25

sen² α   =  16/25

sen α  = 4 / 5

Ahora bien el angulo α  está en el tercer cuadrante, en ese cuadrante tanto el seno como el coseno son negativos.


sen α  =  - 4/5

cos α  =  - 3/5

how do i solve this ?? please explain it to me



the first thing that you need to know you need to know you invoice and then you will know how to calculate your equation

What is the Tenth term of 3n+2


The tenth term would be 32 because 3x10+2=32

Is this statement true or false?
It is a good idea to check the car history using an online site.
O true
O false


I think it’s true if it’s for statement you want

John has 8 cards that spell the word H O M E W O R K. She shuffles them and then places them face down. Assume she returns the card on each occasion.
b) What is the probability she will choose a consonant?



The probability that I will choose a consonant is 62.50%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that John has 8 cards that spell the word H O M E W O R K, and he shuffles them and then places them face down, to determine what is the probability he will choose a consonant the following calculation must be performed:

Vowels: 3

Consonants: 5

5/8 = X

0.625 = X

0.625 x 100 = 62.50

Therefore, the probability that I will choose a consonant is 62.50%.

Find the degree of the polynomial function y=(x-5)(x+5)



Step-by-step explanation:

y = (x + 5)(x - 5)

  = x² - 5²

 = x² - 25

Degree of this polynomial is 2.

Highest power of the variable x will be the degree of the polynomial.

What is sin 45°? O A. 1/2 12 1 OB. NI O C. 1 O D. O E. 1 3 O F. 13 ap.ex​



Step-by-step explanation:

Imagine a right-angled triangle, for e.g. Triangle ABC,


B = 90°

Remember your Toa Cah Soh.

sin 45° = opposite / hypotenuse

If theta = 45°

Angles A and C = 45° (Sum of angles in a triangle equal = 180°)

Since theta are the same, we can also deduce that the length AB and BC are the same.

Take for example AB = BC = 1 = opposite

By the Pythagorean theorem,

AB² + BC² = AC²

1² + 1² = AC²

2 = AC²

AC = √2 = hypotenuse


sin 45° = opposite / hypotenuse

sin 45° = 1/√2

the diameter of a circle is 12 centimeters. What is the circumference?



the circumference is 37.7 cm


circumference = 37.7

Step-by-step explanation:

in the photo I explained the formula of how to find the circumference

Which sign makes the statement true?




Step-by-step explanation:

#hopeithelpsstay safe and keep wellmark me as brain liest pls




x = 12.26

Step-by-step explanation:

sin  = opp/hyp

sin 50 = x/16

multiply both sides by 16

16 * sin50 = x

Use calculator

x = 12.256711089903649


x = 12.26

The answer is:


you multiply both sides

Find the value of x.




Step-by-step explanation:

The two angles form a straight line which is 180 degrees

5+x  +75 = 180

Combine like terms

x+80 = 180

Subtract 80 from each side

x +80-80=180-80

x = 100



Step-by-step explanation:

(5+x)°+75°=180°(being a straight line)


A line has equation y= −2/3 x-4.Write down the y-intercept of the line.


-2/3 is your y-internet

What is the value of xin this triangle?
Enter your answer as a decimal. Round only your final answer to the
nearest hundredth.
32 58




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the diagram attached

Opposite  = 32

Hypotnuse = 58

Sin theta = opposite/hypotenuse

Sin theta = 32/58

Sin theta = 0.5517

theta = arcsin(0.5517)

theta = 33.48

Hence the value of x to the nearest tenth is 33.48

Which of the binomials below is a factor of this trinomial?
x^2 + 13x+42



x+6 and x+7

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the quadratic equation;

x^2 + 13x + 42


x^2+13x+42 = 0

x^2 + 7x + 6x + 42 = 0

x(x+7)+6(x+7) = 0

(x+6)(x+7) =0

Hence the required binomials are x+6 and x+7

{WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST} pls solve show work or just do on paper and send me a picture



you torched a kid today

Step-by-step explanation:

i hope you are happy:(

You get a gift of $1,000.  You decide that you want to invest all of the money in a savings account.  However, your bank has two different savings plans.  Determine the final amount in the account for each plan in 5 years.  Round your answers to two decimal places if needed. 
Plan A:  The bank gives you 4% interest rate and it is compounded every two months.  
Plan B:  The bank gives you a 10% interest rate and compounds the interest every 6 months.

Final Account balance for Plan A: $ 
Final Account balance for Plan B: $


Step-by-step explanation:

write what you know

P = 1,000

n = 5 years

Plan 1

i = 0.04 / 2 months = (0.04 / 2 months) x (12 months / year) = 24%

write and solve

future value = p(1+i)^n = 1000(1+0.24)^5

plan 2

i = 0.10 / 6 months = (0.10 / 6 months) x (12 months / year) = 20%

write and solve

future value = p(1+i)^n = 1000(1+0.20)^5

1. What is the value of x?
A. 21
B. 41
C. 22
D. 20



I think the answer is 20!!!!!


