Which equation represents a line which is perpendicular to the line y=-\frac{1}{8}x+3


Answer 1


An equation with -8 as the slope.

Step-by-step explanation:

I can't see your choices but you need to look for an equation in which the slope is -8. A line with an opposite reciprocal slope is needed in order to be perpendicular to the line y = 1/8x + 3. The opposite reciprocal of 1/8 is -8.

Related Questions

PLS HELP QUICKKK its almost due


I think its the second one.  I hope it is

The length of a rectangle is 24 more than its width. Find the area of the rectangle if its perimeter is 100 cm.




Step-by-step explanation:

Lets say width = x

Length = x+24

Perimeter is 100 so






So width = 13

Length = 37


The diameter of an insect cell is 1.7 × 10–11 meter. Ariel wants to find the length of the radius of the cell. If she performs the calculations on her calculator, which shows what will be displayed?




Step-by-step explanation:

According to the Question,

Given That, The diameter of an insect cell is 1.7 × 10^-11 meters.

Ariel wants to find the length of the radius of the cell. Radius Is Half of the Diameter.

Thus, R = D/2   ⇒  (1.7*10^-11)/2 = 0.85× 10^-11If she performs the calculations on her calculator is 8.5E-12.

Ian bought a used car. The value, y , of the car x years after his purchase is modeled by the equation y = 6500(0.875)x . What was the value of the car when Ian bought it?




Step-by-step explanation:

y = 6500(0.875)^x

When bought x = 0

y = 6500(0.875)^0

A number raise to 0 equals 1

y = 6500 * 1

y = 6500

What is the value of the expression
O 2.4 x 105
03.0 x 1011
O 3.0 x 105
2.4 104

Please help


3.0 x 10^5 - hope it helps


[tex]{ \tt{ \frac{3.6 \times {10}^{8} }{1.2 \times {10}^{3} } }} \\ = { \tt{ \frac{3.6}{1.2} \times \frac{ {10}^{8} }{ {10}^{3} } }} \\ = 3 \times {10}^{5 } \\ \\ { \underline{ \blue{ \tt{becker \: jnr}}}}[/tex]

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inches apart on Claudias map. In real life, this distance is 30 miles. What scale
does the map use? 1 in = miles.


The dissent was is 39 miles

Can someone pleaseeee help and if you’re correct i’ll give brainliest



The total cost would be $208

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we have to find the area of the square office which would be 4yards times 4yards which equals 16yd^2

Next, we'll multiply the area of the square office by $13 (since each square yard of new carpet costs that much).

So 16yd^2 times $13= $208

Hope I helped :)

Which data set has high consistency and low variability? Why?


bc it do just bc it do

What team has not been to a super bowl
A. Texans
B. Lions
C. Browns
D. Jaguars
E. All Of The Above
goodluck :)


all of the above easy one



Step-by-step explanation:

Im smart and watch this stuff thats how! lol

PLEASE HELP (look at the photo) I will mark brainleist!



I believe its c $1520 overall there's only a decrease of 5%


The value of the investment on August 1st is $1,512.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the value of the percentage decreased by the percent of its value, simply subtract a number to a percent. To find the value of the percentage increased by the percent of its value, add a number to the percent. In this case, the value of the investment started with $1,600 and then it decreased by 10%. We can write our equation like this: 1,600 - 10% = ?. Don't think about turning 10% into 0.1. You could do that, but it wouldn't result in the answer as the value decreased by 10%. It would turn out to be 1,599.9 if you did subtract 1,600 by 0.1. It is NOT the value DECREASED by 10%. I think some people would mistakenly go on to that path but please don't. You will NOT recieve an accurate answer. Following the equation, you should get $1,440. That is the investment made during the month of June decreased by 10%.

During the month of July, the value INCREASED by 5%. Similar to the percentage decreased equation, we just turn the subtraction symbol into an addition symbol. Do the same process again but with an addition symbol and the NOW value of $1,440. You should get $1,512 as your final answer. If you are confused about how I got this answer, look at this equation for percentage increased: 1,440 + 5% = ?. If I am wrong, please let me know and I hope this helps! :D

what is 1 1/5 x 3 4/5 x 1



Step-by-step explanation:11/5 x 3 =6.6 4/5 x 1 =0.8

Please help
(x + 7/2) = (I don't what sign it is but it says plus minus square root sign over 5/2)



Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helps u!!

