Please solve correctly


Answer 1


8,000 it 8,000 dude....

Related Questions

Given the Graph, identify the slope​


Answer: The slope is -5/3 or -1.4


[tex]s = \frac{y2 - y1}{x2 - x1} [/tex]

[tex]s = \frac{5}{3} [/tex]

You're at a clothing store that dyes your clothes while you wait. You get to pick from 444 pieces of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, or hat) and 333 colors (purple, blue, or orange).
If you randomly pick the piece of clothing and the color, what is the probability that you'll end up with an orange hat?




Step-by-step explanation

I got the answer on khan academy

(x+3)²+(y+1)²=2 jjjjjjjjjjjju



x²+y²+6x+2y = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

The given equation is:


We know that, (a+b)² = a²+b²+2ab

Using above property

x²+9+6x+y²+1+2y = 2

x²+y²+6x+2y+10 = 2

x²+y²+6x+2y = -8

Hence, this is the required solution.

What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line
shown on the graph?
0 -
0 2 / 2
O 2
2 3
4 5 6 7 X
7 6 5 4 3 2 - 21.




Step-by-step explanation:

Perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes.

The solution is, -1/2 is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line

shown on the graph.

What is slope?

In mathematics, the slope or gradient of a line is a number that describes both the direction and the steepness of the line. The slope of a line is a measure of its steepness. Mathematically, slope is calculated as "rise over run" (change in y divided by change in x).

here, we have,

we have to,

find the slope of the line shown using

the formula, m = y1- y2 / x1- x2

from the given graph we get,




now we get,


m = 2/1

   = 2

so, here, m1 = 2

two lines are perpendicular  when

m1 * m2 = -1

as, we know that,

Perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes.

so, we get ,

m2 = -1/2

Hence, The solution is, -1/2 is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line

shown on the graph.

To learn more on slope click:


Three coins are tossed.
What is the probability that
all three will land tails up?


Answer: 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

QUESTION 5 of 10: You have a choice of a $2,000 rebate on a $13,000 vehicle or 18% off. Which is better?
O a) Rebate
Ob) 18% off
C2021 Knowledge Matters, Inc.
Estimated time: 60 minutes



18% off

Step-by-step explanation:

i just took the test

7.find the equation of a circle with one of the diameters x+2y+8=0and passing through the intersection of a circle x²+y²+2=0 and x²+y²-3y=0.



See below

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the intersection of circles

x² + y² + 2x = 0 and x² + y² - 3y = 0

Subtract the equations to find:

2x = -3y ⇒ y = -2/3x

By substitution find the points:

(0, 0) and (-1.385, 0.923)

Find midpoint between these two points:

x = (0- 1.385)/2 = -0.6925 , y = (0 + 0.923)/2 = 0.4615

Find perpendicular bisector passing through this point:

y - 0.4615 = 3/2(x + 0.6925)y = 1.5x +  0.4615 + 1.5(0.6925)y = 1.5x + 1.50025

Find intersection of the lines, it is the center:

y = 1.5x + 1.50025x + 2y + 8 = 0

Solving we get:

x = -2,75, y = -2.625

Find radius, the distance from center to point (0, 0) and get equation of circle:

(x + 2.75)² + (y + 2.625)² = (0 + 2.75)² + (0 + 2.625)²x² + 5.5x + y² + 5.25y = 04x² + 22x + y² + 21y = 04x² + 4y² + 22x + 21y = 0


Answer is in the picture

The area of a rectangle is 28 m', and the length of the rectangle is 1 m more than twice the width. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.



8m ×3.5m

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of rectangle= length ×width

Let the length and width of the rectangle be L and W meters respectively.

Area of rectangle= LW

LW= 28 -----(1)

L= 2W +1 -----(2)

Subst. (2) into (1):

(2W +1)(W)= 28


2W² +W= 28

-28 on both sides:

2W² +W -28= 0


(W +4)(2W -7)= 0

W +4=0 or 2W -7=0

W= -4 (reject) or W= 3.5

Substitute W= 3.5 into (2):

L= 2(3.5) +1

L= 7 +1

L= 8

∴ The dimensions of the rectangle is 8m ×3.5m.

