Which of the following is a power of the president to check the Supreme Court?


Answer 1
The answer is Judicial review

Related Questions

The greatest impact of the Spanish on the Native Americans was
A. The spreading of Christianity
B. The increase of Native American independence
C. An increased food supply
D. The spread of diseases





i think its b because they do increase of native American independence

Why did this soldier have mixed feelings while on R&R in Australia?
He felt ashamed of his actions in war.
He was wounded.
He felt under the weather.
His R&R was too short.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided

paragraph provided

Hi Vern,
Got your letters today. It was great hearing from you. Actually, I can’t summarize my feelings of my trip to Australia [for R&R—“rest and relaxation”]. I don’t know if I had a fabulous time or not. It was weird. Getting back to a completely English-looking and -speaking country made me feel kind of ashamed of the way I’ve thought and acted over here [in Vietnam]. I realize that I’ve actually enjoyed some of the things I’ve done which would be repulsive to a healthy mind. This place does make you sick in the head.When one starts to enjoy the sickness of war, he is sick. . . .
—From Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam, 1985



The answer is, a. He felt ashamed of his action in war


I got it right on the test!

Which characteristie of the Neolithie Revolution helped lead to the growth of
Party river valley civilizations?



Domestication of plants ocurred in the river valleys, as the agricultural revolution in the Neolithic enabled growth and control of crops. With a better system of water supplies, the plants, being the primary source of food for animals then led to domestication.

Which country joined the United States, the Soviet Union, and France during World War IIto form the Allied Powers?

Great Britain






Great Britain


Which organization started after the Civil War to terrorize former slaves and prevent them from pursuing their rights?
A-Radical Republicans of the South
B-Union League
C-Freedmen's Bureau
D-Ku Klux Klan





The KKK aims to do exactly that

The Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 helped to show
the American forces were certain to win the war.
who the American leader was.
how the Americans would fight against the British.
Americans had better supplies than the British forces.



On June 17, 1775, early in the Revolutionary War (1775-83), the British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts. Despite their loss, the inexperienced colonial forces inflicted significant casualties against the enemy, and the battle provided them with an important confidence boost during the Siege of Boston (April 1775-March 1776). Although commonly referred to as the Battle of Bunker Hill, most of the fighting occurred on nearby Breed’s Hill.

Battle of Bunker Hill: Yankees Prepare to Fight on Breed’s Hill

On June 16, 1775, on the heels of the Battles of Lexington and Concord that kicked off the Revolutionary War, American troops learned that the British were planning to send troops from Boston to occupy the hills surrounding the city. Some 1,000 colonial militiamen under Colonel William Prescott (1726-95) built earthen fortifications on top of Breed’s Hill, overlooking Boston and located on the Charlestown Peninsula. (The men originally had been ordered to construct their fortifications atop Bunker Hill but instead chose the smaller Breed’s Hill, closer to Boston.)


Battle of Bunker Hill: June 17, 1775

On June 17, some 2,200 British forces under the command of Major General William Howe (1729-1814) and Brigadier General Robert Pigot (1720-96) landed on the Charlestown Peninsula then marched to Breed’s Hill. As the British Army advanced in columns against the Americans, Prescott, in an effort to conserve the Americans’ limited supply of ammunition, reportedly told his men, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” When the Redcoats were within several dozen yards, the Americans let loose with a lethal barrage of musket fire, throwing the British into retreat.

After re-forming their lines, the British attacked again, with much the same result. Prescott’s men were now low on ammunition, though, and when the Redcoats went up the hill for a third time, they reached the redoubts and engaged the Americans in hand-to-hand combat. The outnumbered Americans were forced to retreat. However, by the end of the engagement, the casualties of the Battle of Bunker Hill were high: Patriot gunfire had cut down some 1,000 enemy troops, with more than 200 killed and more than 800 wounded. More than 100 Americans perished, while more than 300 others were wounded. Three weeks later—on July 2, 1775—George Washington arrived in Cambridge, Massachusetts to take command of the Continental Army




7. Which group of people did Jackson most often support as president?
A. Republicans
B. common people
C. rich upper-class
D. American Indians



As national politics polarized around Jackson and his opposition, two parties grew out of the old Republican Party–the Democratic - Republicans, or Democrats, adhering to Jackson; and the National Republicans, or Whigs, opposing him.

