the two main phases of the cell cycle are the cytokinetic phase and interphase




Answer 1




The cell cycle has two major phases: interphase and the mitotic phase. During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated. Usually the cell will divide after mitosis in a process called cytokinetic in which the cytoplasm is divided and two daughter cells are formed.

hope this helps

have a great day/night :)

Answer 2


i would say false - interphase and mitosis -


Related Questions

Every year, many people get sick from the common cold. While there are medicines that can help with the symptoms, there is nothing that can cure or prevent a cold. What kind of pathogen causes the common cold?

A. Bacterium
B. Fungus
C. Parasite
D. Virus



D. Virus


based on this website:,the%20rhinoviruses%20causes%20most%20colds.

Common colds are caused by various kinds of viruses. Rhinoviruses cause most colds.

D. Virus
The common cold is a viral infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory system.

Which of the following statements about pathogens is NOT true?

(A) Viruses can be treated with antibiotics.

(B) Parasites take nutrients from the host while harming the host.

(C) Fungi can invade and successfully live in or on the human body.

(D) Any species of bacteria is capable of causing disease in the body.



A.  Viruses can be treated with antibiotics.


For most viral infections, treatments can only help with symptoms while you wait for your immune system to fight off the virus. Antibiotics does not work for viral infections. There are antiviral medicines to treat some viral infections. Vaccines can help prevent you from getting many viral diseases.

The answer is A, viruses are treated with antiVIRAL treatments not antibiotics :)

Which best describes why it is important for a scientist to use the metric system when recording data?

so the data can be proven in the scientist’s next experiment
so the data can be shared and understood around the world
so the data can be used in mathematical formulas and models
so the data can be accurate and precise in each experiment


i dont understand you're Q. please explain and ill commet your answer down below. and ill explain you're Q. thank you

The second option, scientists like to have a common unit of measure so they don’t have to continually convert between measurements

Which sequence best describes asexual reproduction?








- 7th Grade Work -

Why are humans dependent on healthy ecosystems throughout the world?

Please answer this only if you have an actual answer, no links either.


We depend on the food chain and lower tier animals in order to feed other animals. It both keeps the ecosystem populations balanced whilst helping out all of the organisms

Below is a chart of the embryo development of many different organisms, starting with a fish and ending with a human.

How do the images in this chart support the idea that these organisms have a common ancestor?


bone structure/ starting point similarity
Put that stuff on the grill and call the boys because we havin dinner tonight!!

The yearly average of predictable weather conditions in a region is known as which of these?







A. Climate


Climate is the long-term or yearly pattern of weather in a particular area. So, the correct option is A that is climate. the climatic factors of any place are:

Geographic latitude.Altitude.Land and water pattern.Relief.

What is weather?

Weather is defined as temperature change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year.

An example of climate is when it is snowy and rainy season in year. Another example is at sea coast temperature remains 25 degree -30 degree, that mean the climate condition is cool and constant through out the year or ages.

For more information regarding weather, visit:


Which resource is renewable? A water B coal C oil D natural gas


A water is the correct answer
The correct answer is… A. water
Hope this helps, if you have any questions don’t be afraid to contact me! ;)

How is this similar or different from the way energy hit carbon dioxide or methane?​


Car bon di ox i de I think hahahaha
You have no image for us to give a answer

Please help I will make you the brainliest.

A student in your class made the claim that when animals eat fruits from plants, they harm the plant and threaten its survival. Use evidence and scientific reasoning to refute the claim made by the student.


the students claim is incorrect, this is because plant's don't have pain receptors, so for example,if an animal were to eat a strawberry, the plant would not be harmed, nor would the plant be harmed if a leaf or bud was removed, it would simply develop new growth. And the plants survival actually increases because most animals will eat the seed with the fruit, and when animals defecate , the seeds have a natural fertilizer.

hope this helps, if it doesn't pls tell me what you think I should change!

To refuge the claim of the student, scientifically it is proven that animals and insects helps in pollination of the plants and trees and help them to increase the population of trees.

Explain how animals help plants?

Animals help plants by pollination and dispersing of seeds. The animals help in growing of the plants. So, we can say that animals does not harm plants, actually, both plants and animal have a symbiotic relationship.

Thus, to refute the student's assertion, it has been scientifically shown that animals and insects aid in the pollination of plants and trees, hence increasing the population of trees.

Learn more about animals and plants


How can tornadoes and/or thunderstorms impact human, plant, or animal life?