What is the radius of the quarter if the area is about 452.16 square millimeters ? Use 3.14 for pi. Do not label. Do not round.



Step-by-step explanation:

Im not sure but i think

452.16/3.14.= 3.14r^2/3.14

144(square root sign) = squarw root sign r^2)


The first term of a G.P are as follows: m, m2 +4, 16m. Find the 5th term.




Step-by-step explanation:

To effectively answer the question, let us calculate the value of m. This can be obtained as follow:

m, (m² + 4), 16m

1st term (T₁) = m

2nd term (T₂) = m² + 4

3rd term (T₃) = 16m

Common ratio = T₂/T₁ = T₃/T₂

(m² + 4) / m = 16m / (m² + 4)

Cross multiply

(m² + 4)(m² + 4) = m × 16m

(m² + 4)² = 16m²

Take the square root of both side

√[(m² + 4)²] = √(16m²)

m² + 4 = 4m


m² – 4m + 4 = 0

Solving by Factorisation

m² – 2m – 2m + 4 = 0

m(m – 2) – 2(m – 2) = 0

(m – 2)(m – 2) = 0

(m – 2)² = 0

Take the square root of both side

m – 2 = 0

m = 2


1st term (T₁) = m = 2

2nd term (T₂) = m² + 4 = 2² + 4 = 8

3rd term (T₃) = 16m = 16 × 2 = 32

The sequence => m, (m² + 4), 16m


2, 8, 32

Finally, we shall determine the 5th term. This can be obtained as follow:

1st term (a) = 2

Common ratio (r) = 2nd / 1st = 8/2 = 4

5th term (T₅) =?

T₅ = ar⁴

T₅ = 2 × (4)⁴

T₅ = 2 × 256

T₅ = 512

Therefore, the 5th term is 512

Find the area of each sector. Omg please help due in 5 min!!


The answer is C (289pi/6 mi2)

Is 12 1/2 even or odd. How do you know?


it is a even miner because 12 is even

Solve for x, where x is a real number.
How many solutions are there




Step-by-step explanation:

1. Move the constant to the right-hand side and change its sign

square rootx = 6+5

2. Add the numbers

square rootx= 11

3. Square both sides of the equation


Check if the given value is the solution of the equation

square root 121 -5 =6

Simplify the expression


The equality is true, therefore x=121 is a solution of the equation

Solve the equation 4(c-3)=8
What are two ways to start solving this equation? Choose both ways.



- Use the distributive property to get 4c-12=8

-Divide both sides by 4 to get c-3 = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

- Use the distributive property to get 4c-12=8

[tex]4(c - 3) = 8 \\ 4 \times c - 4 \times 3 = 8 \\ 4c - 12 = 8[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:




what is the volume of a shape that measures 5cm,3cm,2cm​


The volume with the given numbers is 30 cubic centimeters.
Answer: the volume is 30cm ³

Explanation: finding the volume you just multiply all three values together.

5cm x 3cm x 2cm = 30cm ³

Which equation represents a function of x that is not linear?



y = 4x+3x^2

Step-by-step explanation:

For an equation to be linear, x must have a power of 1

y = 4x+3x^2 has a power of x that is not x  ( x^2) so this is not linear  ( it is quadratic)

Solve the system of equations given below. y - 15 =3x and -2 + 5y = -3



y-15=3x balakaksnzujsbhzbskndh


x = - 6 , y = - 3

Step-by-step explanation:

y - 15 = 3x  => y = 3x + 15 ------- ( 1 )

-2x + 5y = - 3 --------- ( 2 )

Substitute ( 1 ) in ( 2 ) :

-2x + 5 ( 3x + 15) = - 3

-2x + 15x + 75 = - 3

 13x = - 3 - 75

 13x = - 78

   x = - 6

Substitute x in ( 1 ) :

         y = 3x + 15

            = 3 ( - 6 ) + 15

            = - 18 + 15

          y  = - 3

what is 0.61 recurring as a fraction?




no clue how i got it just got it



Step-by-step explanation:

Usually, all reoccurring double digit numbers have the denominator of 99. Also, if you have a TI-30XIIS calculator, just put the repeating decimal, and press 2nd and then PRB. It will show up as a fraction!

