Paul never used his name of Saul after his salvation.
O True


Answer 1




because he did not want to make sure you find him

Related Questions

Based upon yesterday's reading of Hermes, all of the following are true statements about Hermes, EXCEPT... *

A. Hermes was the herald of the gods messager of the gods

B. Hermas played a trick on Apollo and he stole fifty of Apollo's pigs

C. Hermas was known as being very mischievous

D. Hermas made a lyre out of a tortoise shell and the entrails of a sacrificed cow


The answer to your question is: A

i’m really bad with this stuff and would really appreciate some help!!!!!


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, the map you attached is in black and white, not in color. So we do not see any red circles.

However, trying to help you we can say the following.

Some of those black and white circles show the range of the Soviet Union missiles in case they were fired.

We are talking about the series of missiles that the Soviet Union had on the Island of Cuba and which represented a major threat to many United States cities, as well as other regions of Canada, México, Central and South America.

We can say that the area of the United States that would have been hit the hardest had nuclear weapons been used during the Cuban Missile Crisis was Florida. It is so close to the Island of Cuba.

The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, was one of the tensest moments between the Soviet Union and the United States. Indeed, this incident put the world on the brink of another world war.

Helpp with this one plzz



Economic independence!

what are the accomplishments of James Cook?


James cook was a renowned explorere. Paving the way for British settlement. Mapped out the oceans including Austrillia and disproved the existance of Terra Australis, a fabled southern continent. Soved mysteries of the south Pacific Sailed Canada, Antaritica and the Bering strait with minimal loss of life. Fought in the seven year war where he captured and commanded a ship. Crossed the  Tasman Sea,  Coral Sea and the Torres Strait. discovered the northwest passage around Canada and Alaska or a northeast one around Siberia, between the Atlantic and Pacific.


James Cook was a British naval captain, navigator, and explorer who sailed the seaways and coasts of Canada and conducted three expeditions to the Pacific Ocean (1768–71, 1772–75, and 1776–79), ranging from the Antarctic ice fields to the Bering Strait and from the coasts of North America to Australia and New Zealand.

The formal process of confirming that
a document is valid is known as which
of the following?
A. drafting
B. sovereignty
C. ratification



c. ratification


the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.

A number of different paths and endings are included in the formal process. This is important in order to balance both participants' concerns and responsibilities.

The goal is to encourage a quasi method to reconciliation while also providing that a formalized method is important in the case that one is required.

C. ratification is termed as the formal process of confirming that  a document is valid.

Ratification is the acceptance of a principal's act by an intermediary who does not have the legal authority to sign the principal. Ratification is the international act by which a state expresses its willingness to be bound by an agreement if the party wants for such an act to be performed.

To know more about the ratification, refer to the link below:

Why might the Treaty of Versailles end up leading to another war?



By placing the burden of war guilt entirely on Germany, imposing harsh reparations payments and creating an increasingly unstable collection of smaller nations in Europe, the treaty would ultimately fail to resolve the underlying issues that caused war to break out in 1914, and help pave the way for another massive ...


What is one way these battles contributed to
w Napoleon's downfall?
O Napoleon lost many troops due to cold weather at
the Battle of Trafalgar.
O Napoleon faced his final defeat far from the French
O Napoleon's military was spread too thin as a result
of fighting across Europe.
O Napoleon was forced to build up his navy as a
result of his failed invasion of Russia.


Napoleons military was spread too thin as a result of fighting across Europe. This is because he chased the Russians too far back until Moscow and they closed in on him from the sides giving him time for just less than 100,000 troops to return. He had over 600,000.




Can you help please





!!WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!! Imagine you are a reporter. Your newspaper editor wants a story on a major event that occurred during Jefferson’s presidency. In order to write a story, you need to compile the facts on a specific event.
Your article will be on the Haitian Rebellion!
Article Title (Relate to the Event):
Newspaper (Make Up a Name):
Reporter (Your Name):
Copyeditor (Your Parent or Guardian’s Name):
Editor (Your Instructor’s Name):

First Step: Hook your reader into wanting to read your article. You could tell a story or use a quote. You might relate the past to modern events or your readers’ lives. Introduce the event and basic facts like people and places. Use at least three to five sentences.

Second Step: Discuss one reason why the event is so important. Use facts to back up your idea.

Third Step: Discuss a second reason for the event’s importance. Use facts.

Fourth Step: Discuss a third reason for the event’s importance. Use facts.

Fifth Step: This is where you summarize and review what you wrote.

