The Third Reich based its power primarily on fear. censorship. laws. incentive.​


Answer 1




The regime that Hitler established in Germany after his takeover of power in 1933, the so-called 'Third Reich', was primarily responsible for a war that killed over 50 million people and entirely responsible for genocidal campaigns

Answer 2

The Third Reich based its power primarily on fear. Thus, option A is correct.

What is Third Reich?

The Nazi dictatorship in Germany was frequently referred to as the "Third Reich" as inside and outside of Germany. Throughout 1933 and 1945, Adolf Hitler as well as the Nazi Party ruled Germany, turning it into an absolute monarchy. This period of time is known as Nazi Germany.

The Nazis created the term "Third Reich" to describe their rule from 1933—the year Hitler assumed leadership of Germany—until 1945. Hitler established a powerful and intimidating power influence in Germany by using every tool at his disposal. Additionally,

Hitler employed Joseph Goebbels' intelligence as a Minister of Public Enlightenment and Public Relations in order to instill German hegemony and Nazi beliefs across the country.  

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about Third Reich, here:


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1. How did the Whigs and Democrats stay in power leading up to the
election of 1848? *

Proslavery Stance
Antislavery Stance
Avoiding the Question
Talking in circles



Proslavery stance



The Whig Party, which had been created to oppose Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party, benefitted from the disaster of the Panic of 1837. ... The Democratic presidential candidate, Vice President Martin Van Buren, easily won election as Jackson's successor in 1836.


The city-state of in Attica, stood in the
way of the Persians entering and conquering
A Prussia
B. Athens
C Rome
D. Harappa


Rome is the answers

Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic society. What does this mean?

Egyptians worshipped one god.
Egyptians worshipped many gods.
Egyptians worshipped using rituals.
Egyptians worshipped the pharaoh.


Egyptians worshipped many gods. Poly = many

Please help with this


Italy can lay claim to be Rome's successor on the basis of geography since Rome is its capital. Moreover its land area also encloses the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. While this is now confined to the Vatican, the Pope ruled over the much more extensive Papal States from the 8th century until 1870.

what was galileo forced to say during his trial ?



During his trial for suspicion of heresy, Galileo chose his words carefully. It was only after the trial, angered by his conviction no doubt, that he was said to have muttered to the inquisitors, “Eppur si muove”(“And yet it moves)”, as if to say that they may have won this battle, but in the end, truth would win out.

#Correct me if I'm wrong#HopeitsHelp
During his trial for suspicion of heresy, Galileo chose his words carefully. It was only after the trial, angered by his conviction no doubt, that he was said to have muttered to the inquisitors

Identifying a Theme Statement
What theme is supported by the passage?
Food is the most important thing,
O Curiosity can lead people into danger.
O Be prepared for anything.
My men came pressing round me, pleading:
"Why not take these
cheeses, get them stowed, come back,
throw open all the pens, and make a run for it?
We'll drive the kids and lambs aboard. We say
put out again on good salt water!
how sound that was! Yet I refused. I wished
to see the caveman, what he had to offer-
no pretty sight, it turned out, for my friends.
- The Odyssey,


What’s the question

The right to petition and assemble against the government is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Which of the following is NOT included in this right?




"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

You're good on that, so now where are the other choices? It sounds like a multiple answer thing and you've only included that. I will edit my answer once you respond with more information.

Que es el desarrollo compartido???help estoy en examne



Espero te sirva


Suerte con tu examen

La política imperialista fue la consecuencia inmediata de la expansión
industrial ( es verdadero o falso y porque)



El imperialismo (generalmente en forma de un imperio) —que se basa en ideas de superioridad1​ y aplicando prácticas de dominación— es el conjunto de prácticas que implican la extensión de la autoridad y el control de un Estado o pueblo sobre otro. También puede ser una doctrina política que justifica la dominación de un pueblo o Estado sobre otros; habitualmente mediante distintos tipos de colonización (de poblamiento, de explotación económica, de presencia militar estratégica) o por la subordinación cultural (aculturación). El sociólogo estadounidense Lewis Samuel Feuer identificó dos subtipos principales del imperialismo: el primero es el "imperialismo regresivo" identificado con la pura conquista, la explotación inequívoca, reducciones de los pueblos no deseados, y el asentamiento de los pueblos deseados en esos territorios. El segundo tipo identificado por Feuer es "imperialismo progresista" que se basa en una visión cosmopolita de la humanidad, que promueve la expansión de la civilización a las sociedades supuestamente atrasadas para elevar los estándares de vida y la cultura en los territorios conquistados, y la asignación de la gente conquistada a asimilarse a la sociedad imperial. Aunque los términos "imperialismo" y "colonialismo" están muy relacionados, no son sinónimos.