Find the unknown side length, x. Write your answer in simplest radical form.
A. 15
B. 5 square root of 10
C. 2 square root of 70
D. 4 square root of 37



C .2 square root of 70 skaskaskaska

Y is directly proportional to
the square of (x - 1). y=63
when x=4. find the value of y
when x=6.



y = 100

Step-by-step explanation:

y [tex]\alpha[/tex] [tex](x -1)^{2}[/tex]

y = c ([tex]x^{2}[/tex] - 2x + 1)

When y = 63, x = 4;

63 = c ([tex]4^{2}[/tex] - 2(4) + 1)

     = 9c

63 = 9c

c = [tex]\frac{63}{9}[/tex]

c = 7


y = 4([tex]x^{2}[/tex] - 2x + 1)

The value of y when x = 6 can be determined as;

y = 4([tex]6^{2}[/tex] - 2(6) + 1)

   = 4(25)

y = 100

Therefore, y = 100

A company that produces fine crystal knows from experience that 15% of its goblets havecosmetic flaws, while the remaining 85% are flawless.(a) (8 points) If eight goblets are selected at random, what is the probability that exactly twohave flaws



The probability that exactly two have flaws is P (x=2) = 0.2376

Step-by-step explanation:


Success= p= 0.15

Failure = q= 0.85

total number= n= 8

Number chosen = x= 2

Applying the binomial distribution

P (x=x) = nCx p^x(q)^n-x

P (x=2) = 8C2 0.15 ²(0.85)^8

P (x=2) = 0.2376

The success is chosen about which we want to find the probability. Here we want to find the probability that exactly two have flaws so success would be having flaws therefore p = 0.15

Prove that: log b (p2 - q2) – log b (p + q) = log b (p – q)



Step-by-step explanation:

The formulas used to solve :

[tex][ log_b(\frac{x}{y}) = log_bx - log_by][/tex]

[tex](p^2 - q^2) = (p+q)(p-q)[/tex]

    [tex]log_b(p^2 - q^2) - log _b(p + q) = log_b(p-q)\\\\log_b(\frac{(p^2 -q^2)}{(p+q)}) = log_b(p-q)\\\\log_b(\frac{(p+q)(p-q)}{(p+q)}) = log_b(p-q)\\\\log_b(p-q) = log_b(p-q)\\\\[/tex]

Hence proved.

Solve for x. Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.



x = 8.8

Step-by-step explanation:

take 20 degree as reference angle .the,

hypotenuse = OQ = x (hypotenuse is always opposite of 90 degree)

perpendicular(opposite) = PQ 3 (opposite of reference angle is perpendicular or also called as opposite)

base(adjacent) = OP (side which lies on the same line where 90 degree and reference angle)

using sin rule

sin 20 = opposite / hypotenuse

0.34 = 3 / x

x = 3/0.34

x = 8.82

x = 8.8

X=8.8 is what is written




x = -1

y = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

We can multiply the second equation by two, so we can have opposite y terms:

2 (3x - 2y = -15)

6x - 4y = -30

Now, we can add the equations, and the y terms can cancel out:

  7x + 4y = 17

+ 6x - 4y = -30

13x = -13

x = -1

Now, we can plug in x:

3(-1) - 2y = -15

-3 - 2y = -15

-2y = -12

y = 6

X= -1
Y= 6
That’s the answer

A company is considering to choose between two investment projects with the
following details.
Project A : Costs RM7 million in upfront costs and will generate RM3 million in
annual income for five years starting three years from now.
Project B : Costs RM2.5 million upfront and RM2 million in each of the next
three years. This project generates no annual income but will be sold
six years from now for a sales price of RM16 million.
By using Net Present Value approach, with a discount rate of 8%, determine
which project should be choosen by the company.​


Answer: Project A should be chosen as it has the highest NPV.