Copyeditor’s Suggestions:



Article Title (Relate to the Event): Marbury v. Madison

Newspaper (Make Up a Name):  

Reporter (Your Name):

Copyeditor (Your Parent or Guardian’s Name):  

Editor (Your Instructor’s Name):  

Date: 12/2/20

First Step: Hook your reader into wanting to read your article. You could tell a story or use a quote. You might relate the past to modern events or your readers’ lives. Introduce the event and basic facts like people and places. Use at least three to five sentences.

“It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.”  Once said by Chief Justice John Marshall. Marbury v. Madison was a particularly important case in American History. This is particularly important because this case was the initiation of fairness to judicial cases in America.  Judicial review is the court’s ability to review laws for constitutionality.


Second Step: Discuss one reason why the event is so important. Use facts to back up your idea.

Marbury v. Madison is so important because it was the first U.S. Supreme Court case to apply the principle of Judicial review. According to the lesson, Judicial Review is used when the Supreme Court declares that an action by Congress or the president violates the U.S. Constitution.


Third Step: Discuss a second reason for the event’s importance. Use facts

It is also the most important case because it gave perpetual power to Federal courts to void any act of the Congress that violates the U.S. constitution.  This means, the case was not only the first case to do this, but also change the rules for good and create the need of finding new ways to elect new judges. (McBride, 2006)

Fourth Step: Discuss a third reason for the event’s importance. Use facts.

Another reason why this case is particularly important is because after the decision taken in that case, the Supreme Court became a separate branch of the government, along with the Congress and the Executive Branch.  This is how now our Federal Government has three parts, The Executive (President), The Judicial (Supreme Court and other courts), and the Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives).  (Harry S. Truman, n.d.)

Fifth Step: This is where you summarize and review what you wrote.

The Marbury v. Madison case is a historical case that change many rules in the United States. The case is about President John Adams approving a law for 16 new federal judges before finishing his presidential term in 1800.  When Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801, he did not want to approve the law, so his secretary of State James Madison never announces the law to the judges. One of the judges was William Marbury, who decided to fight for his rights and asked Madison to show a cause why he should not have the job he was appointed for.  The Chief Justice John Marshall decided that James Madison was right and under the Constitution he should be protected, and that any person rights should be protected under the constitution even if it was against decisions of the president or the congress.  

Copyeditor’s Suggestions:  I think you could use more evidence or facts?  







Economics of decolonized Africa

Legacy of Decolonized Africa



Through the process of decolonization that began, in most African territories, at the close of World War II, African leaders gained greater political power under European rule. In the decades that followed independence, they worked to shape the cultural, political, and economic character of the postcolonial state. Some worked against the challenges of continued European cultural and political hegemony, while others worked with European powers in order to protect their interests and maintain control over economic and political resources. Decolonization, then, was a process as well as a historical period.

Yet the nations and regions of Africa experienced it with varying degrees of success. By 1990, formal European political control had given way to African self-rule—except in South Africa. Culturally and politically, however, the legacy of European dominance remained evident in the national borders, political infrastructures, education systems, national languages, economies, and trade networks of each nation. Ultimately, decolonization produced moments of inspiration and promise, yet failed to transform African economies and political structures to bring about true autonomy and development.


Does baptism reaffirm the cultural values of Christians and Catholics? And how does it reaffirm?



Baptism  is a Christian rite of admission and adoption, almost invariably with the use of water, into Christianity. It may be performed by sprinkling or pouring water on the head, or by immersing in water either partially or completely. The synoptic gospels recount that John the Baptist baptised Jesus. Baptism is considered a sacrament in most churches, and as an ordinance in others. Baptism according to the Trinitarian formula, which is done in most mainstream Christian denominations, is seen as being a basis for Christian ecumenism, the concept of unity amongst Christians.Baptism is also called christening, although some reserve the word "christening" for the baptism of infants. In certain Christian denominations, baptism is the door to church membership. It has also given its name to the Baptist churches and denominations.


why did general macarthur address congress after he was fired



C. He wanted to justify his recommendations for expanding the Korean War.


After France had surrendered, what leader vowed not to surrender or
quit to Germany?





By 565, the Byzantine Empire contained territory on which continent(s)?

All three are correct


Technically all but it controloled Asia the most. The Mediterranean Sea was in the middle of the empire.

Hope this helps.

After Germany’s unification in 1871, industrialization accelerated and

surpassed the US becoming first in steel production.
industrialization continued mainly in the west.
workers for industrial jobs were difficult to find.
constructed vast networks of railroads.