What makes a site of encounter?



hlw its jess your answer is here↓a site of encounter is a place where people of different cultures meet and exchange products, ideas,and technologies.At the site of encounter , new products ,ideas and technologies are often created because of the exchange


was this answer usefull for u ? :)
Pass out the chart and remind students that a site of encounter is a place where people of different cultures come into contact. At the site of encounter products, technologies, and ideas are exchanged and new products, technologies and ideas are created.

Discuss four ways World War II affected American life at home


gave women more opportunities in the work force and the great migration also happened.

Which phrase best describes the term monarchy?

rule by one person

rule by a mob

rule by the people

rule by religious elites



rule by one person


mono= one. Like Englad has a monarchy lead by Queen Elizabeth


rule by one person


Which statement about African independence movements is true?


The money economy affected Africans lives because families and villages were torn apart as the men and other family members had to go find work outside of the village, and also created wealth differences.

"Our plan of government favors the many instead of the few..." - Pericles, Funeral
Oration From the quote above the ancient Athenians are credited with *

A.lnverting and using the wheel

B. Eliminating slavery

C.Establishing government that had democratic elements

D. Inventing the punting press





Establishing gov't with democratic elements

Was the selma march sucessful?



Eventually, the march went on unimpeded -- and the echoes of its significance reverberated so loudly in Washington, D.C., that Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, which secured the right to vote for millions and ensured that Selma was a turning point in the battle for justice and equality in the United States.


Eventually, the march went on unimpeded -- and the echoes of its significance reverberated so loudly in Washington, D.C., that Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, which secured the right to vote for millions and ensured that Selma was a turning point in the battle for justice and equality in the United States.

What religion was the ruler of the mali kingdom from 1312 to 1337


The rulers of Mali at that time were muslim which means they were apart of Islam.

"In 1312 Musa became emperor following the death of his predecessor, Abu-Bakr II. When he was crowned, he was given the name Mansa meaning king. Mansa Musa was knowledgeable in Arabic and was described as a Muslim traditionalist."

Which image does not appeal to the sense of hearing? a. “batter on your banjoes” b. “a red moon rides on the humps of the low river hills” c. “cry like a racing car slipping away from a / motorcycle cop” d. “let your trombones ooze, and go husha- / husha-hush”



Its B

Are you kidding me?

Terrorism can have global effects because it-


Terrorism can have global effects because it negatively impacts the trade and tourism. ... So risking the lives nobody wants to operate trade there. So if a region becomes incompetent for trade it causes the trade imbalance globally. (So the answer is the second choice)




Two-thirds majority vote in both the house of representatives and the senate.


Hope this helps!

After World War II, which had the most direct impact on the growth of Washington’s suburbs?



Answer: Highways


World War II and the period after saw an unprecedented rise in the economics of the United States and this was driven by significant government spending in infrastructure.

One such infrastructure was roads and highways. The U.S. government embarked on spirited road construction projects that connected so many places in the U.S. including Washington suburbs to other areas. This allowed people to get houses there knowing that they had easy access to their work places and other parts of the country.

One major problem with the Homestead Act was that a midwestern farmers had to give up raising livestock because of stiff competition with the West. b most homesteaders knew little or nothing about farming in the West. c it took several years to earn a profit from farming a homestead. d 160 acres were inadequate for productive farming on the rain-scarce Great Plains. e the government continued to try to maximize its revenue from public lands.



d. 160 acres were inadequate for productive farming on the rain-scarce Great Plains.


The Homestead Act of 1862 was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on May 20, 1862, which provides lands to anyone desiring it for an almost-free of cost. The legislation would become a crucial aspect for Westward expansion and also provides people from all walks of life the chance to acquire land.

Despite the huge surge in homesteaders, one negative aspect of the Act was that in that arid land of the Great Plains, a mere 160 acres was not much to farm with. This would become a pertaining issue for the settlers hoping to farm and maintain their survival.