Government positions: President of the United States

Participated in conflicts: War of 1812


Why were the American colonists upset when the British Parliament introduced the Stamp Act of 1765?
The act increased the price of all printed forms of paper.
The act increased the cost of sending mail to Europe.
The act made it difficult for colonists to move between states.
The act restricted trade between colonists and other nations.



A. The act increased the price...

In the Trans-African slave trade, other things were traded besides human cargo. The Arab nations along the Mediterranean Sea and the tribal nations of Sub-Saharan Africa were dependent on each other for the commodities of gold and salt Which BEST describes why these two regions were dependent on each other?

A)They both disliked the Europeans, and because of that only traded with
each other

B) They shared a common religion and that made each region highly
dependent on the other

C) They each had one of the commodities but not the other, so they needed
their trading partner to provide it

D) They each had a surplus of those commodities, so the easiest thing to do
was to give that surplus to the other one.

Thank you for your help! Much appreciated-
No links please thx



C) They each had one of the commodities but not the other, so they needed their trading partner to provide it


Given that the Arab nations along the Mediterranean Sea possess the capacity to mine salt, but not gold, while they value gold as a means of wealth and riches, the sub-Saharan African region, in contrast, can mine gold but not salt, while they value salt in making preservations and food cooking. Thereby there is a need for the two regions to be trading partners to provide their needs.

What does Caesar hope his soldiers (and Shakespeare hope the audience) learns from the story of Antony and Cleopatra?





What was the response among Americans when the Soviet Union launched satellites into space in 1957?



When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite, it began what became known as the Space Race. Shortly after, the U.S. also launched its first satellite, Explorer I, in January 1958. The two nations competed with each other in order to be the first to send a human to the moon. Americans felt the need to compete in order to show that they were more technologically advanced. This increasing competition and tensions between these superpowers was the result of the Cold War, an indirect confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union to contain their rival's ideologies.

In what ways we're divided Koreans and divided Germans similar



That's what came to me... Sorry


They were similar because the Koreas are divided into North and South. Germany was also divided when the Berlin Wall was standing. They were divided into East and West.

he GDP of the United States in 2015 was about

From 2000 to 2015, the GDP has mostly

The GDP will most likely
in the next five years.





The GDP of the United States in 2015 was about  

✔ $18,000 billion


From 2000 to 2015, the GDP has mostly  

✔ increased


The GDP will most likely  

✔ increase

in the next five years.

GDP or Gross Domestic Product is the total value added through production of goods and services annually in a Country.

Gross Domestic Product

The given question has three statements related to GDP of US, and we need to complete them. Following are the complete sentences:

The GDP of the United States in 2015 was about : $18,000 billionFrom 2000 to 2015, the GDP has mostly:  increasedThe GDP will most likely: increase in the next five years.

Learn more about GDP here:


how were the middle colonies economically different from new england and southern colonies



The middles colonies had rich farmland and a moderate climate. This made it a more suitable place to grow grain and livestock than New England. The Southern colonies had fertile farmlands which contributed to the rise of cash crops such as rice, tobacco, and indigo.



The middle colonies were economically different from New England and the southern colonies as they had more indentured servants than the other colonies. The correct option is c.

The economy of New England initially specialized in nautical or boating equipment, but the region gradually established mills and factories. The setting is suitable for water-powered machinery (mills), which enabled the creation of finished items such as woven textiles and metal tools.

The middle colonies had fertile farmland and a mild climate. This made it a better location for grain and livestock production than New England. Their surroundings were excellent for modest to large farms.  The fertile farmlands of the southern colonies contributed to the emergence of cash crops such as rice, tobacco, and indigo.

Therefore it can be said that the middle colonies were economically different from new england and the southern colonies as they had more indentured servants than the other colonies.

Thus, the correct option is c.

Learn more about middle colonies, here:



The Byzantine Emperor Justinian I was driven to?
A) beat back an invasion by the Huns
B) reorganize the Byzantine army and government
C) restore polytheism in the empire
D reconquer the old Roman Empire



D reconquer the old Roman Empire

The Byzantine Emperor Justinian I existed compelled to reconquer the old Roman Empire.

What was Byzantine Empire?