After the German unification, there was an acceleration of industrialization and they D. constructed vast networks of railroads.

What happened after German unification?

After German unification, there was an increase in industrialization which led to massive steel production.

While this did not eclipse the U.S., it still allowed Germany to build a vast network of railroads.

Find out more on German unIfication at





constructed vast networks of railroads.

Which of the following best describes the role of agriculture in the economy of the North in the early 1800s? Very few people farmed. Farms produced many cash crops for export. Many people farmed but mostly to meet their own needs.



Many people farmed but mostly to meet their own needs



c aka many people farmed but mostly to meet their own needs.


edge 22' got it right

How did the role of the US government change during the Great Depression?



FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) policy and increased of substantially in Federal Government across country. It has help the Federal Government to become larger in the lives of the people and the economic programs that brought them out of the Great Depression.

what is photosynthesis ??​



the process by which green plants and other organism use sunlight to synthesise nutri nutrients from carbon dioxide and water .


Photosynthesis refers to the process where green plants convert carbon dioxide, water and sunshine into chemical energy that's stored in plants in the form of glucose molecules.


Meaning that green plants make their own food from the sun. Through the photosynthesis process where sunshine energy is converted into chemical energy that's stored in bonds on glucose molecules. Water is also split into oxygen molecules while carbon dioxide is changed into sugar.

Can you help wit this





ESPERA30  MnutosI

Claudette Colvin Arrested
Rosa Parks Arrested
MIA Started
Busses were Attacked
Busses were Intergraded
MLK Arrested

Hope this helps ;)


Each Sumerian city-state was dedicated to a patron deity, and this deity’s temple––called the ziggurat––was the city’s most important building. The rulers of each city-state performed a hybrid role that was part priest and part king. Using these details, what can you infer about the importance of religion in traditional Sumerian life?


The Sumerians were probably the first to write down their beliefs, which were the inspiration for much of later Mesopotamian mythology, religion, and astrology. Sumerians believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk enclosed by a tin dome.

George Mason refused to sign the Constitution and opposed its ratification because he believed that it - A did not adequately protect individuals from potential government abuse B did not give the executive branch enough power to oversee the military C prevented the legislative branch from effectively governing the states D prevented the judicial branch from using judicial review to overturn acts of the legislature​


AAnswer: a


George Mason refused to sign the Constitution and opposed its ratification because he believed that it did not adequately protect individuals from potential government abuse. Thus the correct option is A.

What is a constitution?

A constitution is a fundamental document that defines rules and regulations, laws and legislation as well as the power and authority of the government to conduct the functioning of any country.

Mason objected to the Constitution being ratified and refused to sign it because he thought it was incomplete without a bill of rights to protect individual liberty and granted too much power to the federal government as it was written.

A powerful national government without a bill of rights, in his opinion, would compromise the right to personal freedom. He believed that without a Bill of Rights, the Constitution did not sufficiently protect American citizens.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Constitution, here:


PLS HURRY What type of farming did most of the lower class practice?



Subsistance farming


Throughout most of history, most of the lower class practiced subsistance farming. This is a type of farming practiced in a small, or medium-sized farm, and that only yields an amount of agricultural output enough for survival.

Any surplus output, if the farmer is lucky enough to achieve so, would generally be given to a landlord, feudal lord, aristocrat, or any other type of military power in exchange for protection.

Fertilizers used on farms near the coast can be carried to the ocean when runoff occurs during rain showers. These fertilizers can decrease the populations of fish and shellfish. Which other populations most likely decrease as a result?



Option 3


Options for the question

Organisms that eat algae Organisms that live on farms Organisms that eat fish and shellfish All of these


The water of pool becomes oxygen deficient due to over growth of water plants in lieu to flow of fertilizers from farm land into it.

This will adversely affect the organism depending for oxygen in pool water. Thus, the population of fish and shellfish reduces. Now the population of organism that depends for food on fish and shellfish will also reduce. Hence , option 3 is correct

The following headline depicted which historical event?

A) The election of a 3rd party candidate
B) The election of a female candidate
C) The election of a minority candidate
D) The election of a candidate who did not win popular vote




According to the glossary, what are large meteors that enter the Earth’s atmosphere?


Active galaxy







What was the longest lasting volcano eruption in the world ?



"Lava has been spilling out of Puu Oo crater since 1983, making Kilauea the world's longest continuously erupting volcano."


Pu'u'ō'ō eruption last 35 years.