Thus, the correct answer is option d.

Some of the major environmental concerns in Oceania and Australasia include _____.

prolonged droughts
invasive species


Desalination should be the correct answer


overfishing and invasive species is the asnwer

What aspect of the Commercial Revolution would bring discord between colonists and their mother countries?

A>There was a lack of a stock exchange in the colonial outpost.
B>All goods and raw materials were tightly regulated by the mother country.
C>Colonial farmers were taxed on goods they produced.
D>Colonists were not permitted to buy shares in joint-stock companies.



A>There was a lack of a stock exchange in the colonial outpost.


There was a lack of a stock exchange in the colonial outpost. All goods and raw materials were tightly regulated by the mother country. Colonial farmers were taxed on goods they produced.

comparing advantages and disadvantages of the civil war stations 1-13.

after completing the table of advantages and disadvantages for each side, write a short response explaining which side you feel had the overall advantage and why.

does anyone have this worksheet answers?



I just had this for my hw lol


The Union had many advantages over the Confederacy. The North had a larg- er population than the South. The Union also had an industrial economy, where- as the Confederacy had an economy based on agriculture. The Union had most of the natural resources, like coal, iron, and gold, and also a well-developed rail system.

At first look, it appeared that the 11 Southern states had no chance against the 23 states that remained in the Union after secession. Nine million people existed in the South, of which around four million were slaves, compared to about 21 million in the North.

What were the disadvantages of civil war?

The advantages and drawbacks of each culture had an impact on the conflict and its result. The political, economic, social, and military situations of both groups provided their respective sides advantages in the conflict. The advantages that each side possesses impact how the fight turns out. In some areas, both the Union and the Confederacy enjoy an edge.

In certain of the Civil War engagements, the South had an advantage thanks to certain aspects of their culture. The Confederacy had a long-standing trading relationship with Europe, which gave the south a competitive advantage due to the lucrative income. The preservation of slavery was a very important issue for southern civilization. These people were extremely driven to participate in the war because of how important slavery was to them.

Learn more about disadvantages of civil war here:


Which founding father became upset
that John Adams defended the eight
British soldiers on trial for their actions
in the Boston Massacre of 1770?
A. Ben Franklin
B. Samuel Adams
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Richard Henry Lee


The founding father who became upset that John Adams defended the eight British soldiers on trial for their actions in the Boston Massacre of 1770 is option D. Richard Henry Lee.

Who is Richard Henry Lee and why is he important?

Richard Henry Lee is known to be a man that is often called by his contemporaries as "Cicero" of the American Revolution.

He was known to be an politician as well as a planter who was said to be  indispensable to the creation of the United States.

Therefore, The founding father who became upset that John Adams defended the eight British soldiers on trial for their actions in the Boston Massacre of 1770 is option D. Richard Henry Lee.

Learn more about Richard Henry Lee from


Which best describes the US armed forces during World War II?
all white
mostly African American



D. Segregated


I just did it on Edge2021 :)

During WW2, the US armed forces were mostly segregated. Hence the correct answer is D. It is to be noted that this segregation was required by the US congress.

What ended the segregation in the US Army?

The segregation in the US army was ended by Executive Order 9981.

The executive order was issued on the 26th day of July, 1948 by President Harry Truman.

It abolished discrimination due to color, race, religion, or national origin. Before that order, the US army was largely segregated.

Learn more about WW2 at:

read and answer correctly for brainliest





It is just process of elimination.

The text clearly states that fences were blown down in the second paragraph, it turned the farms into piles of sand in the third paragraph, and since this most likely represent the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, fertile soil is blown away.

Fertile soil is usually near the top soil or a few feet down since water mostly accumulates there and gets soaked in. When there is extreme wind, the top soil and fertile soil gets blown away which just leaves dust.

How did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments affect participation in the
political process? *

A.More African Americans voted.

B. More poor Southern whites voted.

C. More rich former slave owners voted.

D. More newly arrived immigrants voted. .





It's A

What is the term used for countries controlled by the Soviet Union after World War II there is two terms



USSR states


It was called the iron curtain

Answer:  USSR states

I believe its right

According to the declaration, which of these consequences might happen to a woman who got a divorce?



According to the declaration, She would have to give up her wages, lose custody of her children and she wouldn't be unable to own property.



She would lose custody of her children.


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