Answer: Tornadoes effect the environment by destroying buildings and trees. Tornadoes also kill animals, which effects the food chain and disrupts the whole environment. Tornadoes destroy our farms, which means there will be food shortages around the surrounding area. After everything is destroyed, humans have to rebuild. Tornadoes can cause water contamination, which poses a serious problem, as plants, animals and humans are effected by this. Debris can be very dangerous, as it could kill plants and animals very easily. Some trees take over 100 years to grow, so if they are destroyed, they will be hard to replace. Fires may occur after a tornado due to damaged power lines and gas leaks. Fire contributes to global warming by giving off carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Because of man-made global warming, scientists believe that there will be an increases in tornadoes and other severe weather.

Explanation: Good luck!

They can destroy animal habitats

- 7th Grade Work -

Describe the flow of energy in a marine food web.
Include at least 5 organisms.

Please answer only if you actually have an answer, no links.



The flow of energy in a marine food web include the following:

Plankton⇒shrimp⇒ salmon⇒ seals⇒ whales
In the marine ecosystem, the plankton which are plants are the primary producers while the whales are the tertiary/quaternary consumers as they are at the top of the web.

What is a food web?

A food web comprises of food chains which are interconnected and also

The thin layer of epithelial tissue in the small intestines works somewhat like a cell membrane. How does its structure relate to its function in the digestive system?



The cell membrane acts as a barrier that protects the cell from the external environment and it regulates the movement of the particles or substances in and out of the cell.

the cell membrane is partially permeable, which controls substances entering the epithelial cells, and hence controlling the type of food molecules that get absorbed into the bloodstream, only allowing small and dissolved food molecules into the bloodstream.

1.Where should Species C be placed on the tree?
A. space
B. space 2

2.What is one body structure you used to make your decision?
D.front limb
E.back limb

3.Explain how this body structure helped you make your decision.


1. Space 2
2. Back limb
3. The back limb helps because you can see the shape it was growing into and the tail because two have tails and the others don’t.
1. Space 2
2. Back limb

Air masses of different air temperature and humidity can collide with each other, but do not mix easily, separate based on _______________.


Air masses of different air temperature and humidity can collide with each other,but do not mix easily,separate based on (A front) Answer- A front
When temperatures increase air can hold more moisture. Causing humidity but they do not mix because they will separate once temperatures go way down.

What are some ways water shapes Earth’s surface? by transporting nutrients and waste by forming glaciers and weathering ocean shores by forming river and mountains by absorbing and transporting solar energy





Answer: answer is B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

;] got it correct


I need help no links It is a weather question.



1 - Tempurature

2 - Front

3 - Atmospheric pressure

4 - Humidity

Humidity - the amount of water vapor in the air.
Front - an area where two air masses meet.
Temperature- a measure of the heat in an object compared with the heat in a standard.
Atmospheric pressure - the weight of air pushing down on earth

Please help ASAP I need the answer now its due at 3:00Pm and its 2:41 help


1. Plant
2. Fungi
3. Protist
4. Animal
5. Bacteria

I hope this helps good luck!
1.plant 2. fungi :)))))))

during the mitotic phase first the nucleus then the cytoplasm divide




The answer would be true!
The answer is true.

A group of scientists are studying a disease which is caused by contaminated food. The chemicals in this food cause harm to the body through interactions with the digestive and the immune systems. Which of the following are the scientists most likely to find in their research?

(A) When the contaminated food is eaten, the immune system prevents the harmful chemicals from entering the digestive system.

(B) The harmful chemicals enter the immune system through a break in the skin. The chemicals are then passed to the digestive system by the cardiovascular system.

(C) The harmful chemicals enter the digestive system through contaminated foods. Once in the body, the chemicals reduce the ability of the immune system to react to pathogens.

(D) The immune system transforms the harmful chemicals in the contaminated food into a different form of chemical, which is then broken down and absorbed by the digestive system.


D. The scientists are most likely to find in there research is the immune system transforms the harm chemical in the contaminated food into a different form of chemical,which is then broken down and absorbed by the digestive system
I would say d it just makes the most sense. The person above me is correct

Why do they call aries an aries if its not an air sign but a fire sign instead-



Beginning with the first sign Aries which is a Fire sign, the next in line Taurus is Earth, then to Gemini which is Air, and finally to Cancer which is Water. This cycle continues on twice more and ends with the twelfth and final astrological sign, Pisces.

not sure if this helps

Because it doesn’t work like that

NO LINKS PLEASE!! The thin layer of epithelial tissue in the small intestines works somewhat like a cell membrane. How does its structure relate to its function in the digestive system?



The thin layer of epithelial tissue in the small intestines works somewhat like a cell membrane. ... The cell membrane acts as a barrier that protects the cell from the external environment and it regulates the movement of the particles or substances in and out of the cell.


The cell membrane acts as a barrier that protects the cell from the external environment and it regulates the movement of the particles or substances in and out of the cell. This function is similar to the inner workings of our digestive system. The epithelial tissues in the small intestines work as a physical barrier between the intestines and other body tissues. It also breaks down the food into smaller components and selectively absorbs nutrients, which the body uses in order to perform its life functions.