Byzantine Empire existed as one of the long-lasting empires of the medieval age which stood established in 330 AD and persisted till 1453. It existed eastern half of the roman kingdom with Greek origins.

They maintained Greek and Roman writings by examining them. They even preserved the literature of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle and a rare of Homer.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. reconquer the old Roman Empire.

To learn more about Byzantine Empire refer to:



What do you think had the greatest impact on the outcome of the Civil War?


Promoting the passage and ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. Which of the following had the greatest impact on the outcome of the Civil War? Economic differences between the Union and the Confederacy.

How does President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address differ from his second
inaugural address?



sim eu também preciso desta respota

Tarsus was the capital city of Cilicia.
o True
O False


The answer is trueeeeeeee




-5 Paragraph Essay
- Proper Writing and A good Essay not sloppy
due by 11:59 PM
use only the sources linked, please!!
The Document that needs to be written on is linked as brainly creating and evidence...or Rome.docx



that's so hard but I'll try don't worry

Name two African Americans or Hispanic leaders in journalism from New Jersey



Pat Battle and Marci Gonzalez

2. While there has always been tension between Mexico and the United States, one issue that has gained
major prominence since the 1980's is:
(A) The illicit narcotics trade.
(B) Intellectual property theft.
Nuclear weapons.
(D) Environmental damage done by Mexican factories.
(E) Reparations for the Mexican-American War





because USA declined to incorporate with the union, due to political interests of the northern which were against the addition of new slave state. Thus, the Mexican government also encouraged for boarder Raids and the warnings for any attempts of annexation that would lead to have a war.

Did mikhail Gorbachev and deng xiaoping have in common



An economic reform

List three historical issues that have been used to debate the different interpretations of the Constitution. There are two interpretations: Loose constructionism and Originalism.
Loose Constructionism - A document does not mean the same thing as when it was written for the purpose of keeping it up to date. The meaning of the constitution changes.
Originalism - A document means the same thing today as it did when it was written. It has not been changed to keep up with the times. Keep the “original intent”.


Three could be honestly what you want and the answers are very vague.

Select all the correct answers.
Imagine that a strong foreign navy had blocked the ports near Rome. What would have likely been the biggest concern to the people of Rome?

The city of Rome could run out of grain bought from across the sea.
The city of Rome would be defenseless because the Roman army was far away.
The trade in exotic goods from Carthage and Spain would be disrupted.
The soldiers in the Roman colonies in Spain and Gaul could desert the army.
The Roman government would run out of silver and bronze to make coins.



mabye the second answer the city of rome would be defenseless

can someone pls help?!



The answer is (d) NATO

The answer is A, Warsaw Pact

Economic growth is _____
a- the GDP's peak (or highest point)
b-a continual increase in GDP
c- the same as GDP



sorry i dont kn ow this i wish you the best bro


I would say its B. The reason for B is because Economic Growth means an increase in real gdp - an increase in the value of national output

I hope I helped :)

Put these all in order.
No links, and I need this fast please.





I'm not to sure sorry!

Did the embargo act of 1807 benefit American merchants?!!


In late 1807 Congress passed the Embargo Act to punish Britain and France. American merchants lost huge amounts of money because of the act, which prevented merchants from selling goods to either nation. In 1809 Congress replaced the embargo with the Non-Intercourse Act. That law did not work either.

A government of our own is our natural right . . . it is infinitely wiser and safer to form a constitution of our own in a cool deliberate manner, while we have it in our power, than to trust such an interesting event to time and chance.
—Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

In this quotation, Paine recommends
refusing to pay taxes to the British government.
doing business without regulations.
forming a government while the chance exists.
leaving American independence to chance.



forming a government while the chance exists.


Considering the quotation in the question, Thomas Paine in his Common Sense writing, which was published in 1776 when the American colonists were having issues with the British rule, recommended that America should form a government while the chance exists.

This is true because the quoted line says "..it is infinitely wiser and safer to form a constitution of our own in a cool deliberate manner, while we have it in our power than to trust such an interesting event to time and chance..."

Which of the following was a technological advance made during the Zhou dynasty?
A. The use of bronze to make sculpture and statues
B. The development of advanced mathematics
C. The use of oracle bones to record events
D. The use of coins for the first time


I believe it’s A! Hope this helps


The Answer is option A. Hope this helps

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