Which Native American tribe was an enemy of the Wichita and an ally of the Spanish in Texas? A.Chickasaw B.Osage C. Apache D.Choctaw​





Some tribes the Wichitas frequently fought and consider their enemies were the Apaches. During the end of the Spanish rule, the Apaches staged constant attacks against the Spanish missions. But as the 1700s went on, they found themselves subject to attacking from the fearsome Comanches.

I may be wrong but this is what I got.




The Apache drove the Wichita away from their home, making the two tribes enemies. They also forged alliances with the Spanish.

What were two purposes of the Sugar Act passed by the British Parliament in 1764?
to tax imported molasses
to tax goods imported from countries other than Britain
to tax traders who imported sugar into the American colonies
to tax farmers who cultivated sugarcane
to tax breweries and wine distilleries



Option "A" and "B" is the correct answer to the following question.


In United states colonial past, the Sugar Act, also known as the Cultivation Act or Revenue Act, was British laws and regulations seeking to end the illegal trade of sugar and molasses from either the French and Dutch Indies and increasing revenues to fund expanded British Empire understand the importance of communication the French and Indian Wars.

How did the Neolithic Revolution change social structures in early human


Answer:the shift of ancient people from a hunting and gathering society to one that was focused on agriculture which led to permanent settlements


An American opposed to the terms of the ''Covenant of the League of nations'' would most likely agree with which of the following statements?


Answer: D.) The United States should not be forced to expend any of its resources interfering with wars started by Europeans.

Explanation: Took the test


The United States should not be forced to expand any of its resources interfering with wars started by Europeans


The Crusades have been called history's most successful failure because:

A)these wars helped bring about the fall of Rome.

B)the Crusaders could not reclaim Jerusalem, but they did protect Constantinople.

C)although the Crusaders captured the Holy Land, they were unable to create democratic reform.

D)the Crusaders failed to hold Jerusalem, but the conflict sparked political, social, and economic growth in Western Europe.





the Crusaders failed to hold Jerusalem, but the conflict sparked political, social, and economic growth in Western Europe.

Other Questions
In "The lard of the Flies" who broke piggy glasses ?a. jack b. rogerc. billd. eric List three authentication questions (but not the answers) a credit card company could ask to authenticate a customer over the phone. The questions should be ones to which an impostor could not readily obtain the answers. How difficult would it be for you to provide the correct answer vs a malicious actor Zara bought 2.4 pounds of grapes and a watermelon what cost $5.28. The total cost of the fruit was 7.32. Which describes a way to determine x, the price per pound for the grapes? PLEASE ANSWER ASAP I WILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST AND GIVE FREEE POINTSSS AFTERDescribe each of the following types of reactions and give one example of each: combustion, synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement. where did we get escoveitched fish and bammy In "a simple way to create suspense " lee child develops the central idea that writes can do develop suspense by reaviling answers A thermodynamic system consists of an ideal gas at a volume of 3.50 L and initial pressure of 6.2 104 Pa. As the volume is held constant, the pressure is increased to 8.2 104 Pa. What work is involved in this process? which one of these is true of a novelfocuses on human naturewritten in poetic styleonly the narrator speakshas a fully developed plot The Sun-Earth- Moon System 8 words What did the Nazis decide would be their Final Solution the Jewish Question (i.e., what to do with Jews from conquered Eastern European nations like Poland and the Soviet Union)? 7) y is inversely proportional to the square root of (x + 1).When x = 8, y = 2. Find y when x= 99. Someone please help!!! 5.00 L of circulating gas has a constant temperature of 75.0 C and a pressure of 200. kPa. What is the new volume in liters if the pressure is cut in half ? Which describes how a centrifuge separates a mixture? It spins a sample to separate based on density. It spins the sample to separate based on boiling point.It heats a sample to separate based on density. It heats a sample to separate based on boiling point. Please helppp!! I don't know how to do this cual es la frase correcta para completar el dilogo?A: qu hago con la carne? B: option 1: los fres con un poco de ajo option 2: frelo con un poco de ajooption 3: frela con un poco de ajo option 4: la fras con un poco de ajo A box contains 5 blue, 4 red, and 3 yellow marbles. Two marbles are randomly drawn and not replaced. What is the probability of drawing a blue then a red marble?5/3620/1301/665/33 que es el folclor y de donde proviene Convert r=8cos+2sin to rectangular equation Help!!!Where on the timeline does the rise of the Texas cattle industry and the "long drive" of cattle across the open range belong? A)1 B)2 C)3 D)4