Which of the following is true when comparing societal laws to scientific laws?

Scientific laws are valid all over the world, while societal laws differ from region to region.

Both scientific laws and societal laws are accepted after qualified professionals vote on them.

Both scientific laws and societal laws are accompanied by severe legal consequences for breaking them.

Societal laws are based on numerous experiments, while scientific laws are accepted only by the votes of well-known scientists.



Both scientific laws and social laws are accepted after qualified professionals vote on them.

Both scientific laws and societal laws are accepted after qualified professionals vote on them. The correct option is B.

What are societal laws?

Societal laws are rooted in the choices and conduct imposed by society or government.

Laws protect our general safety and our rights as citizens from abuses committed by other people, organizations, and the government itself.

We have laws in place to help ensure our general safety. Laws governing food safety are available at the local, state, and national levels.

A scientific law is a fundamental principle, generalization, regularity, or rule that applies universally under specific conditions.

To explain and predict individual occurrences or instances, laws are developed from facts or mathematically.

After qualified professionals vote on them, both scientific and societal laws are accepted.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding scientific laws, visit:


[TRUE OR FALSE]- Different types of organisms have life cycles that include birth, growth, reproduction and death. PLEASE ANSWER ASAP


I’m guessing it’s true.




Everyone dies? Right? Despite all you may hear about ghosts- its not true! Everyone goes through the cycle of BIRTH- LIFE- REPRODUCTION- DEATH!

Please rate or give brainliest if possible! Not needed, I just like helping people out! Friend me if you need any very in-depth help on a test or a problem!

Your welcome!

how do you think bryce felt about losing to austin in you-tubers vs tik-tokers? choose the best answer.

a. pathetic

b. determined

c. embarrassed

d. proud


he had to be embarrassed



[TRUE OR FALSE]- Different types of organisms have life cycles that include birth, growth, reproduction and death. PLEASE ANSWER ASAP





The answer is True I believe

Which of the following statements about the development of disease treatments is true?

(A) A person's genetic makeup allows scientists to ignore replication in disease treatment.

(B) Replication is necessary to develop medications and monitor their effects on the body.

(C) To determine how treatments will act on a disease, scientists use repetition but not replication.

(D) Development of vaccines against pathogenic organisms does not require repetition of the investigation.



Replication is necessary to develop medications

The right response is B. In order to create new treatments and track how they affect the body, replication is essential. In order to produce pharmaceuticals and track how they affect the body, replication is a crucial step in the scientific method.

What are the essentials of the replication ?

Replication entails carrying out the same experiment repeatedly to guarantee the validity of the findings. This is significant because it enables researchers to confirm that their findings are accurate and consistent.

This aids researchers in locating potential adverse effects and other treatment-related hazards. When treating disease, disregard replication. Repetition of the inquiry is also necessary for the development of vaccinations against harmful organisms. In conclusion, replication is essential for the development of medicines and the observation of their physiological effects.

To guarantee the security and efficacy of disease treatments, this technique is crucial. The genetic makeup of an individual does not permit researchers to disregard replication in the management of disease. Repetition of the inquiry is also necessary for the development of vaccinations against harmful organisms.

In conclusion, replication is essential for the development of medicines and the observation of their physiological effects. To guarantee the security and efficacy of disease treatments, this technique is crucial. The genetic makeup of an individual prevents scientists from the hazards.

Learn more about replication   at:


How can this information help us to think about this volcanic explosion and how it relates to Earth's temperature?​


i have no clue

Explanation: ask someone else

Well if 22 tons of SO2 or sulfur dioxide is released into the atmosphere this contributes to global warming and sulfur dioxide stays in the air for 1-2 years

In her science notebook, Yasmin has classified the following diseases into the two groups shown below.
- Which of the following are appropriate titles for Yasmin's groups?

(A) Group A: Bacterial Diseases; Group B: Fungal Diseases

(B) Group A: Fungal Diseases; Group B: Bacterial Diseases

(C) Group A: Infectious Diseases; Group B: Noninfectious Diseases

(D) Group A: Noninfectious Diseases; Group B: Infectious Diseases


Answer: (C) Group A: Infectious Diseases; Group B: Noninfectious Diseases


The answer is C. All the ones in group A can be spread to others, while the ones in group B cannot.

Look at the diagram of the water cycle model above.

What is one part of the water cycle that is missing from this model?



1. Evaporation

2. Condensation

3. Precipitation

4. Collection


I hope this helps, so sorry if it doesn't!! I haven't done this a while.

The part of the water cycle missing is the runoff or where the water meets the land.
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