Explanation:I did this before

I need help with these 2 please



(-2 , 5) (2 , 3)

m = y2 - y1 / x2 - x1

= 3 - 5 / 2 + 2

- 2 / 4 = - 1/2

- 1/2 = y - 3 / x - 2

cross multiply and u get

y = -0.5x + 4

If ABC and ABD are equilateral, which line segment if 60° clockwise rotation of AB about the point A?



Line AC

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment for triangles


60 degrees clockwise rotation about A

Since [tex]\triangle ABC[/tex] and [tex]\triangle ABD[/tex] are equilateral, then all angles in both triangles are [tex]60^o[/tex]

So, rotating in clockwise direction of A means that a line segment in the right of A will be considered.

The closest is line AC;

Hence, AC is [tex]60^o[/tex] clockwise of point A

(m2-m-4)+(m-5) (1 point)




Step-by-step explanation:

You take redundant away, then do subtract, then combine terms. It will give solution.

Please help please I need help



4 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

Someone please help me thank you



[tex]x = \frac{1 + \sqrt{41} }{10} \: \: or \: \: x = \frac{1 - \sqrt{41} }{10} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Ensure that the equation is in the form of ax² +bx +c= 0.

5x² -x +1= 3

5x² -x +1 -3= 0 (-3 on both sides)

5x² -x -2=0

Here, a= 5, b= -1, c= -2.

Use the quadratic formula below to solve for x.

[tex]\boxed{x = \frac{ - b± \sqrt{b^{2} - 4ac } }{2a} }[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{ - ( - 1)± \sqrt{( -1 )^{2} - 4(5)( - 2)} }{2(5)} [/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{1± \sqrt{1 + 40} }{10} [/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{1± \sqrt{41} }{10} [/tex]

[tex]∴x = \frac{1 + \sqrt{41} }{10} \: \: or \: \: x = \frac{1 - \sqrt{41} }{10} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

First, lets understand the question. When it says to find all the "real" solutions, that means you should not give any solutions containing an imaginary number.  An imaginary number is basically where we accept that there exists an i  (imaginary number) that is equal to [tex]\sqrt{-1\\}[/tex]  (square root of negative 1). So we are not considering this concept in this question.

Let's start solving then. Can you think of an equation that may help you solve this problem? The biggest clue is that x is squared.  If you said the quadratic formula, then you are perfectly correct!

Remember in order to use the quadratic formula, you must get your equation into the form:

[tex]ax^{2} +bx +c=0[/tex]

Let's do it! Right now we have:

[tex]5x^{2} - x +1=3[/tex]

Get rid of the 3 by subtracting it from both sides:

[tex]5x^{2} -x+1 -3 = 3 - 3\\5x^{2} -x-2=0[/tex]

Okay! it looks like our quadratic form now! By comparing it we can figure out what a, b, and c are in this case:

[tex]a = 5,{ }\\ b = -1, { }\\c = -2[/tex]

Let's get out our quadratic formula now:

[tex]\frac{ -b\frac{+}{} \sqrt{b^{2} -4ac} }{2a}[/tex]

All that's left to do is insert values and solve! (Be really careful when dealing with the negatives):

[tex]\frac{ -1\frac{+}{} \sqrt{(-1)^{2} -4(5)(-2)} }{2(5)}[/tex]

[tex]=\frac{ -1\frac{+}{} \sqrt{41} }{10}[/tex]

Removing the plus/minus we get two answers:

[tex]=\frac{ -1+ \sqrt{41} }{10}\\\\or\\\\=\frac{ -1-\sqrt{41} }{10}[/tex]

These are the most simplified forms!  It turns out we didn't even have to worry about imaginary solutions because we didn't end up with a negative sign under the square root. Hope this helps, and good luck!

Are the following polygons similar explain


Answer: No, they are not similar.

Technically, we don't have enough info so it could go either way.



We can see that the sides are proportional to each other, but we don't know anything about the angles. We need to know if the angles are the same. If they are, then the hexagons are similar. If the angles are different, then the figures are not similar.

Right now we simply don't have enough info. So they could be similar, or they may not be. The best answer (in my opinion) is "not enough info". However, your teacher likely wants you to pick one side or the other. We can't pick "similar" so it's best to go with "not similar" until more info comes along the way.

Use the graphling tool to determine the true statements regarding the represented function check all that apply



Adobe Family Tools

Step-by-step explanation:

Now round 0.065 to the nearest hundredth.

0.065 rounds to?


0.065 rounds to 0.100



Step-by-step explanation:

To round a decimal to the nearest hundredth, look at the thousandths place.

If the number in the thousandths place is greater than or equal to 5, we will round up the hundredths place.

If it is smaller than 5, we will keep the number the same.

In the number 0.065, the thousandths place value is 0.005. So, we will round up the hundredths place.

The hundredths place value is 0.06, so we will round it up to 0.07.

So, 0.065 will round to 0.07.

Urgent helps bxjdidjdjjfjdhhdhdh




Step-by-step explanation:

The area is calculated as

A = wl




Paul buys 5 books priced at $10 and 3 priced at $15. He also has a coupon for $7 off his purchase. Write an expression with parentheses to show the total cost, after using the coupon, and then simplify it to show hos much he spent.​




Step-by-step explanation:

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