Step-by-step explanation:

Project A

Present value of inflows:

First find the present value of inflows 3 years from today. Bear in mind that the inflow is constant so this is an annuity:

= 3 million * Present value interest factor of annuity, 8%, 5 years

= 3 million * 3.9927

= RM11,978,100

Discount this value to the present:

= 11,978,100 / (1 + 8%)³

= RM9,508,602

Net Present value = Present value of inflows - Investment

= 9,508,601 - 7,000,000

= RM2,508,601

Project B:

Find present value of costs:

= 2,500,000 +  (2 million * Present value interest factor of annuity, 3 years, 8%)

= 2,500,000 + (2,000,000 * 2.5771)

= 2,500,000 + 5,154,200

= RM7,654,200

Net present value = (16,000,000 / (1 + 8%)⁶) - 7,654,200

= RM2,428,514

Project A should be chosen as it has the highest NPV.

On four consecutive​ days, a concert pianist practiced for
3 1/2 ​hours,
6 1/3​hours,
4 1/4 ​hours, and
5 1/6hours. Find the​ pianist's total practice time.



19 hours and 15 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

if you add it up all together it equals to 19.25 hours but you would convert it into 19 hours and 15 minutes

The pianist's total practice time is 19 3/12 hours.

Given that, on four consecutive​ days, a concert pianist practised for 3 1/2 ​hours, 6 1/3​hours, 4 1/4 ​hours, and 5 1/6hours.

We need to find the​ pianist's total practice time.

How to add fractions?

Mixed fractions with unlike denominators are a group of those mixed fractions that do not have the same denominator. Let us learn how to add mixed fractions with unlike denominators with the help of the following steps.

Step 1: The whole numbers of both the fractions are added first.

Step 2: If the denominators are different, so we have to find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators.

Step 3: With the help of the LCM, we will write their respective equivalent fractions so that they become like fractions.

Step 4: Now, we have both the fractions with the same denominators, that is, they have been converted to like fractions.

Step 5: Add the like fractions now and then simplify.

Total=3 1/2+6 1/3+4 1/4+5 1/6

=(3+6+4+5) (1/2+1/3+1/4+1/6)

=18 (1/2+1/3+1/4+1/6)

LCM of denominators 2, 3, 4 and 6 is 12.

Now, 18 (6/12+4/12+3/12+2/12)

=18 15/12

=19 3/12

Therefore, the pianist's total practice time is 19 3/12 hours.

To learn more about the addition of fractions visit:


Your checking account is in debt $20. You use this account to make a $10 purchase. Then, you deposit $38 into the account. What is the balance of the checking account?


Answer: 8

Step-by-step explanation



Step-by-step explanation:

If we just keep track of the money in the account, we can solve this pretty quickly. If the balance is -20, and we subtract another 10 from it, it gives us -30. $38 is then deposited into the account, giving us a balance of $8.


i need to find the area of a rectangle using the formula A=b*h the height is 810 cm the base is 10 meters...i know i need to convert, but how do i set up the equation to gigute/work this this out?​



81000[tex]cm^{2}[/tex]  or   8.1[tex]m^{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

1m = 100cm

10m = 1000cm

a= b*h

a= 1000cm * 810cm

= 810000[tex]cm^{2}[/tex]

1[tex]m^{2}[/tex] = 10000[tex]cm^{2}[/tex]

810000[tex]cm^{2}[/tex] = 8.1[tex]m^{2}[/tex]

Evaluate n^2 -m. If you n=-5 and m=3




Step-by-step explanation:

n² - m =

-5² - 3 =

25 - 3 = 22

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K



Step-by-step explanation:

(-5)^2- 3

two negatives make a positive which would be 25 then minus the 3


then you get your total


What is the slope of the line that is parallel to the y-axis and passes through the point (–1, 5)?




All lines that are parallel to the y-axis have an undefined slope.


This is an Undefined Slope

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