The value of a 23 in the resulting matrix is:



OPTION B 11 is the correct option

There are ____ legs for every 4 ears


There are 4 legs for every 4 ears.


there are 8 for any four leg creatures : there are 4 for a human

Step-by-step explanation:

The instructions on the bag on concrete mix say to add 2 gallons of water to each 8 pounds bag of conceit mix



4 pound

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question :

2 gallons of water = 8 pound bag

Number of pound bag per gallon of water ;

Let the number of pound = x

Using cross multiplication, we'll have :

2 gallons = 8 pounds

1 gallon = x pounds

Cross multiply

2x = 8

x = 8 /2

x = 4

Hence, 1 gallon of water mixes 4 pound bag of concrete.

if cos 23° =√1-t² ,express tan 113° in terms of t​


90jus took the test bra bra

Answer Please.......​



sinA = 4/5

cosA = 3/5

tanA = 4/3

Step-by-step explanation:

We calculate the calue of sinA by

dividing the opposite side with hypotenuse :

sinA = 12/15 and if we simplify fraction it will be 4/5

for cosA we divide adjacent side by hypotenuse :

9/15 simplified = 3/5

and for tanA we divide opposite side by adjacent side :

12/9 simplified = 4/3

Which type of graph would be best for showing the average yearly bonus amounts for employees in different departments of an IT company?

A. a bar graph
B. a circle graph
C. a histogram
D. a line graph



I believe that a bar graph will help with that, because you can narrow the answers down to a bar graph and a line graph but a line graph will only show an increase and a decrease not an average, and a bar graph shows all three.

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this helped let me know!

Combine the terms correctly. 8x − 9 − 12x + 5. *
-x -8x
20 x -4
-4x + 14
-4x -4




Step-by-step explanation:

8x − 9 − 12x + 5

Combine like terms

8x -12x   -9+5

-4x    -4



Step-by-step explanation:




Final Answer: [tex]-4x-4[/tex]

what is the solution to this system of linear equations 2x +y =1 3x -y= -6



x= -1 y=3

Step-by-step explanation:


x = -1

y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

2x +y =1 3x -y= -6

Add the two equations together to eliminate y

2x +y =1

3x -y= -6


5x = -5

Divide by 5

5x/5 = -5/5

x = -1

2x+y = 1

2(-1) +y = 1

-2 +y =1

Add 2 to each side

y = 1+2

y =3

Does anyone know how to solve this equation: x − 10 > 4x + 20 < x + 10


This is my workings

Please help last two problems





Step-by-step explanation:

Questions 1:


x²-10x+25= (x-5)²

√(x-5)²= x-5

question 2:

x²-4x+4= (x-2)²

√(x-2)²= x-2

please help calculate


Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is in the above image

A bouncy ball is dropped such that the height of its first bounce is 2.75 feet and each
successive bounce is 69% of the previous bounce's height. Write a recursive formula
to represent the height of the nth bounce of the ball.


The value 2.75 goes in the first box, since it's the first term.

The expression [tex]0.69*a_{n-1}[/tex] goes in the second box. The second line says "to get the nth term, we multiply the previous term by 0.69"

11. Solve the system of equations.
y = 4x + 2
y-- 2x+2
А) , x= 0, y = 2 © x=2,y=0
( B) x=0, y=1 D x=1,x=0



x = 0     y = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

4x + 2 = -2x + 2

6x + 2 = 2

6x = 0

x = 0

y = 4(0) + 2

y = 2

Find the value of x in the isosceles triangle shown below.




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Help plsss!

find the area of the shaded region


I think it’s about 134.13 ft

to find the circle the formula is pi times the radius squared so:
12.5 x 12.5 = 156.25
156.25 x pi ≈ 490.8738 ft squared

to find the square it’s base x height so:
25 x 25 = 625

then to find the shaded part you just find the difference:
625 - 490.87 = 134.13 ft

Please help if you can! Thank you!



y = 2(x²+3x)

Step-by-step explanation:

The number of decimal places in the product will be sum of the factor"s decimal place.So the product will have 1,2,3 or 4 decimal places.



[tex]0.47 \to 2\ digits[/tex]

[tex]3.2 \to 1\ digit[/tex]

[tex]Product \to 3\ digits[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]0.47 * 3.2 =[/tex]

See comment for complete question


The number of decimal places

To do this, we simply calculate the number of digits after the decimal points

[tex]0.47 \to 2\ digits[/tex]

[tex]3.2 \to 1\ digit[/tex]

The product is the sum of the digits above 2 + 1 = 3


[tex]Product \to 3\ digits[/tex]

i need help with this, the answer has to be in parentheses plz help guys


Answer:     (-3, -6)



The vertex of f(x) is (-3,4)

The vertex of -f(x) is (-3,-4). Note the y coordinate flips in sign. This is effectively because y = f(x).

Shifting the vertex down 2 units will get us to g(x) = -f(x)-2

So that's how we end up with (-3, -6)

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